One time I watched CSI and...

The time I watched the season 6 finale, and what the final scene revealed, made me hit my ceiling in joy. Literally. My head still has the bump to prove it.
I watched CSI and they mentioned about Diapezam (an anti-covulsant medicine..) and we had our pharmacology test.. I got 5 pts ( 5 questions were related to it..). Watching CSI is like a review for my medical subject class
I was watching CSI at my aunts and my aunt kept changing the channel back and forth because "some parts were disturbing" I got sooo mad, I watched half an episode in the end!

Or the other time when I was watching it with my other aunt and we argued over which CSI was better (CSI: Miami or just CSI) so I again, did not have a clue what happened.
One time I was watching CSI and we had a power cut!! I nearly cried!
one time i watched CSI with group of friends, thye love show too, but there was one who all the time asked questions or discuss about Grissoms beard "no he looks better without it" or "he is annoying, what a smart-ass, pss",just blaa blala and blaa ! and then we all yelled 'Shut up' and you know.. it worked. ;) :D
When Nick was being stalked, my friend and I kept making comments about how "If I was a stalker I'd stalk him" and when Nick said "why me?" we kept saying "because you're hot"
i was watching csi once and an ad came on for james bond and my sister didn't know who he was and i was like not knowing who he is is like not knowing who catherine is. then my sister asked if we lived in europe...and she's only 2 years younger then me! i think she was having a blonde then she got confused over who nick was and who greg was...sheesh
One time I watched CSI and since its 2am ... in order not be caught by my Mom...I took out my notebook to pretend that I am studying..just in case she'll go down
ah, just recently I watched the 2nd part of "A Bullet Runs Through it"

And i was actually bawling my eyes out. my mum comes running through going "whats wrong?! are you okay?! what did you do?! are you having problems at school"

i turned round and said throug the blubbing "mum shut up! i'm watching csi and brass is getting ignored"

i knew she was gonna ask why that's so sad so i just told her to be quiet again.
was rather annoying how she interrupted my serious moment!
Haha I was watching the show and I was jumping around screaming about what the episode was about and then a cup fell and broke all over the floor...I cleaned it up before anyone noticed :p
So this one time I was watching CSI on my computer ( because its usually where I watch tv) and my computer froze!! I was so mad I thought I missed everything but thankfully I only missed about 3 min haha...
Alrighty, I have two stories.

Okay, I was watching "Bang Bang" and for once, didn't read the spoilers and during the silence right before Brass was shot I screamed, "OH MY GOD HE'S GONNA DIE!" And then he said the safe word and he was shot and I screamed again and jumped up with the remote in my hand. And since I have DVR I kept rewinding it to watch the last thirty seconds from the silence to the end and then just when he's shot with my other hand on my cheek, still screaming. Mind you it's at 2am and my mom and dad come sliding into the living room yelling, "What happened?! What's wrong?!" And I turned around and started playing the end again, throwing my arms toward the tv in a gesture and screamed, "BRASS WAS SHOT IS WHAT'S WRONG!" and then just started watching the end over and over again.

Alright a different time I was watching "Pirates of the Third Reich" and when Gris found Lady Heather's necklace I was like "Oh my gosh! Heather took him! Ah!" And then I watched Grissom's face throughout the car ride and I'm screaming, "NO! NO, YOU CARE FOR SARA NOT THE DANCER!! WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?!?!" Meanwhile, my mom is yelling at me to shut up and calm down and I screamed when he hugged Heather and comforted her and shrieked, "NOOOO! YOU WANT SARA! SARA SIDLE! NOOOOOO!" and started crying into my hands as my dad got up and walked off saying, "Pff, you're way too obsessed." I turned to him and said, "And proud of it."
My parents kept on telling me to be quiet(on an episode ive seen 100 times) but yet on an episode i hadnt seen yet, they wouldnt be quiet