Poll Thread 2 - Which One?

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No definate plans yet. Probably some trips to the beach with the kid, lots of trips to the park, and lots of ice cream eating! :)
I'm having a trip planned but I don't know if I'll be able to make it. *cross my fingers* Flight ticket prices have gone up! Damn...and I voted yes.
DaWacko said:
All polls need to be good taste, in this case needmorecsi's poll wasn't one of those polls.

I'm wondering how wasn't my poll in good taste.

For the new poll you put up about summer plans, I voted no because I haven't figured out the majority of my plans.
Here's what I know so far.

1. Every summer I usually go fishing with my uncle in Battersea Onterio and I'm deffenitly doing that agian.

2. I plan to go on a shorter vacation with my father but we haven't planned that trip out yet.

3. My grandmother gave my mom a gift of basically a small vacation for me and her to go basically anywhere. She gave us this because in the summer of '04 she gave my mom and sister a trip to go rafting in the Grand Canyon.
I HATE planing... :(
I like to go out into the world and say
"What's next I'm here so where are you"
Plans aren't my thing :lol:
I think the reason that needmorecsi started the poll was because he saw me start the one before Ducky started this new poll thread number 2, which in this case, I'm sorry. :)

Anyways, no, no plans as of yet.Although I'll probably be franting about high school. But I think I'll be working on HTML skills and helping a friend out on her website Hugo Weaving [dot] Org. :D
abc said:
I think the reason that needmorecsi started the poll was because he saw me start the one before Ducky started this new poll thread number 2, which in this case, I'm sorry. :)

Actually, I checked that thread and he was there during that time and I'm sure he saw what I posted about who creates the polls.

But moving on.

needmorecsi, you'll get answer in PM land.
DaWacko said:
abc said:
I think the reason that needmorecsi started the poll was because he saw me start the one before Ducky started this new poll thread number 2, which in this case, I'm sorry. :)

Actually, I checked that thread and he was there during that time and I'm sure he saw what I posted about who creates the polls.

But moving on.

needmorecsi, you'll get answer in PM land.

Heh, okay. Again, sorry if anything was wrong on my behalf. :D

Again back to the poll, I remember a few years back I went on a cruise with my parents, brothers and grandparents during the summer, and we had planned it out months before. So I don't think we'll be going on anything like that this year. :(
I voted yes but it is only really a kinda - I might be doing a Japanese exchange with my friend through school (we are the only people in the school that are doing japanese). So that'd be brilliant :D
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