NY Forum Trip To LA #2

Ooooh, booklovers!!!! :D We're gonna have fun, ladies! :D

And I didn't realize that weekend is Harry Potter weekend. The bookstore is gonna be packed. But all the HP fans can get their shiny new copies... :D
I've got flight planes and unfortunately I'm gonna have to skip out on all the last day of shopping and fun since my flight leaves at 1:30. But all be there for everything else (that doesn't require you to be over 21)
I have decided that anyone I go shopping with on this trip will probably have to be a little on the psycho, 'I love to shop' frame of mind. Case in point: Today I was at the mall and just about every store has all of their summer clothing on sale, 40% to 75% off now. I went a bit crazy when I located a pair of jeans that I had been eyeing for a while now, regular price, $70.00, on sale for $17.99. It was frightening to watch, but I was happy. also, I took the large chested ladies advice here, and went to Lane Bryant for bras and they rocked and were REASONABLE and on sale!!!!! It was a good day in my world today. :lol:
Thumpy, if there is one good psycho trait about me, it's my shopping. Although, I have mastered the art of getting my daddy to buy things for me. Like S3 of NCIS and a $70 purse (on sale from $100, but still!).
OMG only 18 days left!
Kimmychu said:
Guys, have you browsed through the gallery for some of the clubs on the itinerary? :eek: Boy, MrsG sure wasn't kidding when she said they're upscale. After looking at the pictures, I feel like I need to a long-haired blonde with a killer smile and a skimpy dress just to be able to get in. :p :lol:
Beautiful clubs filled with beautiful people. We're on the guest list for Boulevard 3, so no gorgeous blonde needed there. As for Les Deux, if we show up after 10pm, we may need to blow the doorman to get in. :lol: ... But that's on a Thursday night, so perhaps a titty flash will suffice. :lol:
:lol: We're gonna be there at $10, because if I recall correctly, getting there at 10 also avoided the $20 cover. No guarantees, but hopefully if we tell them we've come for dessert, that will happen again.

So I didn't go on any big shopping sprees, but my hair was getting awfully long and frizzy, so tonight I chopped it (myself! :D ) and dyed it (dark brown). I needed a new look for the summer, so I decided to go drastic. The dye is in my hair right now--y'all will see how it turned out in less than three weeks... :lol: :D
^Yep, :lol:

I actually hadn't cut my hair for two years until last night. It was just getting too long. And I decided to do the cutting myself--I'm cheap and poor :lol: , and a few years ago I cut it myself and had good results. And I figured it might be fun to try a new color, too! It's dramatic, so I hope you guys like it! :lol:
Hope you ladies (and gents) like it hot! I'm going to be in LA for the first part of next week and my vendor called me to tell me that it's going to be boiling hot. But not to worry! It's a dry kind of heat.

Then I actually checked weather.com for myself and determined that she just might be on crack. The weather forecast for the next 10 days calls for pretty nice weather, from lows in the mid-60s (fahrenheit) to highs in the upper 80s. Gorgeous. And no rain in sight.
Awesome! :D

As for the heat I'm pretty used to it, and I'm coming out of a week of temperatures around 105° so anything below a hundred is heaven for me.. *lol*
Top41 said:
It's dramatic, so I hope you guys like it! :lol:
Dude, with the size of your tits, you could be bald and no one would notice. :lol:

*is jealous of Springmoon*
I wanna go to LA next week! 80s is perfect for LA! I'm hoping it doesn't get too hot while we're there because disgusting as this will sound, once it hits the high 90s, the smog is so bad you can't see the hills. Yuck! But in the 80s, it's gorgeous!
Top41 said:
The dye is in my hair right now--y'all will see how it turned out in less than three weeks... :lol: :D

Nuh uh. I have to see it before everyone else. Send me a picture or give me back my Saved By The Bell Friends Forever friendship bracelet.
Ladies, got a fun idea for you. What do you think of having Team Flack or Team Lindsay (if that's your thing :rolleyes: ... kidding :lol:) t-shirts made for the trip? We could wear them for a group pic to send to Carmine, Eddie and Peter Lenkov (the only writer who actually listens to us) and then we could keep them as a commerative souveneir of our trip.

I can order the shirts for everyone who is interested and you can just pay for yours when I give it to you. I'd ideally love to go with an athletic style shirt, but they're more expensive. So what I'm thinking is to go with a dark blue shirt with white lettering for Team Flack and pink with white lettering for Team Lindsay. I've found a site that gives a couple style options because frankly I'd rather die than wear a super baggy tee, but many people prefer that. So, check out these options: basic tee for $10 or fitted tee for $16. We wouldn't have to select the same fit because the color and lettering would be the same.

If you're interested, please let me know which style, which team (Flack or Lindsay) and what size. I'd need to know within the next day or two so that I could get the order placed in time to receive it before LA.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Top41 said:
It's dramatic, so I hope you guys like it! :lol:
Dude, with the size of your tits, you could be bald and no one would notice. :lol:

*is jealous of Springmoon*
I wanna go to LA next week! 80s is perfect for LA! I'm hoping it doesn't get too hot while we're there because disgusting as this will sound, once it hits the high 90s, the smog is so bad you can't see the hills. Yuck! But in the 80s, it's gorgeous!

For a second there, I thought you were jealous of my tits too *glares disparagingly at her chest* These b*tches need their own zip code.

Brunette? How are we supposed to recognize the banana-swallowing expert?