Poll Thread 2 - Which One?

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I voted yes though I don't celebrate it. I love those chocolates and those pretty packaging that's why. And yes everyone seems to be less stressed compared to Christmas.
HoratioAndMe said:
I voted yes. Can you really watch X-files and not believe.

DaWacko said:
Nope. I don't believe. I mean, it sounds stupid that we'd be only ones but still... Not believing in.

Vote Yes! Can you really browse TalkCSI and not believe?
There are lives/ghosts everywhere...even in the screen...:rolleyes:
yeppers! My family is like true catholics so usually we have to go to church thurs,fri,and sat night(we dont go sunday tho?!?!) but this year my sis and i are at my gmas and gpas so we dont have to go to church except for sunday! whoo hoo!!! :D Plus all the candy rocks my socks! :p
I voted "Yes", even though I don't technically celebrate Easter. I like any time of the year when I can see most of my family (at least the family I want to see :p) in one place. Plus, Easter dinner is really yummy. And then there's the chocolate... :D

Kinda sucks, as I'm working 10 hours on Sunday and won't get the dinner or the family time :(
Yep, I love Easter and I love celebrating it as well. This year it falls on the 23rd and I'm so looking forward to the yummy lamb roasted on a spit and pork souvlaki that my pappou is making. Plus, I love being with my family too. Ooh, and there's this fun tradition in which the eggs are painted red to symbolize Christ's blood. We, the family walk around with a egg or two and using the top we smash the eggs against each other. Whosever egg doesn't crack is considered to have good luck for the year.
i voted 'yes', but i don't like the over-commercialisation either...
this year, my friends and i did this egg-buying-for-one-another thing, and the eggs are tiny, and they're about $3 each, so i thought to myself, 'screw this', so i'm waiting until next week, when i can buy 2-3 eggs for the same price...
Exactly what abc digged from first page. You were here then, weren't you needmorecsi?

Because if one poster makes a poll, then another one makes it and the next one and the next one and then we don't have power to control it and because polls can't be edited, god knows what kind of polls appear.

I want to polls be with good taste and just for fun and I cannot see that in your poll.

If you want some poll, you can PM me or wibble and we can put it up for you.

Now you ruined fun from everyone.

I shall close this until I figure out what to do.
Any questions or stuff can be PMd me.

*is upset*
Alright. Me and wibble have made a decision. Since we really don't want to create a new poll thread because of this, I ask you to ignore needmorecsi's poll and continue with the one I shall do now. I cannot stop you voting in needmorecsi's poll, since we cannot edit polls and we do not delete posts. I quote what I said when I started this 2nd thread.

The polls are made only by me or wibble
Of course you can suggest questions to us but we do the polls. Thread will be locked if this doesn't go that way.
Why this?
Because otherwise it will get too messy.

If you think you have a poll idea, PM it to us. All polls need to be good taste, in this case needmorecsi's poll wasn't one of those polls.

It has gone so smoothly in first thread and was going nicely in this thread. I hope you continue keeping it that way.

Complaints can be PMd to us.

Thank you
Your mods, wibble and DaWacko
:eek: I totally freaked out when it was locked!! :eek: Glad you opened it again, Ducky! :D

I voted 'yes'.. since I always go to Ireland during the summer and I plan all things at the beginning of the year.. I just need to send the director of the summerschool an email that states that I'm coming over, that I will pay when I'm there and that they have to book a room above the pub for me :p
nah! aside from the fact that i never go anywhere over the summer, my summer holidays aren't for another 8 months..(australia)

well, i usually go on camp, but thats only for a week in a 6-week holiday break, so the answer is still no, i guess...
I voted no, I have no idea what I'm doing this year. I don't think I'll be going away this summer. :( I hoping to book a holiday nearer the end of the year. :D
i voted no but only because i have no holiday plans and will have no holiday :( i get to take an mcat prep course! woo hoo! i want to cry

oh, and for anyone who thinks its too early to book a summer holiday, my moms working on a winter holiday and one of the places she liked was full! :eek:
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