"Post Mortem" Discussion **Spoilers**

I liked it
not my favorite so far but interesting

the mini crime scene was good but a bit confusing and it did look like the old woman was struggling with someone then to find out she wound up 'throwing herself out the window' or did I miss that?
her nephew was creepy, the perfect suspect but alas not

and Greg, I'm beginning to like Greg more and more
he held his own didn't let that 'juror' get to him
and all the info about the half glass of wine he had 7 hours before shift shot down that jurors' theroy right there

but Greg is the only thing that really caught my attention in this episode
and WHAT was Catherine wearing?
- That. Judge. Was. An. ASS!!!!!!! I wanted to take a swing, I swear...

- Bravissimo Nick and Warrick, sticking up for poor Greg in a most constructive manner! That's our boys, that's teamwork, baby!

- The Greg-torture had my tummy clenching at times. Eric played his scenes magnificently. Still, at times I felt like screaming "Enough, already!" And you know this ain't the end of our poor Greggo's abuse...

- That version of "Word Up" had me going "...huh?!" I remember dancing my butt off to the Cameo original "back in the day"...Hodges' attempt at dancing to it was hilarious in sort of a surreal way...

- Finally, Archie, if only for a few seconds!! Course I know from a reliable source ;) that he'll be more present in some of the upcoming eps but the Archie-deprivation was getting to me... :lol:

- I KNEW I recognized the ADA! I knew it!!! She also played Dr. Diamond on "Picket Fences"...yyyyyyesssss!! ::searches in vain for headbang smilie, will have to import it from PKO...::

- The last scene, where Grissom and Archie are looking at the tape of the guy dropping off the mini-crime scene...a definite "to be continued" feel to that...

All in all, great ep, Eric gets a gold star, a happy face and loads of cookies for his performance, and it'll be hella interesting to see where they take this storyline without "going for the obvious"...but then, maybe they'll "go for the obvious" in a way that really blows us away and gives us a killer episode and Eric a possibly Emmy nomination...

I'm such an optomist... :D
GREAT GREAT GREAT episode!! This is the first serial they've had on this show that I'm insanely interested in. I can't help but think what the 2, and possibly 3 if he kills again, have in common, and WHY he's killing them. Also perplexed as to the reason for the mini models.
it was good. very good.
what was greg served with at the end? i didnt get that.
greg's facial expressions throughout the whole thing...wow. really good, i could see exactly what he felt. and nick abd warrick going back there too help...
griss was nice to greg. and to david too. he told greg nice job. im not overly nuts about gsr, but the way that sara looked at him when he said good job, it was nice. it was like she was saying thank you to him for being nice to greg.
the mini crimescene was good. very good. nicely done. that doll is still creepy. i cant wait for the rest of that case. it is interesting and intruiging (sp?). when does it pop up again? in living legend?
its also interesting that the killer is so thourough that he went back to fic his crimescene...he made it before he killed her. how could he know exactly where every bottle had been? the scissors, everything. he could have made it there, because he placed the body in the chair, so she wasnt dead when he made it, right? it didnt look that penny was one to go out. how did he get in the house? not just to poisen her, but to take pictures, maybe in his memory or maybe with a camera, so he would know how to do the mini. its impossible to go, very strange, because the bottle would have changed places if he had seen it earlier in the day. so its really weird the whole thing about her dying in the window.......
UNLESS *has brainflash* she was unconscious from the nicotine, right? so maybe he DID make it there, and what he wasnt expecting was for her to get up. now THAT makes sense.

as for my david, as much as i love the guy, hes an awful dancer. i laughed so hard that my cat hid from me :p his dancing was sort of mechanical in a way. it makes sense though. very cute and funny. im happy that no one saw him, because they peobably wouldnt like the idea. even though they are accepting him more now, still, they sorta look down on him in a way.
it was ADORABLE that he said please to grissom, and how he said that he knows that look. i said before that gris was nice to him, what i meant was, he wasnt mean to him, which is an amazing improvement.

all in all, good ep.looking forward to more :D
one more observation:

And what was up with Greg calling Nick "Nickolas"? In the scene with Sofia, Greg said: "Nickolas was right, this isn't a trial it's a circus"....Greg or anyone else has never called him that before and I found it both strange and fasinating.
No, I think he was talking about the coroner guy at the beginning. I can't remember it might have been the judge, but it was one of the two that said "This is not a trial". Greg was commenting on that. Lol, I don't think he called Nick Nickolas
ok...here's a theory for you...remember in "Stalker" when the newsletter said that Nick liked to make toys in his spare time?? Well...maybe our mini crime scene killer is NICK!!! He's finally getting his revenge on Grissom by messing with his head! ("It's over" indeed!)

Ok...enough coffee for me!
I was so scared when the guy was asking about Greg and the alcohol he consumed. I loved how Greg was able to prove that he didnt have any alcohol in his system.

Of course Hodges ... it was nice to see him and Grissom get along. and his robot dance ... I love it.
Wojo, I was going to say ask that very question, I thought he meant Nick when he said Nicholas, only because of Nick's testimony..which he totally had Greg's back on and you can tell he's still pissed about what happened too.

But I think what he said was Nichols..that's the ADA's name.

Greg totally threw it right back in the judges face, I swear, even the judge was going after him as well, I mean, there is questioning and then there is blindsiding..Greg, as always kept his cool and really came through it.

What I liked about that scene was, up to that it was just all emotion--his answers, you could tell he was uncomfortable..then the question, he was more pissed than upset, when he closed his eyes--his scientific mind took over and he just belted out those formulas and proved that no way was there any alcohol in his system.

Now comes the civil case, which according to my lawyer friends have already said there is no way that Greg would lose that, but of course this is TV so the same rules don't apply, while I love the fact that this storyline is a long one, really, I think if they show that, this may be one of the longest ones on the show..and Eric is shining, but still, I totally fear for Greg, I have since I read those spoilers about Fannysmackin' when they first came out.

But still, Eric was just so good again (but really, is that a surprise) it's good to see him stretch this character.

But on the other hand, even Grissom can see there is something that has changed about him, it's almost like his light has been dimmed a little..hopefully, everything will turn out fine with that civil case and we will never have to hear about Demetrius James again..and Greg will shine like he always has.
xfcanadian, I can see where you are coming from. Grissom and Sara have been working together a lot but was it me or did they really not have many scenes together? I though it was kind of weird that they were working on the crime scene together but really didn't interact.
What I liked about that scene was, up to that it was just all emotion--his answers, you could tell he was uncomfortable..then the question, he was more pissed than upset, when he closed his eyes--his scientific mind took over and he just belted out those formulas and proved that no way was there any alcohol in his system.
even though i knew about that from the initial spoilers (a long time ago) i was still surprised that he came up with that information so fast...the math and everything. the guy is a genious!
Yeah, how he closed his eyes before answering, apparently gathering all the information.. Definitely showing that he's a genious.

I can't say much about the other story line because I was so into Greg's, but I do like that they are continuing what they started and I do agree with whoever said that Griss and Sara didn't seem to interact a whole lot. I mean, they did, but the didn't.. Makes no sense I know, but its just kind of wierd..

Oh, and after watching this episode for the third time, I noticed that while Sophia was on the stand and talking about the Jessica victim, when she said "She's alive. But she is still suffering from mental and physical scars that she may never recover from (something along those lines anyways)" they cut to Greg very quickly and the look on his face, in my opinion, shows that he too is still suffering. Which, is obvious with all the trials and how he admitted he isn't sleeping, but theres more to it than that. That look he gave proves he is going through much more than we are seeing.
sherlockanne said:
We should form the GSBC ("Greg Sanders Bodyguard Committee")... What do you guys think? ;) :D

I'm all for it--wouldn't it be funny if a bunch of sent Eric fan letters saying that the Greg fans over at talk.csifiles.com have now formed a bodyguard committee to protect Greg? :lol:

On another note: question referring back to legal troubles and getting dismissed (ie Nick)--not that Greg's going to lose the civil suit, but could he get fired if he did? Or is that just a concern with criminal charges?
labgeekluvr said:
sherlockanne said:
We should form the GSBC ("Greg Sanders Bodyguard Committee")... What do you guys think? ;) :D

I'm all for it--wouldn't it be funny if a bunch of sent Eric fan letters saying that the Greg fans over at talk.csifiles.com have now formed a bodyguard committee to protect Greg? :lol:

I'll join that club