Poll Thread 2 - Which One?

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I like to think that UFOs do exist, the universe is vast, way vast for us to imagine, there could be another planet like Earth, with all of the right factors to make organisms out there, there is a chance of that and the universe is way vast. I dont see why not really... ;)
Ye I do, mainly just because of all the chocolate - I'm an athiest so I don't believe in all the religious side of it! On Easter morning I wake up and my parents have hid LOADS of little eggs all around the house and I have to find them - very very fun :D

ETA: Also, because it means that I get 2 weeks off of school :D Who can complain about that?
I voted 'Yes'. No, I don't celebrate it but everyone just seem to be in a good mood on Easter. Smiles everywhere. They must be high on chocolate. :lol:
omg! I'm the first one to vote 'no'.. it's not that I don't like it, it's just that well.. I forgot about easter actually, so I can't really be bothered with it all. And family quality time.. ugh.. just give me the egg.. I'll eat it and then I'm off back to the computer.
I voted yes, as I do like Easter generally, despite all the over-commercialism and tacky things you can buy in the shops :p Also easter eggs are over-rated in my opinion *ducks flying rotten vegetables* :lol: They seem such a waste of money these days. I swear you end up paying mostly for the fancy packaging they come in (especially those big ones), rather than the actual chocolate.

But yes, Easter is a nice time of year otherwise :)
Voted 'Yes'.
I mean, I was born Easter-Monday, so technically, I'm the Easter-Bunny. ;)

We don't do the whole Easter-thing, though. The family shares a nice meal, there's a little something from the real Easterbunny and it's not nearly as stressful as Christmas. Plus, more chocolate.
I voted yes, I love Easter although I do agree with you wibble, I really think a lot of it is just a waste of money, I say this with great confidence having spent £5 on a Mars Easter Egg today that I know will be in the sale for 99p on Tuesday. :lol:

Other than that I love the Bank Holiday’s Easter brings - no work *yay*. :D
Not really because I don't even like chocolate that much. So...I prefer money. :lol: Yeah, my family prefers to give me money instead. And I just dont like the tack-iness of Easter these days, Easter is not so good as it once was when you're a little child.
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