One time I watched CSI and...

Actually this was right *before* the show came on but the family was watching Survivor and I protested when uncle said something like "oh that crappy CSI is still on" he might've just been trying to get at me, he does that sometimes. (usually while mom and I are watching CSI, aunt and uncle are watching Grey's)
One time I watched CSI and...
my flatmate started randomly laughing at me. I wasn't yelling at the telly for once, in fact I had been pretty quiet that ep. I stared at her in confusion. Then she pointed out what I was wearing.

I make chainmaille and wirework jewellery as a hobby. I frquently do this while sitting in front of the telly. When cutting wire, little tiny flakes and chips seem, as someone on a wire worker's forum put it, programmed to go flying straight into your eyes. Fairly recently, I bought a pair of cheap safety goggles to protect my eyes.

So, my flatmate was laughing because I was sitting in front of CSI... wearing safety goggles.
I was like "I really do need these, I'm not just sad and obsessed..." :lol:
One time I watched CSI and I told my sister that "I want a slice of Hodge's cherry pie" and she took me seriously and was scared of me for the next week.
one time I watched CSI together with my girlfriend and I suddenly said "I soooo wanna make out with Jorja Fox..."

she was pissed at me for a week