One time I watched CSI and...

i was watching an episode last night and my sister phoned long distance! it was so annoying considering she talked to our grandparents when it was on a commercial and to me when the show was on. then my mom phoned and asked what was wrong i said nothing and she was all like you sound really down and i was like oh, that's because my mouth is full of apple pie(my grandma makes the best) and you and Liss phoned while i am watching csi. she totally understood though and hung up:)
Haha, my auntie reminded me of this today on the phone :p:

One time I was watching CSI and my aunties boyfriend changed it and said "I thought CSI couldn't be on every hour of the day...but with digital cable it's possible, so I just have to steal the remote from you" So we ended up like wrestling eachother for this remote only my aunties boyfriend is like 6 ft. tall and weighs like 3 times as much as me so he was so gonna win...until the dog started attacking him and I grabbed the remote from him and changed it back to CSI :p.
....i was eating spaghetti...and it was the episode where the girl gets eaten by her friends....and umm....i almost lost dinner......
One time I was watching CSI at my friends house and my mum called me -luckily in the advert break- and told me she was in hospital because she got hit by a car, it was good she called in the break...because if she didn't I would have hung up on her, and told her I have to watch CSI...and she would have been angry. Oh, and she's fine.
the other day my grandpa and i were watching csi and on all the adds he would change the chanel to football(i hate football) i kept bugging him to change it back and when he finally did i turned my head so quickly to watch it i now have to go to the doctors tommorow because i did something to my hurts sooooooooooo much it isn't funny, i cant even turn it! :( i'll let you know what i did to it tommorow.
CatherineWillows said:
One time I was watching CSI peacefully and then my roommate walks in and grabs the remote from my hand and changes it! I was like AHHH I HATE YOU!!!! And she's like "you've seen this episode like 10 times" (it was Bloodlines) so then I got mad and went on the computer and started hitting the computer desk with a spoon the whole entire time her show was on :p

The poor computer!! And don't put down Bloodlines, please. It's a great episode because it deals with three of my main interests: genealogy, genetics and forensics.
i was watching csi three days ago and my grandma commented that catherine was wearing a wig! i was like no way and then we got in to this huge argument over it! catherine so doesn't wear a wig!
Ok one day i was watching CSI: and Nick was on, and when Nick is one and someone annoys me i get mad, and at that point my friend called, i picked it up and she said 'are you watching CSI, cause ya boyfriend is on'
I said yeah dur and hung up, then Greg came on and my mate likes Greg, so i got the phone and went, 'you watching CSI, cause ya boyfriend is on' in a sarcastic voice, it was quiet for a while then i heard a Voice scream back, 'OMG that was Greg, OMG You dummy, you made me miss what he said, like next time Nick is on i will keep ringing you'
So ya know what i did?
I left the phone of the hook af course, ahh piece and quite.
one time i was watching csi and my little cousin came running down the stairs butt-naked and jumped directly in front of the tv and started dancing and singing "oh yeah, oh yeah, do da booty dance, do da booty dance..." and i got SO mad at him i like picked him up and took him back upstairs and practically threw him on my grandma's bed!
Imperfect said:
i was watching csi and i was like i hate catherine's hair(first season) and my friend whose house i was at was like i think her hair is cute so then we got into a big argument over whether or not catherine's hair was ugly in the first season
ohmygod her hair was so fugly (gotta love mean girls) in s1. you obviously have a sense of style.
one time i was watching csi and the power went out so i couldnt watch the rest of the episode on the tv. but luckily i had my portable dvd player charged so i just watched the epi on dvd :)
One time I was watching CSI with my aunt and it had all these parts talking about sex and stuff and there were SO many I had to talk over the TV so my auntie wouldn't freak cause I was watching it with my little sister...haha, my aunt couldn't figure out why I was talking over half the episode.
ha ha! that sounds like something i would do when my dad's around so he wouldn't be like "oh, THAT'S great! this is real family television, isn't it. but then, i guess, everyone else is watching it too, so it's okay" and then i'd be like "dave (that's my dad's name, i just call him dave when i'm messing with his mind or really pissed at him), shut up. NOT everyone is watching it, it doesn't affect my brain because i already know ALL about this thanks to school, and if you don't like it, you don't have to watch it. now please be quiet, there's lotsa gsr in this part" and then he's like "what are you talking about? i don't see any guns" and i'm like "not that kind dave, the other one" and he's like "what?!" and i'm like "forget about it dave. it's a matter of the heart that you just wouldn't understand..." and all of a sudden it gets very quiet until my little brother dumps all his legos on his bedroom floor...