"Post Mortem" Discussion **Spoilers**

MM--what do you think it is..hell, ever since I read the spoilers for Fannysmackin' months ago I've been worried that Greg would get killed by the brother..and I still am.

Lab--I don't think so, she was more pissed that the Judge himself brought that up.

He knows his stuff, he totally handled it like a pro, they said that when they posted the spoilers..that he nailed his testimony about that "drink" question, and he did.
In the first post on page one is the Guest cast and who plays the character. A.D.A. Valerie Nichols. -- But the ADA the judge questioned about was ADA Alrig (I believe is how its spelled).

Also I would like to say something, this episode contained two storylines, but only a few have mentioned anything about the second one. Just trying to balance it. This ep was eccentric Greg, and eccentric Grissom.
Destiny said:
In the first post on page one is the Guest cast and who plays the character. A.D.A. Valerie Nichols: Amy Aquino.

Also I would like to say something, this episode contained two storylines, but only a few have mentioned anything about the second one. Just trying to balance it. This ep was eccentric Greg, and eccentric Grissom.

Thanks for answering my question about the ADA, and about the verbage being mostly about Greg's storyline at the moment--don't worry, eventually we'll move over to the "Leggo our Greggo" thread, but it's safer for us to post here for now because of spoilers. We just need to vent--sorry. :(
Well, I'm chiming in, finally. I had a dance lesson (Swing, yay) and missed the episode. I recorded it, though, and just finished.

The MCSK: Oh my Vaughn what a great storyline. I really liked seeing Sara in action. I mean, Gris was on top of things, but she got a lot of work done on this one, and it was great. I also like how she and Cath are back to being friends. No more screaming at each other in the halls like in Season 5. They really have a good working relationship.

Though, I have to say, the first time I saw the two of them walking side by side in the halls, I just died laughing. Sara was in a nice V-Neck, and Catherine was in a shiny, low-cut swoop neck, no-sleeve shirt. My boss would shoot me if I wore that to work! :)

Loved the boys (Nick and Warrick) coming up with a way to help Greg. And, I loved watching Nick up there defending his friend. Their scenario, showing just how few seconds Greg had was really awesome.

That said, the court room stuff really bothered me. I'm not dissing the Greg storyline, as I really found most of it quite interesting, but I didn't feel like I was watching an episode of CSI.

Last year we had the episode, "Killer" which I very much enjoyed. However, as much as I enjoyed it, it felt like another show, like I wasn't watching CSI, anymore. All the court room stuff in this episode made me feel like I was watching another show. I enjoyed it, but kept wondering when CSI was going to come back on.

Loved Grissom saying something nice to Greg, and Sara's look of adoration for Grissom taking her advice. It was appropriately Grissom. He's not the type to apologize much, he's just not good at it, but he will tell someone every now and then that they did good. I'm so glad he told Greg.

I'm looking forward to more from the MCSK. Really am. I recently rewatched, "Anonymous" and it just struck me how much I loved having a serial killer taunting Grissom.

Grissom handled this one better than the Izzy Delancy one. He seemed a little more together, but I think that's because he felt a little more victorious. I mean, he was able to see that the killer was so obsessive, he had to fix the model, but not well enough to scrape off all the left over glue. Also, he spread the coupons around the room after killing Penny. That's a strange thing, because his plan was already ruined, but I guess he felt the need to make it precise, almost staged. That little detail is interesting to me, and I'm not sure why.

Also, the significance of the bloody doll gets more and more interesting. In the first case, it was plastered behind a picture of Izzy and his baby. In this one, it was going to be behind the dead body, an aunt, a family woman. However, as we go through crime scenes, we're getting a bigger version of the same doll. In the first, we were in a very tight shot. This time, we see more.

Does this imply that as time goes on, we'll get more of the picture? That the killer is playing a game, trying to hint that it'll all come together, someday, wondering if Grissom or whoever, will spot the significance of the doll?

Dolls usually speak to childhood, to innocence. Or, there are some people who spend their whole lives collecting dolls, especially porcelain ones, because they hold significance as being special. However, the blood on the doll implies a breach of purity. Porcelain faces are usually white, painted to reflect innocence. Blood suggests a breaking of that innocence, be it through learning pain by a bloodied knee after falling off a bicycle, or witnessing a cruel murder, or even a less physical breach of innocence, such as emotional abuse.

The doll raises many questions. We're getting more of the picture as time goes on, but how much longer can we wait for clarification before the killer kills, again? There's something to that doll. It's a pattern, it's a signature, but it's one that we're seeing more of with each kill. The killer wants us to see something, but they don't want to have to tell us outright.

We'll see, I guess.

Overall, enjoyed this episode. It just didn't feel like an episode of CSI to me. Oh, and Hodges dancing.. I laughed a full two minutes on that one. Awesome.
Ha, the hodges dance scene was funny, i was laughing sooo hard I half expected sara or grissom to be in the doorway watching him giving him the "what on freakin earth are you doing" look

Ohhhhh the whole greg scene made me mad! :mad: he survives an attack and then everyone is against him. it is gregs never-ending bad day!

The miniature crime scene was cool and the grissom-sara chemistry was sweet but not overdone. I liked this episode alot.
labgeekluvr said:
Destiny said: In the first post on page one is the Guest cast and who plays the character. A.D.A. Valerie Nichols: Amy Aquino.

Also I would like to say something, this episode contained two storylines, but only a few have mentioned anything about the second one. Just trying to balance it. This ep was eccentric Greg, and eccentric Grissom.

Thanks for answering my question about the ADA, and about the verbage being mostly about Greg's storyline at the moment--don't worry, eventually we'll move over to the "Leggo our Greggo" thread, but it's safer for us to post here for now because of spoilers. We just need to vent--sorry. :(
You're welcome, as to the storyline, I didn't say that the greg storyline couldn't be discussed, but rather that their were two storylines, and the majority is only based on one, while this isn't uncommon, I would think that more would like to hear peoples reviews of the ep in whole (both storylines) when possible.
We should form the GSBC ("Greg Sanders Bodyguard Committee")... What do you guys think? ;) :D

*Shrinks under Destiny's stare* I'm surprised they're continuing the mini crime scene mystery... I agree it's becoming more interesting. The details are creepy!!
Best episode this season by far. I was completely compelled by the storyline in regards to Greg, and also very much immersed in the Forensic storyline. The science was amazing, the acting was right on target, Hodges' dance was one of the weirdest things I've ever seen, the stories were rich and beautifully developed, and most of all, when Nick took the stand and absolutely tore apart that asshole's stupid question, it made me love him even more than I already do. Also, when Greg showed the Judge where it's at with his spiel about blood alcohol levels, I was pretty much amazed and literally stopped the TV to just rant for several minutes about how well he knows his stuff, and how you can't touch this, dadadada, dada, dada, can't touch this. My CSI boyfriends save the day and show the world their super powers, once again.

They do love their continuing storylines this year. Kinda reminds me of early S1, it's the same format: mostly standalone cases with recurring ones like MCSK and Milander thrown in and character storylines woven in.

I'm gonna agree with what's already been said about Greg. He needs a bodyguard and it does make sense that the civil suit would get dropped and then some other danger pop up when we don't expect it.

Warrick Warrick whereforeart thou Warrick? I know he was testifying for Greg but couldn't he have gotten just a little more screentime?

I'm interested in the doll pic too...I thought maybe the killer was hinting he was killing due to or in revenge for some kind of childhood trauma (the breached innocence was already mentioned)
I've been saying that I fear this storyline for Greg, I do..and yes, I definitely wouldn't mind him having someone with him at all times.

And the mini-killer, doesn't this all seem so random? Was it drugs that connect them, was it that they were doing something wrong, Izzy sleeping with the nanny, the aunt selling her drugs so she could suport her habits?? And why the dolls head with the blood?? If he had the crimscene already done, one that means he knows the layout of the homes and two, the dolls pic may have been added later for the woman, she was supposed to die in the chair, with no blood, but she went through the window, other than rearranging the model, could having to make that doll's pic pillow cause the model to be late on arrival?

Both storylines are fantastic, I love that this episode was basically two storylines continuing, great GREAT epi. So far this season has been great, especially for Greg.
speakerset said:
MM--what do you think it is..hell, ever since I read the spoilers for Fannysmackin' months ago I've been worried that Greg would get killed by the brother..and I still am.

Well, thanks to a dream- actually a nightmare- I had one night, having seen it happen on so many shows, and an extremely pessimistic and overactive imagination, I fear the brother coming back with a gun and seriously hurting him this time. Like permanently. In the head, neck, or back. I know it's only TV, but....well, it's a long story. I keep trying to convince myself that I hope they would not do something like that. I mean, what I imagined happening when he got beat up was pretty much along the same lines (without the gun part) and thankfully that never happened. Sorry if I implanted any new worries in Greg fans.

Anyway, to keep the balance and although I couldn't really pay much attention to the MCSK, it is a fascinating storyline. And I was pleasantly surprised to see DJ Qualls in the episode. I do remember hearing he was going to be on the show, but I couldn't remember which episode. This is the one storyline I hope they keep up because, like I said before, it just amazes me how someone takes the time to reconstruct everything, right down to the last minute detail.
I love this serial killer storyline...perfect for Grissom!

Greg was great, I felt bad for him...and wanted to kick that jurer...

Hodges doing the robot....classic!

I am getting sick of Grissom and Sara working together...They are my LEAST fave pairing on the show, WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE EVERY SINGLE CASE! That is making me angry. :mad: :mad:
Wojo said:
Loved the way Nick stood up for Greg in the courtroom but I especially liked the way his eyes filled with tears in the locker room with Warrick when he said "What can we do to help him?" It was a pleasant surprise to see he and Rick recreate the crime scene from Greg's POV.

This was great, I was not disapointed but I am scared of what might happen in the future, saince Greg was served at the end.
He did look so sad and scared.

Good to see I wasn't the only one that saw that Wojo. I loved how defensive Nicky was of Greg while he was on the stand and then wanting to recreate what happened afterwards. I loved Nicky for doing that. I was on pins and needles in this episode. The guy in the jury the judge should have tossed out. That guy was so biased against Greg. It's obvious he couldn't give an unbiased verdict. From the first moment he spoke he was against Greg. I'm glad to see that I wasn't the only one ticked at the judge. He was so biased against Greg it wasn't funny. I personally wondered if he was working with the family somehow to get a verdict so they could go after Greg in civil court. I'm not sure though. I was really worried about Greg with the scene in the bathroom and then later on in the parking garage. I was so worried about Greg. I loved that Greg kept a stiff upper lip and stayed strong.

One question about the episode though ( this was from my husband when I told him about the episode.) When Nick was under suspion for Kristy's murder ( I can't remember the season sorry.) Grissom said that if he was charged that he couldn't work as a CSI? Would the same thing of happend to Greg as well if it was deemed a homicide?

The other case was really fascinating as well in a lot of aspects. I will say I couldn't help but laugh out loud ( in a very quiet house ) when Hodges was doing his little dance. That was so hilarious. It was such a great comical moment to add ease to the episode. The minature diorama was well detailed again. Interesting how the guy goofed and went back to fix it. Interesting. I expected Grissom to be exhausted as well after last week's episode. I guess his medication is working.

Overall an awesome episode. I wasn't sure when I read spoilers saying it was tying to two epiosdes but it was still fascinating.

Take Care,
catwarfan said: One question about the episode though ( this was from my husband when I told him about the episode.) When Nick was under suspion for Kristy's murder ( I can't remember the season sorry.) Grissom said that if he was charged that he couldn't work as a CSI? Would the same thing of happend to Greg as well if it was deemed a homicide?
The ep you're thinking of is Season one "Boom"
CATHERINE: If Nick's arrested. it's not going to matter that he's cleared later.
GRISSOM: No. It's an automatic dismissal.

To answer your question, more then likely yes. Look at Warrick in Season 1 "Cool Change" he was suppost to be fired for his role in not clearing the scene or following proceedure that led to CSI Holly Gibbs death. The difference there though he wasn't accused/suspected of the murder, where as Nick was in "Boom", and if the Jury would have decided that Greg committed Homicide then he would have been in the same position as Nick.

As to the Mini Crime Scene, I found it to be a good consistancy they don't over do it in every ep, but rather keep you waiting, I also was a bit confused, in the light of the older womans home you could clearly see that she was fighting with someone, and yet, the evidence showed that she wasn't but instead having an episode due to poison that caused her to go head first through the window. Bring to the fact that the MCS had to be changed so the killer couldn't leave it to taunt Grissom like before.
OUTSTANDING..again.. this season, for me is better than S/6.. so far.. the beginnig with Grissom & Sara working together .. nice to see that ;)that poor woman..horrible way to die :( and than cut to Gregie.. he's so cute.. and so worried and so onscientious about what he was doing :( (he has such soulful brown eyes)and having to relive that horrible scene.. I felt so bad for him.. he seemed so troubled..and good for CSI.. finally following up on a former ep. ;) and everyone givng him the evil eye :mad: Sofia giving him advice.. ;) and Brass and his incredible interrogation of the suspects always on top of his game ;).. The nephew..creepy kid :( and Warrick and Nick.. so different in personailties.. yet so tight when working to help their team mate.. and both so handsome :p.. and the bathroom scene.. I thought if that guy hadn't of walked in.. that volatile brother was going to pound him :eek:...and that damn judge.. I'm going WHAT!!!!! a..HOLE.. and the garage scene. when will this be over for him :( poor baby :( and Grissom insspecting those freaky little houses.. he gets off on this kinda of stuff. he's so into it!!!with his tweezers and tiny flashlite :D and Hodges.. as annoying as ever.. DON'T DANCE :devil: FOOL.. Sara looking more beautiful than ever. and who the frig is making these spooky little houses????? will we ever know?????? good show.. kept me on the edge of my seat..go Richard Lewis. ;)