NY Forum Trip To LA #2

:lol: Seriously, anyone who is jealous of the big boobied ladies here shouldn't be. Have you seen the bras we have to wear? A small village could live in one of my cups in my bras. I am not kidding here. :rolleyes: When I went shopping this last weekend for bras, I saw my size and the woman even suggested a DDD for me, I nearly cried.

MrsG The t-shirt idea is awesome! :D I am all over a Team Flack shirt, I would like a fitted one, I will PM you with the size as soon as I see the shirt and look at some of mine to compare. (again, has to do with the damn boobies) as to what size I get. :rolleyes:

Top , I am looking forward to seeing your new look!!! :D and these banana swallowing skills, I am proud :D
YES, somebody else with some dramatic hair color! :lol: I have blonde and bright red streaks on black hair, so, uh yeah.

As for the heat, where I live right now, it's both hot and humid to the max. Thank God for air-conditioning. LA has lotsa air-conditioning, right? Please tell me that is so, or I think I'll just go everywhere in a bikini.

And yesh, I'd like a Team Flack fitted t-shirt. :D

(By the way, what happened to the Peter Lenkov project?!)
Kimmychu said:
LA has lotsa air-conditioning, right? Please tell me that is so, or I think I'll just go everywhere in a bikini.
Plenty of A/C in LA. Don't worry. Plus it's a dry heat. It's not nearly the hell that accompanies humidity.

And yesh, I'd like a Team Flack fitted t-shirt. :D
Excellent. I assume you're a size small? Don't know why I bother to ask that. I've seen your pic. I *know* you're a small girl. I just want to make sure before ordering.

(By the way, what happened to the Peter Lenkov project?!)
Working on that. Our source for the hi-res screen caps hasn't panned out as of yet, but I found someone else just today who sent me caps from two episodes within hours of my request and she didn't even have them handy. Had to make them for me. Go BlueGirl, you rock!!!! Now I just need hi-res caps from "Trapped" and I'll send them to you. Hopefully within the next couple days.

Ooh, they have tank tops, too! Can we customize them ourselves or do they have to say Team Flack?
They have to say Team Flack (or Lindsay, if you have no eye for chemistry :lol:). That's the whole point. We want to do a group pic to send the boys. And btw, we're sending Team Flack tees to Carmine and Eddie too. :lol: And a group pic of us wearing our shirts will go in the packages with their shirts. :lol:
You're all coming out here to LA? Maybe I'll see you at some point, though I don't know how I'll recognize you. You'll love the Grove, tons of shops, a great Farmer's Market, and a HUGE Barnes and Noble. Hope you all have a great time here and that I see you at least once (even if I don't know it's you :lol:) :)
We'll be the swarm descending on the city, leaving destruction in our wake. :lol:

Team Flack for sure. I haven't looked at the site yet, but I'll probably be getting a baggy one. :p

I can't wait to see all of these on everyone. I'm glad we came up with a themed souvenir.

And--MrsG's gonna call me a bunny for this--but anyone who is for Team Lindsay, don't be afraid to speak up and request the t-shirt you want. Seriously. The pic will look fun with the two "teams" represented. But friendly rivalry only, please. At the end of the day, we can all agree that Flack and Lindsay should just take turns gang-banging Danny, at least for the sake of this trip. :lol: :D

Blonde or brunette, I am as deft with a banana as ever! ;) :devil:

cainesugar, feel free to check out our itinerary in the first post of this thread and meet up with us at some point if you're up for it! Just drop MrsG or myself a PM if you want to be included in any of the reservations.
I'll happily sport a TEAM FLACK t-shirt. :D Great idea!

I'll pm you with the size once I've worked out which to go for.
Awesome idea, MrsG!

Sadly I never wear pink so I'll have to go with the dark blue one... ;) I tried looking at the shirts but the links don't work for me. *scratches head* I'll try again later so I can hopefully give you the size and all. :)
Thank you!! :D I'll definitely go with the fitted tee.

I also tried a couple of font styles just to see how it looks and I liked the results a lot. It's gonna be so cool! :lol:
Top41 said:
And--MrsG's gonna call me a bunny for this--but anyone who is for Team Lindsay, don't be afraid to speak up and request the t-shirt you want. Seriously. The pic will look fun with the two "teams" represented. But friendly rivalry only, please. At the end of the day, we can all agree that Flack and Lindsay should just take turns gang-banging Danny, at least for the sake of this trip. :lol: :D
Nope. Not gonna call you a bunny at all. Lindsay supporters, please feel completely free to order a Team Lindsay tee. Seriously. The idea isn't to force everyone to wear a Team Flack tee. It's just a fun souveneir of the trip and represents a current issue within the fandom.

Orison mentioned fonts. I was thinking of going with the font called "team", appropriately enough. It's classic lettering that goes on team jerseys.

Please make sure you send me your size, style and team. Simply posting, "I could go for a Flack shirt" isn't enough info for me to order from. You can post your order here, PM me or email me at debfuji@yahoo.com.

So far, I have complete info for Top, Orison and Kimmy (I think, but please confirm the size Kimmy). All others please GET YOUR ORDER TO ME BY 9:00 AM PACIFIC TIME ON THURSDAY, JULY 5TH. Not joking. This isn't a flexible deadline. I'll be ordering the shirts first thing Thursday morning.

I'll send an email regarding the shirts because I know not everyone who is coming on the trip visits the board with enough regularly to see this in time to order.
cainesugar, feel free to check out our itinerary in the first post of this thread and meet up with us at some point if you're up for it! Just drop MrsG or myself a PM if you want to be included in any of the reservations.

Thanks, and I did- I might see you at the Grove since I go there often, but don't worry about including me. Thank you so much for the offer, though. I'll look for a bunch of TEAM FLACK shirts I guess. :lol: Again, have a great time.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
So far, I have complete info for Top, Orison and Kimmy (I think, but please confirm the size Kimmy).

:lol: Hah, I'm glad I checked the forum one last time before heading to the bed. I guess I'm an S. I checked out the links a few posts above and saw that the t-shirt sizes had no specific measurements for bust line, waist, etc. I'm not sure what my US size is ... I just know I'm usually small. :p

Gosh, I wish we could print a picture of Carmine's lovely butt on the back. :devil: :lol:
^No offense to Carmine's butt--it really is lovely--but we do want to be able to wear these t-shirts in public. :lol: :devil: