NY Forum Trip To LA #2

Congratulations springmoon, I hope you are feeling well. :)

Fay shopped! :eek: Well done to you, I have no idea what a Twinkie hat is, but I look forward to seeing it. :)

I'm sorry you can't make it Kimmy, that sucks. :(

Well, I'm heading off tomorrow, although I will have my laptop and should have internet access at the hotels, but I will say it now, have a safe journey everyone and I look forward to seeing you all on Thursday. :)
:D YAY!!! Congrats Springmoon! I will drink a couple in your honor on the trip! :p

Fay, loss of the internet pains me greatly, for longer than a day, I start to get the shakes and withdrawal symptoms start getting to me. and I was pleased to hear that you FINALLY went shopping! :D It's not really the bad thing you envisioned it to be, now isn't it? ;)

Kimmy, Oh sad day when I read that you aren't able to make the trip to the US! :( You will be missed! I will drink one in your honor too. :p
Congrats, Springmoon!!! :D Can't wait to hear all the details on the trip and give you the golden secret to getting that little monster to sleep through the night within the first 12 weeks (yep, MrsG has priorities). Yay for you!!! And sorry you can't drink. :(

Fay - Sounds like congrats are in order for you as well. While buying new clothes may not be as monumental as being pregnant, I know what a big deal that is for a girl who hates shopping ... well, not that I'd know personally, but I can imagine. ;) Can't wait to admire the new clothes, but ... um, Twinkie hat? I thought Twinkies were just something a girl wears on her ass. :lol:
Major congratulations to Springmoon! :D As for the drinking thing, months can pass very quickly. ;)

Yeah, I'm seriously bummed I can't go too. :( I was so looking forward to meeting you girls and having a good time in LA. Oh, well. You guys better post pictures and tell us how everything goes! I want to know details, details!
Springmoon, congratulations!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D That is just awesome, awesome news. :D We'll have to celebrate (non-alcoholic style) on the trip.

Kimmy, I am so, so, so sorry that you can't go. :( :( :( Danny and Flack are crying for you, too (well, Danny is crying and Flack is comforting him in the hopes of getting laid at some point... :devil: :devil: :devil: ). But seriously, I know everyone was looking forward to meeting you. Hopefully we can turn this meet up thing into an annual or every two year thing and can meet you next time!

Fay, congrats on the new clothes! Don't worry about being pasty white--you're in good company. SPF 50, baby! I've ever heard (was it in this thread?) rumors of an SPF 70.

5 day people!!!! :D
Kimmychu said:
You guys better post pictures and tell us how everything goes! I want to know details, details!
We'll definitely make sure to share all of the details. :D

Elsie said:
I have no idea what a Twinkie hat is, but I look forward to seeing it.
Hehe, it's just a baseball cap with 'Twinkie' written on it. I was trying to find a picture but couldn't. *pout*

ThumpyG said:
It's not really the bad thing you envisioned it to be, now isn't it?
Oh, it still sucked. It sucked hard. But at least it only took one day. *sigh*

MrsGiovinazzo said:
um, Twinkie hat? I thought Twinkies were just something a girl wears on her ass.
Yeah, and my ass proves it. :lol: (Actually, I haven't eaten an actual twinkie in ages. They aren't even that good...) The twinkie hat will be keeping my poor scalp from getting burnt when we're shopping and at the beach, etc. My thinning hair provides little protection, plus the hat will shade my big-ass forehead. :lol:

Top41 said:
SPF 50, baby!
Woot-woot! I do believe the sunscreen I bought yesterday was SPF 50, now that I think about it. :lol:

ETA: Oh, by the way, I'm not sure if I mentioned it yesterday or not, but I didn't go to Charlotte today. Turns out Rhonda loves me so much that she's driving down here Tuesday and then we'll drive out there together on Wednesday. :D

I'll still be stuck in Charlotte for an unknown amount of time when we get back, but at least I don't have to spend extra days there beforehand. :D *snuggles Rhonda*
Aww, that's sweet of 1CSIMFan to help Fay. DSon't want our Fay arriving in a foul mood from having spent too much time in Charlotte.

We'll have to make this into an annual or bi-annual thing for people who can't make it this time. Kimmy, you will be sorely missed!
Sorry you can't make it, Kimmy, and congrats on your little bebé Springmoon!

I can't believe this thing is happening in 4 days. And I think I'm coming down with something. Stupid body trying to ruin my fun.
Thanks everyone for the good wishes! I know that the time will fly by, but this is the first one. Who'd like to sign up for babysitting duty?

MMm.... annual board meetup. Can we do next year in the Bahamas?
I wanna babysit! But you get him back as soon as he starts talking.

No one ever wants to come to the Caribbean. I've been trying to get people to visit me for years and they never want to. It's not fair.
Aww, that's sweet of 1CSIMFan to help Fay. DSon't want our Fay arriving in a foul mood from having spent too much time in Charlotte.
God no!!! We don't want her in a bad mood because Springmoon and I are rooming with her. :p
I felt the need to go get her for my sanity because she'd bitch the entire week if she had been stuck in Charlotte.:p

I'll still be stuck in Charlotte for an unknown amount of time when we get back, but at least I don't have to spend extra days there beforehand. *snuggles Rhonda*
I offered to let you come home with me after the trip. I promise I'll let you go back home eventually. :p **didn't say when though:rolleyes:**

ETA: I'm starting my vacation tomorrow. :D. I'll be leaving at 8am EST heading to Fay's. I'll have my laptop with me so I can' still get online. **would go insane without her laptop**
Hey now, I never asked to come get me! :p You came up with that all on your own. You just wanted to see me sooner. *bats eyelashes*

Yes, you offered to take me home--and I'd end up shackled in the house while your hellions threw things at me. :lol:

So, when you get here, you can prove to my mother that you are not a creepy, pervy guy trying to murder me in LA. :D

Silly mom. :p
^ Hey, I always say there's nothing like a good cat fight to get the party started. :lol: Thanks for posting, Messinwithmesser. NOT! Top and I will indeed be kicking your ass in LA. The next video is gonna be of us pummeling you. :lol: Kidding. We don't threaten violence here.

Ladies, please do not be alarmed by the video. I watched and noticed something right off the bat. This is filmed in the parking lot and the crowd doesn't look quite Les Deux caliber. These are the dumb thugs that wait in line all night in hopes of getting in, but they never seem to make it inside. Why? Because they look and act ghetto. Don't worry about it. You'll be inside and they'll be outside. Why? Because we'll be there at 10pm, dressed appropriately and politely behaved ... until you get in, then you can feel free to get tanked and go hump the leg of whatever Timberlake-looking wannabe strikes your fancy. :D