"Post Mortem" Discussion **Spoilers**

I find this episode the best so far this season. I really enjoyed every bit of it. I really felt sorry for Greg in the lawsuit, laughed my ass of about Hodges' robot dance (did he have too much coffee or something) and the Sara and Cath scenes at the crime scene were just making me squeal, and I'm not a quealing king of girl!
labgeekluvr said:
sherlockanne said:
We should form the GSBC ("Greg Sanders Bodyguard Committee")... What do you guys think? ;) :D

I'm all for it--wouldn't it be funny if a bunch of sent Eric fan letters saying that the Greg fans over at talk.csifiles.com have now formed a bodyguard committee to protect Greg? :lol:

Haha!! Actually I still haven't sent my fan letter to Eric, so I think I'll re-write it now that I've seen 'Post Mortem' and mention that we formed a bodyguard committee for him on here. I'm sure he'll find that very amusing... :D

Oh and to tell the truth, I was to worried about Greg's storyline I really wasn't that involved in the other mini crime scene case but I still think it's very interesting and creepy... I can't wait to see who the killer/modelmaker is!
McStokes said:
ok...here's a theory for you...remember in "Stalker" when the newsletter said that Nick liked to make toys in his spare time?? Well...maybe our mini crime scene killer is NICK!!! He's finally getting his revenge on Grissom by messing with his head! ("It's over" indeed!)

Ok...enough coffee for me!

Well, while I don't suspect Nick :) I do wonder if it's an insider — someone who's enough of an insider that when he/she gets caught, it will cause Grissom to need to take a break for a while.
I thought it was really well-acted, and the "Lollipop" at the beginning, while bizzare, added a really nice creepy tone to it. They should've run this closer to Halloween
Lab--No he couldn't get fired for that, if he was arrested-yes, but losing a civil suit-no, the forum is different, it's not criminal it's civil.

If I was Greg I'd ask for a non-jury civil hearing, just the judge, and from the evidence, he shouldn't lose, will he, that's for the writers to decide, but if he doesn't, if he wins, I really do think that brother will snap.

I swear you just want to protect Greg, always have, but now, really, it's like you want him to walk with that police tape around him, no one can come within 5 feet. :)
GunsNRoses259 said:
labgeekluvr said:
sherlockanne said:
We should form the GSBC ("Greg Sanders Bodyguard Committee")... What do you guys think? ;) :D

I'm all for it--wouldn't it be funny if a bunch of sent Eric fan letters saying that the Greg fans over at talk.csifiles.com have now formed a bodyguard committee to protect Greg? :lol:

I'll join that club

Oh me too! We should do it!!!
sarahvma said:
I thought it was really well-acted, and the "Lollipop" at the beginning, while bizzare, added a really nice creepy tone to it. They should've run this closer to Halloween
i wasnt the only one who was creeped out by the song? wow.
Well, CSI ruined Stand By Me and that song, pretty much the same way Tarantino ruined Stuck in the Middle With You. lol.

But Mr. Roboto Hodges? GENUIS. What's the word?
Haha!! Actually I still haven't sent my fan letter to Eric, so I think I'll re-write it now that I've seen 'Post Mortem' and mention that we formed a bodyguard committee for him on here. I'm sure he'll find that very amusing... :D

I recently sent him a get well card, but I'd be willing to send a second note to him. ;)

Maybe we should come up with t-shirts or buttons or membership cards or something.
Well, I had a really nice, thought out post and it disappeared again when I pressed "Continue". Why am I apparently the only one this happens to? I guess I just took too long writing out my thoughts. Well, I'll begin again, but it will be too brief:

I just wasn't as interested in the mini-crime scene case this time. It took a backseat to Greg's inquest. Sorry Destiny, but it did. I plan to rewatch the episode so maybe I'll learn a little bit more about the murder case.

What I did notice about the investigation of the old lady's death was the amazing contrast in apparel displayed by Catherine and Sara. Catherine had on what I can only describe as "I'm goin' to a par-tay later after the shift" kind of shiny top while Sara's was business as usual. They both are talented criminalists, but it was just kind of funny (and shallow of me) to note the difference.

Why would Grissom tell Greg to get out of his suit? Greg was going home so I found it weird that Grissom would say that to him. Was he just trying to be cute because he had told Greg on that fateful night in "Fannysmackin'" to get out of his monkey suit? I just thought it was weird.

I think the writers are trying to make Hodges more quirky to take the place of Greg's former fun-guy persona in the lab. I must admit I wasn't as turned off by Hodges this time. His little dance reminded me of how Greg used to have fun in the lab.

Well, I'll stop now to see if my post disappears again.
Props to my friend, Glenn, for finding that "Willis" is the artist that performed "Word Up".