"Post Mortem" Discussion **Spoilers**

Didn't see that one coming. Damn. Well, yeah. One thing is for sure, the brother will be back. I think dear Greg should be once again worried for his well-being. Dude, this super sucks for him. I love Greg angst but this is starting to get to me. I mean, yeah, I like it I suppose, but its starting to hurt my heart for Greggo. Aww, I'm excited/worried/nervous about the upcoming episodes.

I'm still certain we will see a breakdown sometime soon, but thats a different stroy.

Back to the epi.

I loved it. It had a great balance in it, I think. Sure, I woulnd't object to it all being about Greg.. but of course that would be a bad idea for the show and there would be some angry fans, and some happy ones. But I liked it. I loved the emotion. I especially liked when Doc finally admitted its homicide and the look he gave Greg, and the look Greg returned. It was all so plainly said there. Loved that.

Loved that Nick and Warrick wanted to help. At first, I was a bit worried with Warricks first comment, but it got better. I loved their effort, espescially Nick in the courtroom.

Ugh, I'm back to thinking about the brother. This is deffinitely going to be a problem. They made it crystal clear that he will be back. GAH!! Mixed emotions here!!

And the civil suit.. DAMN! Gah.. I hate it so much for him. I really do. And I usually don't get this personal with the characters, but Eric has managed to pull me in completely and now I feel horrible for him. Ugh, he is so amazing.

Lol.. anyyywaaayz.. yeah. Really liked this one.

Gris and Sara was nice. I'm not a shipper in any way, but they have pretty nice chemistry so it was nice.

Anyways.. yeah
Omg that kid is gonna come back to haunt him (literally)... He is seriously freaking me out!! If only he had us Greg fans to protect him, that guy wouldn't dare come near him!! :mad: I'm so glad Grissom told him he did good work (and in front of Sara too!).

Btw Hodges was hilarious with his little dance scene!! :lol: :D
I like this episode. Go Greg! Go Nicky! Greg put the judge in his place. I don't like that kid, he doesn't know his brother, neither his mother. If the lawsuit don't do it. I know that kid will be back. I hope Greg stand up to him.
OMG the Greggo-ridden angst!!! How much more h-e-double-hockey-sticks can they put the poor guy through? Just when you think it's over. ARRRRGGHHH!!!

Sorry for venting--it was just very hard for me to watch.

Loved Hodges dancing around the lab to "Word Up", though--that was a much-needed moment of levity in a very stressful episode.
labgeekluvr said:Loved Hodges dancing around the lab to "Word Up", though--that was a much-needed moment of levity in a very stressful episode.

Definitely!! At first I was like "what the heck is he doing?" and then I realized... "ohhh he's dancing!!" and I actually broke into a little giggle. :lol:

I'm so nervous for the upcoming episodes... Even though there wasn't a single glimpse of Greg in the promo, I'm sure the evil brother will be back. Maybe they'll have a big resolution in the finale with Greg finally standing up to him and just telling him "Look, I didn't want to kill your brother, but he was helping to beat up a guy and could have killed me. What do you want me to say?" But hopefully we won't have to wait that long to find out what happens.

I'm so glad Nick and Warrick had Greg's back. The whole team's on his side so the brother better back off! :p
Loved the way Nick stood up for Greg in the courtroom but I especially liked the way his eyes filled with tears in the locker room with Warrick when he said "What can we do to help him?" It was a pleasant surprise to see he and Rick recreate the crime scene from Greg's POV.

This was great, I was not disapointed but I am scared of what might happen in the future, saince Greg was served at the end.
He did look so sad and scared.

Oh yeah, the Mini crime scen killer made one hell of a mistake, he'll be caught soon. Hodges was funny with his dance (trying to be like his hero Greg?)
sherlockanne said: Maybe they'll have a big resolution in the finale with Greg finally standing up to him and just telling him "Look, I didn't want to kill your brother, but he was helping to beat up a guy and could have killed me. What do you want me to say?"

Well, he said that on the stand, and it didn't do much good.

Hopefully we won't have to wait that long to find out what happens.

It's going to drive me crazy knowing this isn't over yet and that he has some sort of wrongful death suit over his head. "Leggo my Greggo" already!

I'm so glad Nick and Warrick had Greg's back. The whole team's on his side so the brother better back off! :p

I think our boy needs a team of bodyguards--maybe all the Greg fans from talk.csifiles. Memo to Greg: Do not go anywhere alone.
I think our boy needs a team of bodyguards--maybe all the Greg fans from talk.csifiles. Memo to Greg: Do not go anywhere alone.

I'm with you on that, we can be his bodyguards, and Greg, please don't go anywhere alone
I guess I was more intrigued with this miniature scene than the first one. The details in the miniature were more telling than the first. It gave more clues.

I liked the Sara/Cath scene where Catherine arrives at the house & asks where to start. Sara has this sheepish look and says the whole rest of the house needs to be processed.

Hodges dancing was just....freaky!!

I like how Nick & Warrick continued working more evidence to try & help Greg. I get the feeling that they're going to string this situation out with Greg way too long and it won't become interesting anymore.

I liked how Sofia gave Greg some encouragement out in the hall after Greg felt like he should have said something. That would have been a very bad mistake for him to say anything. I also thought it was kind of funny when they were trying to bring up the alcohol situation with Greg. He just rattled off those numbers and raised a few eyebrows, I think.
I'm telling you, I don't trust that brother, Greg is in danger, I fear that something is going to happen to him, that brother is too angry, and if they lose that Civil case, which they should, he will be out for him..he will. But that will probably happen in the finale after everything dies down, he'll pop up again when we least expect it.

But I'm not going to think about that.

What I am going to think about is Greg being so professional, Greg getting some great advice from Sofia, Greg totally nailing his testimony and throwing it right back at the judge, Greg holding his own in that men's room, Nick still being pissed off but testifying just so well, wanting to help Greg, Warrick and Nick working together on that simulation and they both realizine that Greg had about 2 seconds to react, the lawyer being pissed that it should have been "Justifiable".

That's what I'll think about.

What broke my heart though was how this really is killing Greg, he's not sleeping, he wanted to apologize, he looked so beat..and now he has to deal with a civil case.

What really was sad, the lawyer wanting it to be justifiable, but Greg thinking that excusable was the right verdict.
Question--was the ADA who represented Greg at the inquest the same ADA he went to dinner with? I was wondering because she got really defensive. That could have been disasterous had he not handled it so well.
GunsNRoses259 said:
I think our boy needs a team of bodyguards--maybe all the Greg fans from talk.csifiles. Memo to Greg: Do not go anywhere alone.

I'm with you on that, we can be his bodyguards, and Greg, please don't go anywhere alone

Count me in on that.

That case had me so angry. I kept yelling at the TV. His family was milking it for all it was worth. And that juror! And the end scene? Aye carumba. Isn't there some kind of video camera that can show the brother trying to run him down? It's ridiculous. Oh, but he was a college boy! Big deal. Let's just all forget what he was doing on the side because he had nothing else to do!

I love seeing Greg getting more of a storyline, but the more I think about it, I am not liking this storyline. I am not big on angst. And, although I don't know if this is the appropriate board to talk about it, I am worried what the brother might do to him. There is one thing I keep worrying about that might happen to him (and it's not death) and I am just hoping that they do not do that to him after all he has done to get out into the field finally because, although I could be wrong, this would take him out of the field. I don't want to see anyone else get worried even more if they never thought of this happening, so I won't say what it is. Although it would be nice to hear that it won't happen.

Man, whoever does those mini crime scenes has a lot of time on their hands, eh? It absolutely amazes me the detail they follow!