Post something you can't say out loud.

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To my science teacher: Okay, I know my module is due today but I'm not done and it's hard. You gave me 24 hours to get an entire book done and I can't finish it on time. Really. I can't. I still have another module to finish and my final exam is on tuesday. Are you a friggin slave driver? Ugh. I'm not THAT smart. Unlike you who has the answer book RIGHT THERE. And oh by the way, I'm leaving for a different province this weekend and it's about oh...1000 kilometers away so HA! Try calling me NOW. :p
To a friend:
YOU don't know what you're doing. Youre confused. It's obvious. Please make those things clear in yourself and then decide. But please think twice before doing anything.
to my mom:awwwe i feeel so bad for sure every thing will be ok!i la you!

to my friend:awwe im gonna miss you so so much...i hope you have lots and lots of fum camping!!!
To an ex friend (yes...again): Your sorry's are words...I don't care, I don't believe them, get it through your head...YOU HURT ME!! Yeah, I get the homophobic comments every day...and believe it or not when you here it from someone who's supposed to be your friend...IT HURTS!! So I don't know what it's going to take to be friends again...I don't want to be friends with you again, because I know what you think...You don't like bisexual or gay I'm not gonna be friends with a person who doesn't like me!
To a friend: GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Stop being so DUMB! GOOD GOD! Seriously, you don't tell me anything and then expect me to be okay with it when you just..Spring me some news? Oh and by the way? I'm not stupid. I can see what you're doing so GET OVER YOURSELF.

-And just to be clear, this isn't directed at anyone here at talkcsi.
To a friend: what do you want? Whenever you call you always want something from me... this time, I'm scared... What do you want???
To the aforementioned ex friend: I CANT STAND YOU, YOU PREPPY, Theres-nothing-more-to-life-than-my-slutty-friends-and-my-jerky-boyfriend SOCIALITE!!! OMG! I cant believe that you couldnt even spend ONE weekend alone with your FAMILY! Good Lord, its ONE weekend and you just HAD to take a friend with you and then have the nerve to go home early! GAAHHHHH I dont even care that you completely abandoned me because I see how shallow your existence seems to have become.
To a friend:
Okay, you really didn't know what you had done! :mad: You know I love your previous girlfriend. And you were kind to take me to your ex-wife to have extra maths lessons from her. (She wasn't nice at all, I hate her but she's a really good teacher). And you should have told me about that you went back to your old girlfriend. I didn't want to be the first to know about it and you didnt think it DID matter to me. You were like: I hope you dont mind if we pick her up and go together. And I was like Uh, that's okay... What should have I said??? Would you have liked if I had said No way, she cannot come. And when she get into the car I was swallowing my tears until we arrived to your ex wife's house (the journey took at least 1 hour...) and she was kind to me, I just can't stand her because there's nothing in her to like. She just exsists and that's all. What the hell do you love in her? :rolleyes: And I just couldnt get "A" out of my head... I was like what she would feel if she knew your're with "J" again? You left "A" 3 times for that s1Ut. And I was the one to feel bad about this whole situation, and I felt guilty. I still love you as a friend (you cant be not loved, and you do know that). You just really shouldnt have done it. Mostly not to me. You ruined my day and made me feel guilty when it wasnt my fault...
To the guy i met last night:

Im sorry about what i did last night. I shouldn't of left you for that other guy. You were soooo nice to me throughout the night we talked, danced,drank and had a great time. I dont know if it was the alcohol but i shouldnt of left you for that other guy. That other guy didnt even looked like if he was interested in me at the beginning and looked like if he wanted my best friend instead. But i thought he was really cute. We didnt do nothing of course but we were a little bit too close when we went to go eat and you were there just staring at us... I hate myself for putting looks first instead of personality but thats just how i am. SSOrry ... :(

To self: Hopefully i wont see him again because i'll be too embarrased and ashamed :rolleyes:
To the woman in the social security: You're stupid. You made me go there twice, when there were no need for that. And it was so hot, I couldn't breathe... :(
To someone special:

You have no idea how you make me feel. I've never felt like this before. I can so see it work between us, it just feels so right. It freaks me out in a way, because it's a whole new feeling, but I'm willing to dive into the unknown with you. :)
To my best friend: She's not worth it, just let it go and stop hoping. She is not interested in a relationship, stop trying because you are making a fool of yourself.
my 2 year pattern doesn't seem to break. even after i've given you all i had left you decide its best to stab me and walk away. one of these days, when you need me again, you'll realize what you've just done. cause the one time i could have used the company, you walked away - always expecting me to be there when you needed the company. if i do becomea *p* i hope you realize it's because you were the last of them.
um i'll try :) ex-best friend: we used to be soo close but got to cool for me? you told me what you didnt want me to do, and i didnt do it. but you never told me i couldnt tell him i knew you. its not even a big deal! god you blow it way up! he didnt even care!! and what i did made you get over the little drama.. ever since then it hasnt been the same between us. and guess what everyone agrees. they feel its different between you and themselves too!! you used me to get close to my best friend. why because scott likes hers? so now that your friends with the people who are cool enough for you, you just blow everyone off. well we cant take it anymore. we know about your book. and guess what. it doesnt work! you wont become that. you will be the total oppisite. i hope you dont ruin your life. because the way your acting now, your going down that path. best to you.

To my best friend: why do you like her. i dont see what you see in her. shes two-faced and you know it. it hurts me soo much that your so close when you know what shes done. i know you dont know i care, but i cant tell you. it wouldnt be right. shes so different around you guys its not funny. i hope one day you see that she isnt the person you think she is. i love you so much, your the bestest friend i could ever have, so i trust you, but im sorry i cant trust her.
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