"Post Mortem" Discussion **Spoilers**

You might want to wait about including the body guard formation in your letter, but that's just me.

Another thing about last night's epi, yet again Sofia gives him some kick ass advice, you know, he talks to Sara, he's close with Sara, but at the same time, it's like he kind of shares some emotional things with her, like after that case of the woman that set herself on fire, and now this.

Whether you like her or not, both times she did give him pretty good advice.

TOOTS-I was thinking the same thing about Hodges, the dancing..I said to myself, are they trying to make him more like Greg?

And that scene with Grissom, I was thinking, if that was Greg, and he was still in the lab, he wouldn't have had to ask Grissom to share, Grissom would have asked him questions to see what he thought..but they are definitely making Hodges a little quirkier, yes, I agree.
That came out really good, he so needs bodyguards..really, with those accident flares too, all around so no one gets close.

I swear this feeling has been plaguing me for months, sometimes spoilers aren't a good thing, but I need them..it's such a double edged sword.
labgeekluvr said:
Here's a treat for the bodyguard committee. If anyone wants a personalized one, PM me and I'll make you one.

Click Here

That's cute. Guess I need to join this committee too. Have to protect our Greggo. :)
Wojo, I think we all need those, he needs a lot of protection.

Pabzi, And quirky, that means, well, sort of different, like say, Greg was in the lab before, except a little toned down, people have quirks, like say, every time they hear a certain song they have to dance, or they sing to themselves..something.

At the end, Greg was served with papers informing him he's being sued in a civil case about Demetrius' death.
what is a civil suit? meaning he will have to give the family money? but since the death was excusable...will he still have to do it?
david always was quirky :) his personality has changed over the past few seasons. season 7 looks great for him. they are defiately giving him a more solid presence on the show :)
I really wanted to kicked the shit out of that juror who seems to have an attitude towards Greg before the reveiw even started. I have a funny feeling that we will see him again. I believe it will be during the civil suit (ie working for the defense, judicial manipulation). It just seems too convoluted to be asking too many "racial" regarding this accident.
That brother scares me too. He really wanted to run Greg over.
this was a very different episode for csi but i think it fit in very nicely. at least the writers proved to us they are capable of dealing with continuity, so good job on that. the way the inquiry went was so well done, i know they tried to make you feel for demitrius family, but im still on gregs side. if some crazy mob member is coming at me with a rock you can be sured im going to plow them down. :lol:

however, this is purely my opinion, i think the writers are taking gregs case too far. for me, it would have been perfectly fine and over at the end of the inquiry. i think the law suit from the family is a little too much. the writers need to learn how to give us character development without using only negative storylines. show us how the team and his family help greg get through this, dont drag him back to court. i just find it interesting that with all the traumatic things the writers have put the other characters through this storyline looks like its going to have the largest arc.

i too think the actually crime storyline was the background story, but it worked for me. they gave us a little bit of new information but not a lot. we have no obvious connection and only the potential of a suspect. keeps everybody wanting more. was glad to see sara and grissom were able to work together without making goo-goo eyes at each other.
that piano music they played with the minature crime scene, freaked me out! and the crazy doll on the pillow! freeaky! i really liked the episode and i cant wait for next week
Yeah, a civil suit means if he loses they can get some money off of him (or try to), the level to prove guilt is much lower, that is why in a criminal case they can be found not guilty but in a civil one, they can be.

And it was deemed excusable, honestly from the evidence it should have been ruled justifiable, I think that if they show the civil case, they will lose because there really is no case there against Greg at all.

And that miniture crime scene, that guy has a got a lot of time on his hands..plus, he must have been in the homes to know the exact layout and such.
I thought this episode was brilliant. Although I was annoyed by the judge and the jury and the family of Dimitri James.
I was positively suprised when Warrick called Greg "Greg". When he said it the first time, I was like: "Did he just say Greg instead of Sanders?" Heh.
And Hodges dancing; awesome! It was about time we saw some goofiness in the lab! I thought it was very Greg-like :p

The miniature looked so neat, I agree with Hodges. (Can't remember his exact words, but he said it was better, right?) I wonder how the next miniature is going to be like(if there is going to be one..)
Lauw said:

I was positively suprised when Warrick called Greg "Greg". When he said it the first time, I was like: "Did he just say Greg instead of Sanders?" Heh.

Oh yeah! I remember watching that part and thinking there was something about that scene that was different.. It was because Warrick called him Greg!! YAY! Maybe he just won't call him Greg to his face? Don't know.

But I persoanlly could not stop thinking that the victim was somewhat like Catherine. I don't know why actually, so don't ask. Hahaa, anyways.

Yeah, I'm still happy that Greg was called Greg.