NY Forum Trip To LA #2

yes, sorry, i should have put in warning before hand..didn't mean to scare any visitors to LA :eek:....true, those are the ones probably waiting in line all night to NOT get in..they were probably kirspy even before they got there anyway... :rolleyes:
^ Yeah, I always notice a difference in the crowd inside the decent clubs and the crowd outside the clubs. The doormen are generally pretty good at keeping the riff-raff out.
Kimmy, sorry your visa was denied. I'm already making financial arrangements for next year's trip, if there's going to be another one.

Congrats to Joanne for the new little one on the way :D, and to Fay for going shopping. Personally I love shopping, but I can relate to your experiences.

I had been emailing Deb about surprising you all at some of the non-RSVP stuff, but that's not going to happen at all. Deb knows the details :mad:(or will when she reads her gmail email).

Have fun, stay safe and enjoy southern Cal :cool:. You'll love it. :hugs:
That fight did look like some of the ones outside of some of the clubs here- with those people that can't act right. I don't think we will have any problems, just make sure I don't grab a hot man's ass. ;)

WOOT WOOT 3 days! :D
It was me who said something of SPF 70. Maybe they only sell it here 'cause they know how much you need it.

Awaiting your pictures and the slight possibility I might spot you all somewhere. Look for a short, fat, way-too-young kid.
Wow, cainesugar, you certainly know how to sell your self well, don't ya? The short, fat, too young looking kid wearing SPF 70? :lol: C'mon, you can do better than that. :D

This trip is starting to feel really damn close for me. My mom is coming tomorrow to help with the kids and then I leave Wednesday morning. Woo hoo!!!!
SPF 70? It makes my SPF 50 look pathetic. *sniffle*

Are there still any crazies talking about showing up where we are? (Not legitimate people from the board wanting to join us, the more of those we see the merrier :D, I mean the weirdos talking about spying on us or something.)

Well, in any case, consider this me shaking my head and telling you to find something more interesting to do, crazies. All you'll see is us having fun while you just sweat your ass off hiding behind the trashcan or something. *nod*
Faylinn said:
SPF 70? It makes my SPF 50 look pathetic. *sniffle*

Are there still any crazies talking about showing up where we are? (Not legitimate people from the board wanting to join us, the more of those we see the merrier :D, I mean the weirdos talking about spying on us or something.)

Well, in any case, consider this me shaking my head and telling you to find something more interesting to do, crazies. All you'll see is us having fun while you just sweat your ass off hiding behind the trashcan or something. *nod*

Are there? :rolleyes: Seriously people, get a life. I love the imagery though, Fay. :lol:

cainesugar you should definitely meet up with us! The beach will be fun!! I might even bring my intern.

*yes, I feel cool saying I have an intern* :lol: :lol:

And do not worry about fights outside of clubs. I haven't seen anything remotely sketchy, and I go out a fair amount.
Are there? Seriously people, get a life. I love the imagery though, Fay.
Same old, same old, really. Just thought I'd make a general-type comment to people who are planning to get their jollies by playing stalkerazzi while we're at Big Wangs or something. Hopefully people have better things to do, but you never know. *shrug*

Although the mental image of someone in a big sunglasses, crouching behind a trashcan and peeking around it to look at us, is quite amusing. :p
Guys, do you know what that video is all about? :lol: Britney Spears was there the other night and one girl told Britney that she's a whore and needs to go home to her babies. Apparently, it rubbed a few girls the wrong way and they pummeled the girl who made the comment. Obviously, these silly little tricks have nothing better to do.

So, as long as we keep our mouths shut and stay out of other people's business, I don't think we'll get in the middle of a cat fight. At least I hope so anyway. FYI, I'd turn into the freaking Hulk if someone pulled my hair like that. I HATE that.
midnight_tiptoes said:
That video was streamed straight from my Flack/Danny vs Lindsay/Danny Shipper War nightmares.

Damnit. And I won't be there in LA for that?! Now where will I use my 10-foot long laser cannon of destruction?!
Could.This.Week.Go.Any.Slower? Seriously, it should be at least Wednesday by now. I KNOW that Thursday-Sunday is going to whiz by at warp speed though. :(
lookaboomerang said:
Britney Spears was there the other night and one girl told Britney that she's a whore and needs to go home to her babies.
And the girl got her ass kicked for that? Alright, ladies, if Paris Hilton shows up we need to remember to talk trash quietly behind her back so as not to end up in our own video. :lol:

And yeah, this week is going by very slowly! Though like lookaboomerang says, Thurs - Sun will fly right by at warp speed. :(