One Tree Hill

I think it means something that Peyton and Jamie don't have scenes together. I mean the woman is going to be his half aunt/cousin/sister... OK I kid, except about the aunt part ;) I actually am going to be selfish and say I don't want any scenes between these two.

I WOULD like to see more of Dre and Jamie together. It is great to see Jamie hanging out with someone his own age. Jamie needs someone his own age to play with and I hope we get to see more of Dre.
Those two are adorable! Truly gorgeous kids and great actors! Jamie really needs to ineract with someone his age, you're right! I never noticed it before, until now. I love Skillz and Jamie scenes too thought. One thing I will miss about Q is his scenes with Jamie! Too Cute!
I am not a big fan of Skillz but I do love his scenes with Jamie. But what I will miss the most is Quentin and Jamie. Their rap scenes were just the cutest. Plus with Quentin teaching him that dance, we got to see the cutest Haley and Jamie scene to date. :D No more we will see that. :(

This is why I am advocating for more of Q's little brother!
I'll miss Q and Jamie's scene. Q's brother is a nice little friend to Jamie. I still hate the whole nannie Carrie storyline.

And playing the game with 4 players? I don't think Q would have wanted that, he'd have wanted them to win, I think that, although it was a nice thought, it wasn't realistic, i don't know, it didn't feel right.
That is exactly what I thought when they did that. I don't think the league is going to let that slide and will have to make the team forfeit all their games which is not want Quentin would want.

Anyone else kind of disappointed by the episode? I mean I am glad that Carrie is gone for good but ugh...I am glad that Millie back though! :D Brooke will really need her for the future. And Deb totally made my day with her awesome line of there is only room for one crazy nanny, bitch! :lol:
Bubbles and eveninstarz14 I totally agree about the whole play with four people situation. I hate to play the logic card but it's not even possible. I can understand for that one game maybe, but in HS Basketball it's 5 or you forfeit. Not to mention that Q would be pissed that they would be risking the rest of the season on him. But who am I to judge ;).

Tonight's episode was intense. I was literally gasping and biting my nails. I don't know why! It was totally predictable. Everyone knew that Nanny Carrie wasn't going to go down with a wine bottle. That chick is nuts! But for some reason I liked the fact that Dan killed her. He's so cold and ruthless. If Haley or Deb had done it, then we would have episodes afterwards showing the long term effects and blah, blah, blah.

Poor Nathan! How embarassing! You think they are scouting you to play but they are only scouting you to coach! :(

Dan better leave Deb and Skillz alone! I love those two together.

As for the Peyton drama, TOTALLY over it. Seriously. Can they just make the girl happy for once?!
If anyone should kill Carrie it should be Dan. ;) I guess I just wasn't a fan of the sudden end. For the record I hate scary, slasher movies and that was exactly what this was. Why does Schwann seem to do this theme a lot? Remember that episode where Keith had the blood coming out of his eyes as he was talking to Dan in prison? Man Jamie is going to be scarred for life! :lol:

Oh I know great things will come for Nathan as cheesy as that sounds! Then again this is OTH and cheesy is a staple on this show. :p

Peyton... I think I am going to leave that one alone now because my feelings for her are just :brickwall:

I am just glad that we get to see Millie again, I really adore her! She has been the one good friend for Brooke and I hope to see more of that!
Millie is one of my favorites! She's so innocent and AWESOME! She hasn't been tainted by Tree Hill...Yet!

Did you catch the fact that Lucas' book tour starts in Omaha? Nice one. That means that we are going to Mouth! YAY!

Yeah. I will also leave the Peyton situation alone. Nope. Can't. Let me just say this. They should just make a spin-off for Peyton. HB has so many scenes by herself that she should have her own show. That way, I won't have to fast forward through so much slop.

Okay done ;)

I think Nathan will be great too, but like Peyton, Nathan has NEVER taken the path of least resistance. Or at least, the writers never write him that way. He has to reach a road block some where. Most likely through injury I think.

Brooke is awesome. The writers have really been giving SB some good stuff.

Poor Jamie! You're right. He is going to be scarred. But that means more epsiodes to resolve the situation which means more Jamie! That works for me!
^I did catch that Lucas was going to Omaha. Maybe we will see why Mouth is still in Nebraska and Millie is back in Tree Hill?

Nathan will do fine, with the support system of Haley and Jamie, he will be just fine. I just hope Dan will leave him alone! I am so tired of Dan and they keep dragging his character out way longer than necessary. :shifty:

:eek: This promo makes me extremely happy!!! We get some real Nathan and Haley loving! And all you Leyton fans get your wishes too. Plus Peyton finally opens her damn eyes in regards to Brooke :rolleyes:
I'm so behind, again, but I'm still gonna add my 2 cents ;)

I felt gutted for Nathan being asked to coach, not play, but saw it coming...

Glad the nanny carrie thing is over... Wonder what's going to happen with Dan?

I don't think they should have had lindsey in it, just keep Lucas's mind on one girl only, i can't be doing with anything else anymore...

Peyton should notice Brooke's pain at the moment, she's suppsoed to be her best friend.
Ironic that Nathan and Haley notice before Peyton that something is wrong with Brooke? :p Oh well...I think its finally coming out in the next episode, though. Kind of pissed that it won't be showing until next week! The CW does not have the excuse of the presidential election/debate to pre empt it off the air so... Why isn't it airing? :confused:
I didn't know it wasn't, so thanks for the heads up ;) very annoying...

It doesn't surprise me Nathan and Haley realised before, but Peyton should have. I used to really like her, but recently, she's really started to annoy me.
The show "Privileged" was on :p:rolleyes::scream::(:shifty:...Blah...

Yeah I'm so glad Nanny Carrie is out of the picture. She just annoyed me. Good villian but rubbed me the wrong way.

I think they has Lindsey in it as a fairwell because the actress who plays her has moved to Law & Order: SVU full time now. So maybe they figured one more time as a good bye? I'm nto making excuses for TPTB at CW but it makes sense to me. I'm glad Lindsey is gone too because this Lucas drama "I can't keep it in my pants" BS is so annoying!

Hey by the way, did you know that it is rumored that Sophia Bush and James Lafferty are dating... o_O yeah that's right. You'd think she would learn the first time not to date people from the set.:lol:
Oh lord! That rumor makes me sick and I think (or at least hope that it is) it's just that, a rumor! :p I honestly think Sophia Bush is a bit smarter than that and James Lafferty would have more sense than to do that as well.

No more Nanny Carrie equals one happy girl over here. :D

I heard that Mark Schwann actually got permission from Dick Wolf to work with the actress as much as possible so it isn't the last of her. :rolleyes: More Lucas drama is in the works methinks... *sigh*