One time I watched CSI and...

i was watching csi the other night and my grandma couldn't figure out why i was hysterically laughing when catherine tested someone for gsr on their hands. tonight when i was watching csi i took time to explain all the different ships. she was totally agenst yo!bling. then we got into anotherr fight over whether catherine was wearing a wig untill my grandpa yelled "SHUT UP" from the other end of the couch. it was the episode where warrick just announced that he was married and so every time catherine talked to him i was all like she likes him...totally yo!bling and stuff and she would argue back. lol really fun. i still say catherine's hair is real though, despite what she says. and yo!bling will happen eventually!
ya, it SO will... i watched that last night with my grandma too, but i didn't explain ships cuz i think she was asleep (gasp! that's terrible!) but she would wake up everytime i said "ohmygod sandle!" or "ohmygod yo!blong!"
i was watching csi tonight and sara said "since when have you liked beauty?" or something like that and grissom was like "since i met you." i was all like total gsr moment and ran around the house saying gsr. i love that episode. just because i love it so much i watched it again right after it finished heehee it was fun.
Haha! This kind of reminds me of in highschool, when people were always like "This one time at Band Camp.." And so on. Anyways, here's two from me.

So this one time I was watching a CSI: NY, and my Dad comes in. He has this weird expression on his face, and immediately asks. "Why are you suddently so interested in CSI?" I point to my computer, which has a background of Carmine Giovinazzo. "Do you really have to ask, Dad?"

And tonight I was watching the regular CSI, and it was the Hockey Episode (I don't know what it's titled..) and my Dad pauses, watched for a second, and turns to me. "I'm going to bed. That means you're going, too." (Mind you, this is at 12 AM) I jerk my head up and exclaim,"What?! No way, CSI is on, Dad! Let me stay up!" He pauses. "And you've seen this episode HOW many times now?" I blink. "Six." He rolled his eyes. "Fine, make it seven." And goes upstairs.
This one time, at band camp...

:lol: just kidding ;)

One time I watched CSI: and my sister says, "If I were Jorja Fox I wouldn't date Grissom. He's her boss." (she obviously meant Sara Sidle, and obviously she's not a fan of GSR :lol: :p)

Another time after Grissom says his line before the opening credits roll my dad says "That's kinda how you are, Sis. Just 'get used to it'."

And what annoys me the most is when someone changes the channel or starts talking loudly while it's on just to annoy me :rolleyes:
So this one time, I was watching CSI: New York, and my friend calls me. And she starts blabbing away, and I think the reciever was a foot or two away from my ear at all times, until she finally screamed. "HEY, ARE YOU THERE?!" I kind of jumped, and turned back to the phone. "Here? No.. I'm in Danny's pants..?" I got a stunned silence for a few minutes before she responded with a,"Who?" And I was like "WOAH, YOU DON'T KNOW WHO DANNY IS?!" And so I dragged her over the next week just to show her who Danny was. (She only watched CSI: Vegas before. Still only does; she never liked me and my New York ness. -tear-)
I was watching CSI: LV (Boom Boom) and I knew what happaned to Brass (sniff!) But I didn't know when, and as I missed it the other night because I was out mum taped it and she was in the other room so as not to give anything away as she's useless at stuff like that, when she heard an almighty shriek from me so she comes running out all paniced and askes me what and I turn round and say "Brass just got shot" she was not best pleased..... :)
several times i have watched csi and laughed and cryed but sometimes i get like really really when i dont get whats going on or like when greg isnt in the episode enough or just errrrrghhh! oh well for the most part i absolutly love it!!!
One time my Mom was watching CSI (and at that point I hadn't started watching) and the phone rang so she told me to watch and tell her what happened. So I did.
Now I'm obsessed.
One time i was watching csi:LV episode "Weeping Willow" with my mom and you know how Marg's husband is in that episode well i said to my mom " That her husband in real life"and my mom rolled her eye at the fact that i knew that, but then my dad walked in and stood there and watchin it for a while and then said "He's her husband in real life eh...." it was so funny :p
i was watching csi and i was all like "catherine used to be a dancer" and my grandpa was totally out of it and was like "which catherine? i know a lot of catherines. was it my sister? tell me which catherine!" and stuff like that untill my grandma walked in and said "her whole life is about csi, which catherine do you think?" after that my grandpa finally realised which one and just sat there silently for the rest of the episode.
I was watching CSI and writing a poem at the same time and I was so into the episode I started writing the lines on the paper...then when I looked down at the paper when a commercial was on I had a bunch of lines characters said. Then later on I ended up throwing the pen at the TV because Ecklie was being mean to Sara :lol: I know...I'm like a 3 year old :lol:
One time I was watching CSI...I sneak out of the mom caught me and she got angry because it was 2am and I was watching tv