Post something you can't say out loud.

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To this Guy I like:
Look, I'm Really Sorry for being a total B*tch to you, I'm Sorry for blocking You on MSN for no reason, I was just in a really bad mood. I just really Don't know. Ergh, Its Just that I have a thing for you. Only Z said you had a girlfriend. so I think I'm going to shut up now.
Oh Yeah, And Kissing you was never a mistake.
Ok... My best friend just passed the langage exam. I can't say out loud how I didn't believe she could pass it. She did it very very well though, she got 90% :eek: I'm proud of her anyway, but to be honest she didn't believe in herself either.

Emily, do it! Do it! ;)
PLEASE OH PLEASE JUST PICK UP YOUR MESS. I am sick and tired of picking up the stuff you leave on the table, and the stuff you leave in the bathroom that the DOG eats by the way, and the stuff you leave in the kitchen. I don't care if you work full-time and can't be bothered to help around the house. That's not an excuse. And you know why you're working full-time? Because you didn't finish highschool. And you know why you didn't finish highschool? Because you're lazy and never bothered to do the work. And now that explains why you leave a mess everywhere you walk.

I don't care if you're tired when you get home. Stop going out with your boyfriend and friends to bars and wasting your money. It's no wonder you're not healthy, the way you eat and the way you live your life. It's no wonder you're not happy. Look at how you treat yourself and others. And I am sorry if you think that everyone around the household blames you, but the reality is, if you don't clean your mess, than 98% becomes yours, and we can blame you for it. If you could just pick up one piece of crap on your way upstairs everytime you went to get a chocolate bar or a needle pumped full of sugar, then the house would be a cleaner place.
*sighs and looks down at my stomach*

To my tummy:

Seriously, are you never going to let me eat again. STOP BEING so damn food SENSITIVE! I would like for just once in the past 2 days to be able to eat something without feeling my stomach being squeezed really tight, adn without feeling like i'm going to blow chunks! Seriously I like to eat and there's a box of brownies sitting in the cabinet that I would LOVE to make but I can't because whats the point if i'm not going to enjoy them!
Thanks, Dolphin. I swear if its not one thing with me then its something else. And now my dad wants to take me to the hospital and I don't like hospitals because they make me feel even more sicker then I already feel. And seeing blood doesn't bother me. But I swear if a nurse comes in and asks me how I'm doing every five seconds I'll...I dunno. But I'm not going!
Why did I kiss you? I'm not good enough for you. I'll only hurt you. I already have because I was scared and it changed into anger. I'm not mad at you. I'm just frustrated as hell with myself.
obsession_360 said:

That would explain why I think she's the Devil's offspring.

-To my big sister..Again:

Okay I went into the bathroom this morning and guess what I found? The toilet was not flushed. Again. When the bowl starts to turn black at the bottom, that means IT'S NOT CLEAN. I don't care if you're sick everynight or if you just figure you'll get everything out at once, FLUSH THE GOD DANG TOILET. It smells like an outhouse. And yeah I'd flush it but I don't want it to plug and then explode. *runs for dad* DAD FIX THE TOILET! ...*sigh*
to Geni's big sister: I guess your parents were only moved in with your boyfriend to sleep with him. Well look where it landed you! sick every night? you mean morning? :lol:
Lia said:
Why did I kiss you? I'm not good enough for you. I'll only hurt you. I already have because I was scared and it changed into anger. I'm not mad at you. I'm just frustrated as hell with myself.

don't worry, I am sure everything will work out fine

Tracy- I hope you aren't going to be a total b*tch at Silver's party tonight but I wouldn't be surprised.
To myself: Um..Yeah it's 11:29 pm and you're sitting at Talkcsi instead of being in bed. What is wrong with you? Don't you know your brain expects at least 8-10 hours of unconsciousness? And stop looking out the window you OCD moron. The clouds are not going to get you, and no there is no dust on the window. Stop trying to clean it. It's now 11:31 at night. GO TO BED. *sigh*
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