One time I watched CSI and...

One time I was watching CSI peacefully and then my roommate walks in and grabs the remote from my hand and changes it! I was like AHHH I HATE YOU!!!! And she's like "you've seen this episode like 10 times" (it was Bloodlines) so then I got mad and went on the computer and started hitting the computer desk with a spoon the whole entire time her show was on :p
:lol: The poor computer desk.

It always bugs me when someone starts talking loud or interrupting me when I'm watching CSI. But if I get mad then they get mad because I'm taping it and they don't see the big deal. :rolleyes: Some people just don't get it, do they? ;)

By the way jazzfan, I don't suppose the police that were banging down your door were hot a la Detective Flack? ;) :lol:
OMG this is funny One time I was watcing CSI:Miami it was my first time watching this series and then i seen that guy Wolf i think that's his name...anyways i was like OMG what is Greg doing there?? Why is Greg in CSI:Miami i totally thought that he was Greg and freaked out! then of course found out that he wasnt and i was laughing! :lol:
sandersidle said:
haha. one time i was watching csi and it was a really good episode and my mom comes in and starts talking to be about a dentist app. i had tmrw and wut i was doing that day! i almost died! i mean come on i was watching CSI hellooo!!

Same here ! he he :lol:
hate when someone disturb me like that :devil:
I was watching CSI and my dad called from BC, I was like
"Dad! I'm watching CSI!! Call back in an hour!" He laughed and promised to call. :D :D :D
My aunt and I are big fans of CSI and we rarely watch it together but when it's over she'll call me or I'll call her to rant about it and basically just critique the entire episde :p Anywho, after the finale for CSI LV I was just in complete shock and then the phone rang. (it was my aunt) All I did was scream into the phone "Brass lived!!! Grissom and Sara are TOGETHER!!!!! MY LIFE IS COMPLETE" :lol:

Hahaha. Great stories, thank god for TalkCSI. Where would we be without it? ;)
One time I was watching CSI with my auntie and she was being really annoying. She was asking me what all these terms meant and everybody's names. And also she would point out flaws about everybody she would be like "she has terrible wrinkles" and "oh god...she's had some work done" I wanted to scream! It was so annoying, and she also kept turning down the volume to tell me stuff, I didn't end up watching the episode, I ended up explaining the episode!
tabbiez said:
My aunt and I are big fans of CSI and we rarely watch it together but when it's over she'll call me or I'll call her to rant about it and basically just critique the entire episde :p Anywho, after the finale for CSI LV I was just in complete shock and then the phone rang. (it was my aunt) All I did was scream into the phone "Brass lived!!! Grissom and Sara are TOGETHER!!!!! MY LIFE IS COMPLETE" :lol:

Hahaha. Great stories, thank god for TalkCSI. Where would we be without it? ;)

My aunt and i are big fans too! my parents went to cancun for 4 days and my aunt took care of me and we watched it together. :)
one time i was watching csi and my non csi liking roommate changed the channel and sat on the remote
i was watching csi and i was like i hate catherine's hair(first season) and my friend whose house i was at was like i think her hair is cute so then we got into a big argument over whether or not catherine's hair was ugly in the first season
Imperfect said:
i was watching csi and i was like i hate catherine's hair(first season) and my friend whose house i was at was like i think her hair is cute so then we got into a big argument over whether or not catherine's hair was ugly in the first season

Haha. That's like me and my best friend, except we both hated it. So like during episodes we'll be talking about people's hair.
One time I was watching CSI and I was getting mad over Grissom not having a beard! I was like "I DON'T LIKE HIS CHIN HE NEEDS HIS BEARD!!!" (it was the 2nd season) and ha, my roommate threw the roommate at me and told me to shut it. friend randomly came over and he talked through the entire episode saying things like "is that sara, or sofia"....but i didn't care cuz i was recording it....but then when i went to watch it the stupid dvr was screwed up and only recorded the first five minutes...
One time I was watching CSI and my brother cam in an changed the channel right in the middle of 'Who Shot Sherlock' (My Favourite Epp!) Lets just say I let him have it and he couldnt get to school the next day (I WAS UNFAIRLY GROUNDED FOR A MONTH)
Sandle_Luver, did you forget to wipe your fingerprints off your little brother? Being a CSI fan, you should know better.