Poll Thread 2 - Which One?

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I have donated blood before, luckily I'm not really afraid of needles, but I remember whilst I was in the middle of doing it, looking over at the bag that was holding my blood and becoming very queasy. :lol: :eek:
I donated blood a couple of times but i felt so sick afterwards and my doctor told me that i should stop doing it, because i don´t have enough blood to share it. :confused:
Have You Ever Donated Blood?

yes...4-5 times...mostly when i was study in university. there was a lot of free campaign for help peoples in need.

but for m y regret now can`t do this...i have a little problems with my kidneys :(
Nope, I haven't. I was going to when they were at college the other week, but you needed to be 18 so was pretty gutting lol :|
No. I am incredibly needle phobic, I almost destroyed an hospital MRI machine just to get out of getting contrast *shudders* injected into my veins. Hopefully I can grow up soon because I have a really weird blood type and it would be good if I could share it.
I haven't donated, I can't even say the "b" word on the count that it makes me shudder....*shudders* I can't stand the sight of it, or needles.
I'm an O+ Ducky. I'd love to give some. :) I like being under the "Universal Donor" category. :D

I tried donating a few years ago, but they couldn't find my veins. Said I was too skinny. :rolleyes: They kept poking all over my arm, so in the end all I got was a lolly and plenty of needle marks. :p

I would really like to donate, so I'll try it again. :)
And da next question...
Came to my mind when I looked outside...
I'm sorry all Aussies and stuff but I'm selfish and think only this side of the globe :p
I'm sorry to say, but if you live in Britain (like me), it's practically always bloody winter :rolleyes:


So, I vote no :p And it happens to be very windy and cloudy outside at the moment :rolleyes:
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