TOP41 It seems they are following the age old TV formula here, and your right, if they want to prolong this it cant come from Lindsay's side if she couldn't get involved with Danny she cant come back involved with someone else, it wouldn't make sense at all. Its pretty obvious they don't want to tank the storyline so they have to make it from Danny's side, its the only way it could make sense.
I just don't like how the show seem to be keeping Danny in the dark about this whole secret and trial thing. I would have thought if he knew where Lindsay was, he would have made some reference to the trial in in that phone message he leaves. I cant help but think this whole secret thing is going to come into play somewhere down the track later this season maybe or early next. And I think its going to effect any possible D/A relationship and not in a good way.
I just think this whole thing is way to rushed.(unexpected and surprising) I mean we know Danny knows her on a professional level but does he really know her on a personal level. Are they going to use this later on down the track. That he rushed into it too quickly, like he didn't spend the time getting to know her, just acted on his attraction. They could have shown that Danny had moved on while Lindsay was still around, why wait until she is out of town. Had some sort of build up to D/A shown some sort of attraction before Lindsay left town. And that phone message, why does it have to be after Danny's moment with Angell why not before. It cant be guilt unless something happened between D/L before Lindsay left and I cant see the show doing that, that would mean Lindsay's trust issues would be justified, plus I cant see the show making Danny a cheater. I also dont think Lindsay would ask Danny to wait for her in that letter that wouldn't make any sense at all. So what are they trying to show us. The only thing I can think of is it's their way of showing us that Lindsay not returning his calls or rejecting him may cause him to act on his attraction to Angell. What ever way you look at it, that cant be a good thing.
Also does anyone think its mere coincedence they casted someone that looked so much like Aiden. If they tie that factor into it, you will be hearing the sound of breaking glass , that would be me throwing something through my tv set. lol
I just don't like how the show seem to be keeping Danny in the dark about this whole secret and trial thing. I would have thought if he knew where Lindsay was, he would have made some reference to the trial in in that phone message he leaves. I cant help but think this whole secret thing is going to come into play somewhere down the track later this season maybe or early next. And I think its going to effect any possible D/A relationship and not in a good way.
I just think this whole thing is way to rushed.(unexpected and surprising) I mean we know Danny knows her on a professional level but does he really know her on a personal level. Are they going to use this later on down the track. That he rushed into it too quickly, like he didn't spend the time getting to know her, just acted on his attraction. They could have shown that Danny had moved on while Lindsay was still around, why wait until she is out of town. Had some sort of build up to D/A shown some sort of attraction before Lindsay left town. And that phone message, why does it have to be after Danny's moment with Angell why not before. It cant be guilt unless something happened between D/L before Lindsay left and I cant see the show doing that, that would mean Lindsay's trust issues would be justified, plus I cant see the show making Danny a cheater. I also dont think Lindsay would ask Danny to wait for her in that letter that wouldn't make any sense at all. So what are they trying to show us. The only thing I can think of is it's their way of showing us that Lindsay not returning his calls or rejecting him may cause him to act on his attraction to Angell. What ever way you look at it, that cant be a good thing.
Also does anyone think its mere coincedence they casted someone that looked so much like Aiden. If they tie that factor into it, you will be hearing the sound of breaking glass , that would be me throwing something through my tv set. lol