Post something you can't say out loud.

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To my body: Seriously pick a state. Sick or not sick. Its not that hard. One day you feel like your dying. The next day you feel like you could go bunjee jumping...not that you would but still. And then the next day you wake up and you can't breathe! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!

To my head: Stop hurting! Seriously I'm tired of the migrane's!

To my dad: Your seriously but I still love you.

To the t.v.: Is there NOTHING on anymore?
Celtic_angel said:
I think she means an ACTUAL fan, 'cos it's so freaking HOT! I don't like this weather! It's so freaking UNCOMFORTABLE. AAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!
Oh, BTW, to that boy: Now you know ( or at least, you should know. If not then why did I even get a crush on you? C'mon, I thought you were smart! Then again, you ARE a boy :rolleyes:) can you please play the ball good? I can't tell you how to play it, but even if you don't want to do anything about this do be nice about it. If you aren't then SOMEONE's ass is gonna get kicked. And it WON'T be Anna doing the kicking!
And to the girl: you're being a right bitch, y'know? At least treat me like a HUMAN BEING, and THINK. Maybe that boyfriend HAS gone to your head, but that gives you NO excuse for being such a bitch! :mad:
Other girl: Now he knows, and it's YOUR FAULT! It may be good, but honestly, did he HAVE to find out through HIM?!?! Jeez!

So does HE actually know it yet, what you waiting for girl? How come you don't talk to me on CSIfiles anymore, you seem very talkative on the phone and in emails....:lol: We're like best-friends, how come you don't tell me stuff like this, yet willing to tell the whole world about it?
CSIannalysse said:
Celtic_angel said:
I think she means an ACTUAL fan, 'cos it's so freaking HOT! I don't like this weather! It's so freaking UNCOMFORTABLE. AAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!
Oh, BTW, to that boy: Now you know ( or at least, you should know. If not then why did I even get a crush on you? C'mon, I thought you were smart! Then again, you ARE a boy :rolleyes:) can you please play the ball good? I can't tell you how to play it, but even if you don't want to do anything about this do be nice about it. If you aren't then SOMEONE's ass is gonna get kicked. And it WON'T be Anna doing the kicking!
And to the girl: you're being a right bitch, y'know? At least treat me like a HUMAN BEING, and THINK. Maybe that boyfriend HAS gone to your head, but that gives you NO excuse for being such a bitch! :mad:
Other girl: Now he knows, and it's YOUR FAULT! It may be good, but honestly, did he HAVE to find out through HIM?!?! Jeez!

So does HE actually know it yet, what you waiting for girl? How come you don't talk to me on CSIfiles anymore, you seem very talkative on the phone and in emails....:lol: We're like best-friends, how come you don't tell me stuff like this, yet willing to tell the whole world about it?
??? I did tell you, girl! Just using names, instead. :lol: Anyway, they don't know who the HELL I'm talking about, so I can vent without opinionating people unjustly.
to someone: why you are such a sexy beast! :lol:

to friend: please, you need to come with me on that party! cmon, it's will be fun! :p i will get you..i will seize your hair and pull you out of that house! :lol:
To a friend:
I wouldn't have thought you could behave this way, I still like you anyway, but our meeting changed a lot things. There are good and things groving also. I really really like you and this meeting tought me not to be surprised next time we meet. I love you though but don't you bring your little mirror with yourself when you come somewhere with me, promise me, okay? And don't complain of your hair, face, eyes. Okay, those are not perfect, but who is?
To a certain friend: I'm so sick of you being so self centered. I was ALWAYS there for you, you could call me at any time and I'd be there to listen. If you had a bad day I was there to listen. But when it comes around to me you don't care. You say "things get better" and "ugh, just shutup, be more positive" but I can't be positive if I had a bad day. And when you have a bad day you're not you're aloud to be negitave but I'm not aloud? I don't understand...why are you only aloud to have bad days? And you're always saying you have it don't know that...people have a horrible day everyday...and you have it worse?...

And you say I need to shut up and get over my friend being in Victoria. But I love her so much...more than you will ever understand. And you said me suddenly crying was pathetic...but I'm an emotional person...and you know I always have been. And I was crying because she was gone and I didn't know how to tell her that I loved her...and I still kind of don't. And it hurts SO much when you're telling me to get over it...because I can't. And yeah, she's coming back...but in a long time...and yeah, I get to see her when I go to Vancouver...but it hurts so much to love somebody and not be near them...

I thought you were my friend. But I don't know what to think hurt me with your thoughts, you hurt me with what you say...and I real friend doesn't hurt their friend. I don't feel like I can trust you anymore...because you're hurting me...and if you're hurting me...there's just no trust.
To someone: gaaaaahhh *drools* ohhh nice outfit :p You are so YUMMY!

To my cellphone called Jayney:
I'm so sorry baby that I almost dropped you down the toilet yesterday.. luckily you fell on the floor.. well, luckily, it was one big watery pool, but I managed to save you from drowning.. your antenna almost broke off, but I managed to get it straight again, no bandage needed. I'm so happy you didn't die on me because you've been with me for over three years now and while other people get rid of theirs after 6 months, I'd like to have you with me for another 3 years..
Good for you! My sister says her phone sucks and wants to get a new one, but... I don't even have one and it's not an accessory, it is a real piece of well designed technology! So SHUT UP. :mad:
You know what, Dad? Fuck it. I don't want to go to the new school where I'll have a lot better opportunities. I'll sit on my ass every day and I won't become anything, just like you. I'm sick of this. I wish you'd just die. At least Mom supports me. She says you love me. You don't. I won't accept that you just show it in different ways, you don't. That's crap. And even if you did suddenly love me, it wouldn't matter. I don't love you and I never will. I hate you, so much.
To a couple of people:
You know something, just keep out of business that's not yours. It doesn't help anything, and is only going to make people angrier.

To my dad:
Get over the fact that I am not going grad school anywhere NEAR here, and probably never come back this way. Get over the fact that I am not going to any baptist churches ever again, and that I will be going to a UCC church while in grad school. I can no longer believe in your "religion." It is oppressive, and not right. I don't want to here that when your doing the right thing, people don't like it in regards to our idiotic president. You know the people who are doing the right thing- opening the churches to gays and lesbians, allowing women in the clergy aren't necessarily liked either. People don't like people who speak out against this unjust war. And people don't like people who bring up human rights abuses. You know, if Jesus were alive today, he'd probably be in Guantanamo, put there by the very people who claim most to believe in him.
To parents: Speak louder, I can't hear what you're saying about me.
Mom: Sounds good from what I hear.
Dad: Go die.
To new roommate that I've known forever: Awwe, I'm happy your living with us! And oh yeah, it may seem like there's enough room right now...wait 'til Allie gets back :p

To this day: You're a bad day...and I don't care if I haven't spoken a word since Chelsea walked in...because you know what? I'm not in the talking mood.

To my after bite: I LOVE YOU!!! You were worth the 3 dollars I spent on you :D
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