Poll Thread 2 - Which One?

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I haven't. Because I have chronical anemia. And I'm not liking anything that have to do with... docs and nurses and needles.
Nope, I haven't. I've considered it but the sight of blood, needles and all that other stuff makes me sick to my stomach. I couldn't handle going through with it.
Nope, I haven't either, first it was because you hear all the stories in the news which don't help much cause usually they are bad with the 'if you want to donate' err not after that story.

But otherwise I would if it were to a relative otherwise I really doubt it, no clue why, not a problem with looking at blood or needles, I can get anemic at times, which they don't like.
Nope, was planning to when I'm allowed to. Always have wanted to donate my blood but was not old enough, apparently.
I have to be 16, and im not until a couple of months so I guess taht means no!
I voted 'No'. Yes, I have been tempted many times to just go ahead and donate all of me! Nyaha! But then, there's the issue of weight and height and bla bla. I wish they would just accept the bloody thing. Get it..'bloody' thing..nyaha..haa..hm. Nevermind.
I have... and they keep calling me, since I have 0- which is a very popular bloodtype :lol:

I first donated blood when I was 17, it was a thing at college and they asked people to do it, so I was like "does it mean I can skip class and go home early?" when they answered "yes" I was first in line :p But it kind of got to me and I do it every time they call me.
Oh yeah I give blood regularly, I'm fit and healthy and I can make more, somebody at some time will need it and I'd sure thanks those donors if I was ever in the position of needing it :)

Always sideswipes me for about a day after though I have to take it easy :eek:
Yeah I'm mostly incapable of doing anything for the rest of the day.. I'm literally drained then :lol: The first time I said to the nurses that I was going to spend the rest of the day cycling and hiking.. you should've seen the looks on their faces: :rolleyes: "yeah, we'll see".. and yup, I was so dizzy and flat out that I couldn't even walk straight when I got out of the chair :lol: I still enjoy it though, chatting to those nice nurses.. it's always a social gathering :)
I always check Red Cross Finland's Blood Service page and check what types they'd need :lol: AB + and - always see to be pretty good, but O is here pretty difficult to get.
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