NY Forum Trip To LA #2

I got my fugly tie today and damn, it is one of the fugliest ties I have seen, well since the last one I saw Flack in.- $2.99 at Goodwill. WHOO HOOO!

Happy 4th of July all!!! (in the US who care that today is Independence Day)! :lol:

What is it, 15 days now?
CSI_in_training, I would recommend editing that info out of your post and PMing it to MrsG instead. I'd recommend keep the info about where you're staying and your arrival/departure times private.

midnight, you have to be in the picture. :p

MrsGiovinazzo said:
Top41 said:
Do not forget to get MrsG your info for these t-shirts pronto! We've got to get these ordered quickly so that we can have them in time for the meet-up. Your team, your style and your size--that's all we need. :cool:
Excellent post, Top! I've stopped stuffing my face with 4th of July hot dogs long enough to hop online and remind you all that I absolutely need your t-shirt orders BY 9:00 AM PACIFIC TIME TOMORROW. No team, style and size to me by then = no shirt for you. So get your asses on it now!!!!

Translation: Get your info to MrsG NOW!!!! :p :p :p

Does this make me bad cop??? ;)
^Well, you've got to pick one. Please? We'll let you hold up a "DANNY SUCKS" poster if you do... ;)
I want to order an 'I hate Danny' shirt, but you won't let me
^That's too cruel. Do you want Flack to try to kill you? :p
*imagines Flack tackling midnight to steal her shirt*

Either that, or he'd demand to know her intentions. ;)
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Top41 said:
^That's too cruel. Do you want Flack to try to kill you? :p
Actually, if she'd gone with your original suggestion of "Danny sucks," I think she'd make Flack's day. ;)

Good point! That's probably one of Flack's favorite things about him. ;) :devil:

Alright ladies--half an hour to get your t-shirt info to MrsG! Otherwise, it's Team Doofus for you! ;)
The t-shirts have been ordered. In case inquiring minds want to know, we had not so much as one single Team Lindsay shirt ordered. Guess that says something about the orientation of the discussion on the trip. :lol: :devil:

If anyone I didn't hear from (Midnight, The_Leafman, JustFriends) wants to order a shirt on their own, if it's ordered today with a rush, you'll get it in time for the trip (barely).

Couple items of business on the shirts:

1. I had to put a rush on them, which increased the price by 20%. This makes a $10 shirt cost $12 and a $16 shirt cost $19. Hope you don't mind, but we really wouldn't have received them in time otherwise.

2. I did not have any writing put on the back because it would have added $10 to the cost.

3. I didn't bother with finding a different site to order mens shirts from because we're placing the order so last minute, I didn't want to have to worry about whether two different sites could come through in time. Therefore, i ordered the mens ringer tee for all those who ordered mens shirts. Although the cost is $24 ($29 with the rush), since that's not what any of you agreed to, I'm thinking it would be great if you paid the same as the fitted womens shirts.

And, btw, I ordered Team Flack shirts for Carmine, Eddie and Lenkov too. I have no problem at all paying for these myself and sending a card from the Ladies of CSI Files, but if any of you want to contribute a couple bucks to the cost of the boys' shirts, that's always appreciated. If you think that's weird, Carmine does know about the shirts and thinks it's funny. :D
MrsGiovinazzo said:
If you think that's weird, Carmine does know about the shirts and thinks it's funny. :D

:lol: Now that is weird. Although who wouldn't love Team Flack! :D :devil:

I'm more than happy to contribute to the additional costs, it's all in a good cause... :D

I can't believe there are only two weeks to go until the trip! I really must finish my shopping and change some money.
Elsie said:
MrsGiovinazzo said:
If you think that's weird, Carmine does know about the shirts and thinks it's funny. :D

:lol: Now that is weird. Although who wouldn't love Team Flack! :D :devil:

I think it's really just that he loves people talking about him and will take whatever form that comes in. Mr. "Eddie keeps asking me to go to yoga with him" and "Flack is pretty cute" certainly has no problems indulging our man-on-man fantasies and I love that about him. :D A man comfortable enough with his sexuality to not mind how we bend it is a very good thing!

I'm more than happy to contribute to the additional costs, it's all in a good cause...
Thanks, Elsie. It is indeed a good cause. ;) :devil:

Two weeks and counting!!!!!!! :D :D :D


We talked a long time ago about posting pics prior to the trip so that everyone will know who to look for. Still want to do that? I'll get the ball rolling by posting one of Top and I taken, appropriately enough, with the Hollywood sign in the background (Yes, it was a smoggy day. Squint and you'll be able to see it in the distance.). :D


Anyone who isn't comfortable posting a pic doesn't have to. Posting a physical description might be helpful though. Also, for those who do not wish to have their pics posted on the board during the trip, fear not - we can always snap two sets of pics, one to post on the board and one for trip participants only. It is possible to be in group shots without having your mug posted on the board. We'll protect everyone who wishes to keep themselves private, but for those who have no problem posting -- let's start getting some pics up.
I'll have a name tag. ;) (If I can find/take a good picture, I might share it with you guys, but probably not on the board. ;))

MrsGiovinazzo said:
Mr. "Eddie keeps asking me to go to yoga with him" and "Flack is pretty cute" certainly has no problems indulging our man-on-man fantasies
:eek: *slaps self* Oh dear, mental images! :eek: