On Love Triangles (chock full of *MAJOR SPOILERS*)

And she perhaps became a CSI to do a better job than the CSI's working her friends' case...catching killers (by studying the evidence) within a few days and not after ten years...
Well, not every murder is solved in less than a day or two :rolleyes: (after all, it is TV). I'm sure the CSIs did everything they could (even though we don't know the details) but sometimes, there's just not enough evidence or maybe the couldn't find the killer. Some of them are good at hiding out.

But to get back to the triangle talk. ;)

Apart from that dont they know that teasing an audience, i.e. dropping a SUBTLE hint here and there over a period of time works far better than trying to shove something down their throats.
But didn't you know....DL is such a wonderful idea :eek:, why would they want to wait? Let them put DL together, let them screw it up, and then watch the more serious viewers get tired of the crap and tune into something else or, just ignore DL altogether and focus on the rest of the cast (I'm going with Flack :D) and cases. While I wouldn't stop watching NY even if I have to be put through DL hell, I would seriously consider it if they start taking over the show.

They'll be working together in episode 19. Gah, nothing like shoving that down our throats again. :rolleyes: I'm just waiting to see if they leave in the DA scene tomorrow night (knowing TPTB they took it out) and what happens in the next few episodes.

:mad:Fay, you posted while I was typing and I'm too lazy to go back and answer. :p
CathStokes said:
a little stupid don't ya think?

Now, now. For the record, I didn't mean to cause the fuss that I did over the "not" thing. One of the problems with text over sound is that you can't convey your tone, and things tend to be taken the wrong way. I simply pointed out it was there, because it seemed really odd when I read it. It was intended for the OP.

As for the off-topic discussion, Fay's right, it belongs in the Lindsay threads. There's something very off about the current Lindsay storyline, and if we're confused by some of the weird plotholes, then so might a lot of other viewers.

Regarding Angell - I think we're going to have to sit out and see how it's handled, but two office relationships - or one and a potential love triangle - is really offputting for me. I think I'd like more focus on the actual cases. We've had some really well-done, well thought-out cases this season, and it's been awesome to watch.
Asparagus posted this in the spoiler thread from Ausiello's "Ask Ausiello" column:

Asparagus said:
Question: Rumors are running rampant about a hookup between Danny and Jennifer on CSI: NY. Is this true? If so, what does this mean for Danny and Lindsay? Speaking of Lindsay, when's Anna Belknap scheduled to return?— Adele G.
Ausiello: According to exec producer Peter M. Lenkov, "Detective Angell and Detective Messer will be working a couple of cases in the near future, and whenever you put two beautiful people together, there's bound to be chemistry. But by no means is the Danny and Lindsay relationship over." And to your second Q, Anna returned to work last week — less than a month after giving birth! Paging Gloria Allred….

Less than a month!?

Sounds like they are indeed going the love triangle route, and that pairing Danny and Angell up for cases is no accident. I wonder if when Lindsay and Danny get back from Montana, maybe he's conflicted or something happens to drive him into Angell's arms and not Lindsay's. I guess it depends on what happens when they get back and how far they want to go with the love triangle.
Sounds like they are indeed going the love triangle route, and that pairing Danny and Angell up for cases is no accident. I wonder if when Lindsay and Danny get back from Montana, maybe he's conflicted or something happens to drive him into Angell's arms and not Lindsay's. I guess it depends on what happens when they get back and how far they want to go with the love triangle.
I was really hoping that they would avoid the love triangle. It does sound as though they're gearing up for it and I hate to see what it will mean for Angell. Since she is only a recurring character, and a detective no less (outside of Flack, their survival rate on NY is abysmal), I’m afraid they’ll use her for this love triangle and then toss her to the wayside. I think Angell could have been a very strong character on her own, but if TPTB do decide on a love triangle, then she’ll primarily be known as Danny’s conflicted love interest. There’s only so much you can do with awkward moments between two characters before it’s redundant and quite frankly, daft. Unless the TPTB give her time to hold her own like Sid and Adam managed to do, I don’t think we’ll see much of her next season.

Of course, it depends on how far they plan to take this love triangle. *shrugs*

On a side note, it’s a little disappointing to see a writer’s perception (Lenkov, at least) on “chemistry.” Granted it’s only a snippet and therefore likely things might have changed, but only sticking two beautiful people together isn’t guaranteed chemistry. It’s nice to watch if both parties are attractive, but it doesn’t mean they will necessarily click. I do think Danny and Angell have chemistry, and the potential for great chemistry, but I’m really hoping it wasn’t the writers’ sitting around a table going, “We need someone to have chemistry with Danny. Who do we have that’s gorgeous?” “….Angell?” “Great! She’ll do.”

Well, I think it’d be worse if her sole purpose this season was to be the third wheel in this love triangle.
Just commented this in the spoilers' thread... I'm feeling totally disappointed right now. Let's hope at least for some good writing or else I'm gonna start throwing things at my TV.
Well, no offense to the writers, but I've seen the way they've done the Danny/Lindsay "relationship" so far, and I don't have high hopes for good writing, Orison.

Word to your entire post, SimplyBlue. Even if I like the idea of Danny/Angell, I would have been happier with it in fanfic, rather than having it be a device to further the D/L shit and ruin Angell's character. :(
Sounds like they are indeed going the love triangle route, and that pairing Danny and Angell up for cases is no accident. I wonder if when Lindsay and Danny get back from Montana, maybe he's conflicted or something happens to drive him into Angell's arms and not Lindsay's. I guess it depends on what happens when they get back and how far they want to go with the love triangle.
Maybe after they come back from Montana, Lindsay goes back to the "let's just do our jobs" talk and Danny starts having second thoughts. Danny and Angell will be working together in a couple episodes before he goes to Montana so who knows exactly what will happen between them. Maybe there will be a hint of more that happened off camera than what we actually see on camera.
Granted it’s only a snippet and therefore likely things might have changed, but only sticking two beautiful people together isn’t guaranteed chemistry.
I agree that it's not guaranteed but it can be there. In Danny and Angell's case, I can see it. It's also no guarantee that sticking a hot detective and a plain jane from Montana together is chemistry either. In Danny and Lindsay's case, I don't see it.
That does not fill me with confidence for the rest of the season! I am no way a fan of the D/L relationship, please don't get me started and like others have mentioned Angell has the opportunity to become a fabulous addition to the show. They are going to be digging an early grave if they keep messing with viewers like this. In my opinion people watch CSI for the cases and the science and the characters, turning it into some soppy soap opera isn't going to do them any favours. They are going to start losing viewers!!
I have a question. CSI:NY beat "Lost" last week, but "Lost" won the 18-?? demographic, right? Could someone who knows about that kind of thing elaborate for me? It seems to me that the CSI:NY should target that demographic of viewers. So, with that in mind, is ploughing forward with a juvenile romance story and/or soap opera love triangle really the best way to pull in those viewers? I fit into that demographic, and I sure as hell don't want to see that. My sister might be into that kind of thing, but she's 12 and likes to watch "Degrassi". :rolleyes:
Well, it means that NY won overall for the 10pm time slot but Lost had more viewers in the 18-49 demographic than NY did. So, Lost won for that demo but NY still won overall.
Yes Mac is seeing Peyton.

I am in that age demographic, too. I used to watch Lost, until they started the triange thing (and came on during CSI:NY), but I wasn't interested anymore after that.
Moriel21 said:
**Mo tiptoes into the thread...sure she is about to be pounced on for being so blatantly pro-D/L...**
So I figured this thread was about Danny/Linds/Angell and lookie I was right! ;) Lol! I'm clearly a D/L fan, ya know in case y'all couldn't tell... :lol: And since for some reason they aren't so popular I won't stay long! :D
So it's either going to confirm his feelings for Lindsay
I just wanted to say, I think that this "scene" is going to confirm his feelings for Linds, I very clearly and strongly believe that! (I know, I know, I'm a fluffy D/L lover so of course I'd say that...but even so...I really think it's gonna be D/L!)
**Mo sneaks back out of the thread...as quiet and inconspicious as she came in!** ;)
I've got your back, Mo! ;) :lol: I figure Danny and Lindsay need to be away from each other to realize just how good they are together. I don't think Angell's a threat. :p
dbl4eva said:
Yes Mac is seeing Peyton.

I am in that age demographic, too. I used to watch Lost, until they started the triange thing (and came on during CSI:NY), but I wasn't interested anymore after that.

i haven't been very into CSI NY yet. because i mainly like CSI but now that i could tell you what happens in every episode it's just lost something.

yeah i watched lost the first season. than it started to get confussing so i stopped.