Poll Thread 2 - Which One?

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Oh yeah I'm sure you mean whole milk, I used to have it all the timee, nice!!
But now we always have semi-skimmed, habit I suppose.
Hmm, I beginning to pity cows. So many mouths to feed! :lol: I'm sure they have enough milk for the world. I've seen those shows where they extract the milk from the cows. Whoa! Gallons of them! :p

^Our best cow (we have kinda average cattle) procuded on her best days milk 56kg/day.
But the really best ones can go up to 70kg/day or even more.
I have skimmed milk. :lol: It tastes like water, but it's healthy and I've got used to it over the years. Last week my Aunt made a cup of tea with whole milk, it tasted just like cream. :eek: I really noticed the difference.
:lol: I've always wanted to milk a cow. I just wonder how some people can't get the hang of it. It seems pretty easy.. Right? Have you milked a cow before Ducky? Was it tough?
DaWacko said:
Sirea said:
DaWacko said:
Why would milk be no good for adults? That's calfpoo.

Well some people think that humans shouldn't drink cow milk. So what kind of milk SHOULD we drink? Please don't say human milk...

Is it the talk about diabetes? I mean, milk causes diabetes. It's just simply when quality of life has improved after WW2, people have had money to buy more e.g. milk (among with many other things) and diseases like diabetes have increased. It's the only excuse that I've heard.

I dunno! I heard that like sooo long ago when I was at some kind of health talk. Though I love cold milk, I don't like warm milk coz the first time I drank warm milk, I was really sick(everything tasted awful then) and ever since then, I associated warm milk with that. But then again, I think once, I ordered hot vanilla and I got a hot glass of milk by mistake and I didn't realize until I drank it all... :rolleyes: And when I'm nervous, I become lactose intolerant. :lol:

Just checked here. Read the cons, there's a mention of some adults being lactose intolerant. Maybe that's why it's bad for some adults. I don't think it's for ALL adults.
I drink Skim Milk because I have Diabetes. I didn't think I would like it at first but I am used to it now. I don't drink it everyday though.
:lol: I've always wanted to milk a cow. I just wonder how some people can't get the hang of it. It seems pretty easy.. Right? Have you milked a cow before Ducky? Was it tough?

With your hands? Yeah, it's pretty heavy even you know the technique. But we have thankfully machines :D
I don't but I've been recommended by many people to take some vitamins tablets cos I look too pale. :rolleyes:
Haha no.. but I'm supposed too. :p My mom has been pestering me like forever to take my vitamins. I just forget all the time, or I get lazy.
i dont, i try to eat right so i should be getting everything i need. most vitamin supplements you just end up peeing most of the stuff out anyway :lol: why waste my money?
Im supposed to but, ... hmmm I dont like them and im too lazy and forgetful! :lol: They taste bad when I burp them up! :p ... my dad keeps reminding me of how when I get older I will be malnurished... I'll take my chances! :D
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