Poll Thread 2 - Which One?

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I voted no because i dont believe in ufos but I do believe that there is an other form of life out there, i just dont think its in the form of ufos, I guess i could of voted either way on this one! :D
I voted yes. And if you ever notice if I am absent from the board for over a month then that means I have been abducted by one. :lol: :p
Nope, I don't believe. I mean, it sounds stupid that we'd be only ones but still... Not believing in.
I voted 'Yes'.
Why? Because I watched almost every epsiode of 'The X-Files' and I believe the truth is out there...
Just kidding. :p
But considering how big the universe is, I think chances are really good that there's life out there. Not necessarily little green men or grey men with three fingers, though.
^^^ Agreed. Voted yes because of too much X-Files!

Yeah, there must be something. Probably not of the little green men (or grey?!) variety, but something...somewhere...

Cause if the universe is infinate surely it's impossible for there to be nothing, and if it isn't infiniate, then what's on the other side....?

Arg, now my head hurts.
I voted Yes, Heck gotta blame someone when things go wrong, seems fair to me. :D
I voted 'Yup'. Hehe. I kind of find solace in the fact that there are other living things out there that dosen't look like us. Pink/dark skinned and funny bone structure. I want to see a blue or purple alien.
I voted yes. Have I seen one? Nope but if there're human being, animals, insects and all breathing creatures, then there must be others somewhere somewhere too. And then we're all aliens to them too and they're asking the same question about us the aliens. :rolleyes:
HoratioAndMe said:
I voted yes. Can you really watch X-files and not believe. ;)
No. :) That's why I voted yes. :D

It's a vast universe out there... so I think the existence of extraterrestrial life is possible. Just IMO. ;)
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