On Love Triangles (chock full of *MAJOR SPOILERS*)

I agree about the relationship between Danny and Lindsay not being kept in the background if it does happen based on who Danny is. Danny's a drama queen. Grissom and Sara are both quiet, reserved, private people. Danny will always have some sort of an issue--I imagine dating Danny would be worse than dating the neediest, clingiest guy out there. :lol: I'm sure he's sweet, but I'm also sure he'd bring the drama.

And since Lindsay herself isn't really mature, it's just a bad thing all around.

Bring on Angell, I say. :D
Just thought I would stick my 2 cents in. Now I dont mind a LITTLE romance, but I at least like it to be well written and worked into the show without getting in the way of story and for it to be true to the characters.

Personaly having watched some of the eps pertaining to Danny and Lindsay I dont see this chemistry that they are talking about, it all just seems a little to contrived, rushed, and I think it has bad idea written all over it.

Apart from that dont they know that teasing an audience, i.e. dropping a SUBTLE hint here and there over a period of time works far better than trying to shove something down their throats. Mind you subtle and CBS dont seem to go together. As for Angel I havent seen enough of her to say as yet but I think putting her in a relationship this season would be pushing it.
Danny will always have some sort of an issue--I imagine dating Danny would be worse than dating the neediest, clingiest guy out there.
Oh my God!! :) I'm sort of getting that idea now since you mentioned it. I can totally imagine that. :lol: As much as we haven't seen this, I can totally see this!! :lol:
MacsGirlMel said:
:O Come on Lynn you know you love D/L lol. You little angst lover you.

I do love angst. I love season 2 D/L. If DL would go back to that, and Linds grow up a bit and quit gettin' on my nerves, then maybe I would love season 3 D/L.
kissmesweet said:
^^ She has stuff to work out. It's not hard witnessing deaths of your friends.

I seriously hope the "not" is not supposed to be there.

Anyway, did she actually witness the death of her friends? From what I've read, she's in the bathroom and just hears what's going on. While it all is traumatizing, why is she just now dealing with it? Did she manage to block it out for the past 10 years? :eek: That's crazy. So, we're expected to believe that's why she became a CSI and that nothing she's seen in the line of duty since then had any impact whatsoever on her.
^^ From what I've read I believe she didn't see the actual shooting, but she did see the guy who did it before he left the scene...

And she perhaps became a CSI to do a better job than the CSI's working her friends' case...catching killers (by studying the evidence) within a few days and not after ten years...
Maybe she didn't block it out. She just tried to get over the trauma and the trial brought it all back up for her.

I am pretty sure Delia didn't mean to put "not" there.
I think it's safe to say that everyone understands that the 'not' wasn't supposed to be there. To me, it looked like it was just a comment to point it out in the sentence. :rolleyes:

So basically, we're going back and forth about trying to justify Lindsay's behavior and reasons for being a CSI, which is honestly a discussion better suited to a Lindsay thread, or that speculation thread that dropped off the face of the planet a while ago. Don't get me wrong, Lindsay is one of the characters involved in this discussion, so who she is will be a part of it, but at least 8 posts that had little to nothing to do with the topic at hand?...

Come on Lynn you know you love D/L lol.
Multishipping happens. And sometimes people change their opinions of a ship even if they like it. Plus, it's possible to find fault even with something you personally like. That's not to say that I am privy to Lynn's reasons for posting anything that she says, since I'm not a psychic, but I'm just saying...

I can just se Mac forcing him to wear shades all of the time, so that Danny stops with the sex-eyes. Just to stop him getting it on with the ENTIRE department...
Really, we should insist upon this. It's causing problems. I'm waiting for the entire department to get into a catfight over him. :lol:

As of D/L i can't see Mac having a problem with that given his relationship with a co-worker, on the other hand you never know.
While it might be slightly (or more than slightly) hypocritical of him, I still think it would make more sense for Mac to have a problem with Danny and Lindsay in a relationship. For one, a coroner and a lead CSI don't interact as much during the course of their jobs, not compared to two CSIs who often share cases. For another thing, Mac does have doubts about his own relationship, even though he knows that he's not going to let it get in the way of his job--even if he hated himself for it, Mac wouldn't hesitate to do something for the job that might hurt his relationship with Peyton. The scene with Hawkes in "Murder Sings the Blues" proves that. (I could be making assumptions, but that's all we can do at this point.) Even if he weren't against a relationship in principle, he knows Danny better than almost anyone else. I refuse to believe that he'd turn a blind eye to a situation that might cause Danny to compromise his ability to do his job. Or Lindsay, for that matter, considering the way that personal problems have been affecting her ability to do her job lately, causing her to get called out on it by Stella. Do we really want to have a case where Danny and/or Lindsay screws something up and Mac brings his wrath down on them? Even if Mac and Peyton have had personal clashes, the cases didn't suffer because of it. That's not to say that Danny and/or Lindsay would be adversely affected at work, but I'm just speculating here, which is all anybody is doing at this point. I just wonder if the writers have gone through all of the possibilities themselves...

Danny will always have some sort of an issue--I imagine dating Danny would be worse than dating the neediest, clingiest guy out there. I'm sure he's sweet, but I'm also sure he'd bring the drama.

And since Lindsay herself isn't really mature, it's just a bad thing all around.
Danny can't not bring the drama. :lol:

When it comes to cases, Lindsay seems pretty selfish--not really connecting to people if their situations don't mirror her own in some way, wanting to follow her hunches until the last possible minute, when the evidence finally proves her wrong (rather than exploring multiple possibilities to begin with), etc. Meanwhile, Danny also strikes me as a selfish person, even if he is more empathetic toward suspects and whatnot. If he has something going on in his life, he's not going to be able to keep his personal crap out of his professional activities. Consider how he acted when Aiden died--yes, Danny is emotional, and his reaction toward the man who owned the car mirrors what we were all probably thinking. However, kicking the guy's ass wouldn't have done any good and only harm to their case if he'd been involved. Danny can't always have Mac or Flack there to calm him down. And let's be honest: if they go with Danny/Lindsay, there will be all kinds of drama, I'm sure. The writers want ratings, after all.

Danny and Lindsay...I think it has bad idea written all over it.
You and me both.

You can watch if you also hold the camcorder. I have a better solution. You said "babies" plural. I'm 37 so my biological clock is ticking louder. I'll have the first one and then you can be the Danny babymomma...You said you wanted to have my babies. I'm good with that. Danny can watch and hold the camcorder. I have no idea how I lept to both of us being Danny's babymommas. Oh wait, I'm obsessed with the sexiness that is Danny - that's how.
It's cool, we're both afflicted. I must admit, as much as I would love to have your babies, I like your original suggestion better. :devil: