Poll Thread 2 - Which One?

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I voted yes because besides CIT camp I am not doing anything. Gosh that sounds like fun to not do anything. no kidding I am being totally serious. heaven.
I like to plan knowing that the plan might not work out the way I had planned. That way, if the plan works, I'd be happy, if it doesn't I won't be too unhappy about it. Uhh... :confused:
I voted yes in this poll because I booked my holiday erm...some months ago. In June I go to Scotland for...err, cannot even remember how long I go for as I booked it in January :lol: But yeah, I'll be away for some of June.

Then there are places I'd like to visit just for the day, like castles and stuff (I like historic things), but no exact dates for those yet. I will just pick a day when I can afford to go :lol:

So yeah, I have most plans ready :)
Oooh, wibble, I'm almost jealous. I went to Scotland three years ago and I loved it. Luuurved it. *sigh*

I voted No, unless it counts that my plan is to work. Maybe I'll find the time to sneak a little something in, but I doubt it.

*remembers Blair Castle - sigh*
Bunny said:
Oooh, wibble, I'm almost jealous. I went to Scotland three years ago and I loved it. Luuurved it. *sigh*

I'm glad you enjoyed it so much :) I've heard other people say what a beautiful place it is, with wonderful scenery. I'm starting to get excited already :D

*remembers Blair Castle - sigh*

I've heard of that one - it's the pretty white one, isn't it? :D *goes to check travel guide for pic* Yeah, it's like something out of a fairytale! :) Alas, I am not visiting there though. But I do visit the Eilean Donan Castle, which is supposed to be the most photographed castle in Britain. It's also recommended in a book I came across in the library a few weeks ago called '100 places to visit before you die' (charming, huh? :rolleyes: :lol: ). It looks pretty spectacular.

Anyways, I'll take lots of pics and share them when I get back :D
I do. I'll be spending a week in a villa up in Cranbrook BC which is a 9 hour drive. Next summer we'll be going to Hawaii and Disneyland for 3 weeks :D.
I know what I'm going to do this summer,the same as others:study,study and study for september exams and going to the beach when it's not raining.
Time for the next poll :D

The recommended intake of fruit and vegetables per day is 5 portions (well, so they say anyway :p). So...
I definitely have my intake when it comes to vegetables 'cause I'll always have something like brocoli or salad or peas for dinner. With fruit it's a different story. We have apples and oranges and bananas in my house but I get bored of 'em pretty easily. I like variety.
not really...i mean i have a lot of vegetable with dinner...(i usually eat them all :p), but i don't eat much fruit...i drink LOTS of juice, but i don't think that counts...
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