One Tree Hill

One of the saddest and powerful episodes that I have seen to date! Bethany Joy Galeotti's finest episode.

Favorite part has to be the end when Jamie grabs Brooke's hand. Poor Brooke :(
Agreed. Wonderful episode. That kid that plays Jamie is flippin amazing. I love that kid. And why the Heck did they have to kill Quentin!? So lame!
I know, I was just starting to warm to Q. And I loved the relationship he was building with Jamie, and Nathan/Haley.

I can't wait to see this episode, is it a real tear jerker ?
To be honest I found it sadder than the school shooting episode. Don't get me wrong I hated that keith died but there was something truly heartbreaking about this one. The fact that it was a random crime rather than Dan once again being evil made it more tragic.

I loved how Nathan and Haley dealt with the death of Q with Jamie. It was handled very maturely in my opinion.
Ack! Need to bump this thread up!

Anyone see this weeks episode? Kind of a bizarre and strange one if you ask me! Although I really think that new guy is Peyton's father. *yawn* And poor Brooke! What a bitch for a mother.

Next week looks like its the climax of the stupid and unnecessary Carrie plot :rolleyes:
So I finally watched the episode with Q's funeral etc. It was very sad. Jamie was awesome, as were Haley and Nathan. I never used to be a Naley fan ( I always liked them, just they were there) but i lovethem more and more each ep.

New guy? It'll be a bit yawn if he is Peytons father.

I'm sick of the nanny carrie storylline and I feel sorry for Brooke :(
To be honest, I fast forwarded throught all of the Peyton scenes. I mean, the girl has had enough family drama since the show started. Give it a rest. And the promo for next week looked trippy. That one should have been released closer to Halloween!

Oh, am I the only one who likes Skillz and Deb together?
Yay! Another person who is tired of angsty Peyton story lines. :p I agree what is up with releasing this episode three weeks before Halloween. Although I am glad we are getting rid of Carrie for good now or at least that is what I am hoping for.

I don't mind Skillz and Deb together, I just like Bevin better than Deb. ;)
Bevin was hilarious! Than they had to have her go and marry Tim. Ugh. And as much as I enjoy Peyton's non-conformist attitude, it just kind of wears thin when every season, she gets a new dad/mom and then they die. HB is a great actor and I personally believe she deserves better storylines.

You know who else I'm sick of? LUCAS. I know the show was originally about him in the first three seasons but now, they have a GREAT cast beyond him. And now, they are finally utilizing Haley and Nathan. And Skillz as well. That guy cracks me up!
Oh man you and I agree on everything so far. I hate, HATE the philosophical crap that Lucas always is spewing. I hate how he leaves EVERY SINGLE girl hanging. He makes them think that "I am the one for you, you'll see" *cue in squinty eyes and broody pout* I can't even enjoy his scenes with Haley, even though they are BFF, and I don't even like his scenes with Jamie as sad as that sounds.

I agree that HB deserves way better stories and I am tired of meeting her family period. What about Haley's family? I mean we hear about her huge family yet we only meet her slutty sister Taylor who caused problems in the marriage between Haley and Nathan. I want to meet Haley's brother(s). And also I would like Jamie to show an interest in his other grandparents. I mean they do exist right?
Exactly what I think! Haley has parents too! Even though they only showed them like three times, tops! We've met both of Peyton's Moms, apparently both her dad's now, and her half brother. We've even seen crazy Derek more than we've seen Haley's family.

And let me just say that Nathan and Skillz should be head coaches. Lucas was there for one game, got thrown out, went all angsty and left for a whole bunch of games, came back, left with Peyton, and is back again. Last I checked, Skillz and Nathan have been there every game! Hello!
Another thing that greatly ticked me off about Lucas. :lol: Seriously is one of the worst role models ever and that is saying a lot when you have Dan as your father. He is the most flighty person on the show and it irks me a lot that he is the head coach. It makes me really annoyed when he wants to be this great writer, yet he comes home and becomes the head coach?

If anyone deserves that job, its Nathan, especially since its going to be harder for him to go back to the NBA. I can't wait for someone to bitch slap Lucas because he seriously needs it right now.

Since we finally got to meet the important figure in Brooke's life (btw, poor, poor Brooke!) lets meet the rest of Haley's family. I am sick of the rest of the extended family members of the rest of the character.
Same here. Pretty soon we're going to start meeting all of Peyton's second cousins. Geez! And Lucas is not as great as all of the characters make him up to be. He dated Brooke 4 times, Peyton 4 times, he dated Anna, Lindsey. Come on now. Lucas is becoming a man whore.

And poor Brooke. In the earlier seasons I thought she was just a whore. But with a mom like Victoria, no wonder she's so messed up. Honest question. Do you believe Victoria paid somebody off to beat up Brooke? Because after Monday's episode, I'm not so sure...
I can see it being the show that it is but I honestly think that a mother is incapable of doing something like that. Well Victoria is pretty much the definition of evil so most likely she did hire someone. My bet she hired Psycho Derek :p Personally I have always liked Brooke, especially in season three. I always had a soft spot for Brooke and Haley scenes, I don't know why. Plus I love Brooke with Jamie, he really brings out the best of Brooke. I am so glad how she handled her attack and that she went to see Naley's therapist.

Nah, the real manwhore of the show will always remain Mouth to me :lol: Anyways, do you notice he uses the same lines with every single girl? :scream: Sheesh I will stick with Nathan, at least he knows who he wants every single season!
YES! He uses the same lines and the phiosophical quotes from Emerson and its pathetic. Mouth! A man whore! :) That made me smile! Brooke is a one tough cookie. Her and Jamie are great together. "You're family. You're Aunt Brooke!" too cute! I wonder why Jamie and Peyton NEVER have cutesy scenes together. I guess the kid cant have amazing scenes with everyone.

Yeah Victoria is one evil witch. I wouldn't put it past her to do somehting like that.

The Psycho Derek plot was great in my opinion. So much suspense!