Post something you can't say out loud.

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to carleigh b. h. : i fucking hate you! die die die!
rot in heaven!!! your hate mail does make me giggle!i want to ste on you and smush you into the ground!!!!!
grr i hate carleigh. she is so grr. i'll help you smush her. i don't freking care what god thinks of me. if you didn't already know i'm not religius. it doesn't mean anything to me so what you say doesn't mean anything either.
Um, just my opinion here, but I'm not sure we should be giving full names to the people mentioned in this thread. It might be something we can't say outloud, but they're still real people. Things should probably stay anonymous.

But, I'm not sure so don't take it from me. :p
*cough* I'm inclined to agree with speed_cochrane - can we leave out the full names please? even if you think that person does not read this board or is not a member of it. It doesn't mean that person won't find out what you're saying about them. Trust me, seen it happen ;) especially if you are saying you wish they were dead, which is not a very nice thing to say I might add, even if you don't really mean it.

<digs on Wibble's location>

Dad: F*** you. Eff you for being such a d***, eff you for coming spraying with that damn thing, and especially eff you for finding the camera. Did I mention you're a D*** and you need to shut the hell up?


To that guy that looks at me funny every time I walk the dog: Ummm... mind our own damn business, okay? And stop quoting scripture at me. Religion is subjective, and your futile attempt to force it upon me gives me an urge to kill you.

To mom: Again, you fail to realize I have a serious problem.


To a certain group of people I somewhat dislike (although most of them are cool): I don't give a flying rat's ass if you are the majority, that doesn't mean we should join you or die. I respect your opinion, but really, you don't need to be throwing "#1 FAVORITE!!!" in everyone's faces or be so caustic even in titling yourselves, do you? <sigh>

To the love of my life: DAMN YOU, COME GET ME ALREADY!
To a someone: I know what reality is, I know what having a life is, I know how to live you moron! You say I'm in my own little world half the time and I don't face reailty...well, MAYBE I DON'T LIKE REALITY! Besides, I do face reality...I've faced a lot of shut up! Just because I don't want to do anything toay doesn't mean I'm not facing means I don't want to do anything today. And I do so have a life, I just don't really have one right now.

To another someone: I don't need to go to church, I don't need to be fixed, I don't need to change. Gawd, I'm getting soooooooo sick of all this religous stuff being dumped on me...I DON'T CARE!! Watch me go and live my life the way I want to! I do not need you lecutring me on how I'm doing suff against gods wishes...I DON'T CARE!!! So blah, if you wanna still be friends then don't lecutre me on how I'm living my life wrong!
grr i agree with you levon! but hey shes just being stupid! i mean if she is willing to lose a rea;;y good friend over somethign as stupid as you likeing girl than that says a lot about doesnt it!!!!!

to the people who always seem to be outside yelling at 1:00 in the effin morning!:grrr shut up just shut up! i dispise you! arghhh if you havent noticed...some people actually sleep!!!!!!!!!!! so just...SHUT UP!!!!!!!!

to allie: i miss you!
To my best friend:
Actually, I know you think I'm jealous of your friend- even though I know I'm the best friend of yours. I just cant hear when you say "OMG, I dont want to spend a week with her and her family!" You could have said NO when she asked you about it. And when I mentioned that I didnt want to listen to it, you got hurt. I know a best friend is for helping problems (and for many other things), but it's your own fault. I also know you thought she had changed her mind about your friendship and had stopped doing things she'd been doing awhile. But after THAT party it turned out that she didn't want to be a good, a better person. And you know TOO that she wants to turn you against me- because you were the one who told me about it. And I know our friendship is strong, but please don't let her do what she does. Because you don't like it. And it does matter. Really.
To mum:
Thank you ;)

To dad:
Please, can you see it now.. look in my eyes and tell me you can't see the sparkle. This smile on my face, my cheerful mood, it's because of her. You always said that you'd be happy when I'm happy. Well, I'm happy now. I know you need time to get used to it, but I hope you will.
A few reminders:

-No posting names of the people
-No death threats, not even "as a joke"
-No talk about sexlives etc.
-No talk about illegal activities
-Post something what you cannot actually say out loud, no things such as" to my cat: stop chewing my leg!"

Thankies. Otherwise thread gets closiiieesssss :D
CatherineWillows and sandleissocute if you need to talk, you know where to find me. ;)

To someone who I used to work with: I'm glad I don't have to see you again. :devil:

To the best friend of my mom:
Do you even know what you're doing to your girlfriend? You've broken her heart TWICE so far. Do you want to do it for the 3rd time, too? Go ahead. But don't get shocked if I won't let you into my house anymore...
Cant you realize she LOVES you? She made sacrifices and became your girfriend. She didn't wanted to, because you had her on TWICE! But now she's with you and you SHOULD appreciate it!!! Please don't break her heart because I love her too as a friend; she's a very precious person, you should see that too! :(
To a someone: There is no way that I will forgive you. You can't blame what you said on a "bad day" because you wouldn't of said it if you wern't thinking it! Yeah, maybe you did have a bad day, but that bad day just stopped you from lying to me. So no, I will not forgive you, and I don't think I'm being rude...because you know what? What you said hurt me!

To another someone: You say I'm afraid of my feelings...and they can scare me...but I face them. So stop going behind my back and telling everyone that I'm some depressant that needs help!
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