Nick/Sofia - Cruising the SoNic

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Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

I like to write, but haven't gotten anything going for this ship yet. It's a shame, I know. I do run a community, the link is a few posts up. Might be able to get your fix there.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

I've read them all. Boo. I have some ideas for some fics, but I'm so swamped with stories it blows. Why can't I write faster?

But I'm making a couple of Nick/Sofia icons, so please post your favorite pictures of them. If you have any. CSI Caps is down, so I'm having problems finding some.

Also, thread #2 is approaching. We need title ideas!
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

You can always traverse over to Beyond Imagination

Great caps. There was a scene of the two of them walking up some steps in Loco Motives. Might not be a great cap for iconage, but that's what sticks out in my mind at the moment. Make an icon out of the baby cap above. That'd be awesome! :p :)

Yeah, I've read them all too (at the community). I tried a new search last night. Nothing new that I could see. *sigh* I keep looking out, though.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

To be fair I haven't read Stuck On You, but it's only because I have the attention span of a ferret. A need to wake up in a certain mood to be able to read long fics. I wanna read it real badly, though.

Looking through all the caps has made me realize how much Sonic goodness I've missed. I haven't watched a single episode this season :(.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Stuck on you? I thought it was 'Crush on You.' But then again you might be talking abolut something different. I wish pheonix would finish the CoY. I was so getting into that.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Crush on You, yeah. I work in an office on Tuesdays and it's boring as hell, so I've been reading it then.

Paging Phoenix - please come claim your fic at the check out counter. And bring porn.

How do you guys feel about the possibility of...
Louise Lombard leaving? I really doubt her pilot will get picked, but I really don't want her to go. I need my weekly doses of Nick/Sofia.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

I couldn't find this thread for the longest time. I'm a huge Nick/Sofia fan and I have to write 50 stories of them for LJ. I thought I'd give you guys the link to the first one, if you wanna read it. It's here:

I'm trying to upload it to, but it won't let me. Oh well. Hope you enjoy it and viva la Sonic!

edited to remove link to R rated fanfic
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Read them and loved them. Continue or I will be forced to eat your braaaaains.

I used to have so may plot ideas, but whatever. I have so much on my plate right now there's no way I'll ever be able to write a N/So fic. I'm happy to read them all, though.
First, I thought I would actually change the subject to reflect what it says on the thread list page. It's been bugging me for weeks now, ever since I noticed it. Hope no one minds. Hehe.

Secondly, I love your fics Skylar. Gotta keep the Sofia/Nick love alive any way we can. :)
Thanks, guys. If you have any plot ideas, let me know! I have to write 48 more and I don't know if my brain is smart enough.

I'd love to read something, too *wink wink*
Gosh, I've been thinking and thinking on it. I find myself inadvertantly squeezing in Nick/Sofia moments in other incomplete fics collecting dust on my hard drive, but can't seem to write one that solely centers around them. It's frustrating.

I'm working on it. I really wanna write one.
I've been waiting for someone to bring this thread to life. Any news on whether Louise is leaving? I'd hate it if she did. Sofia kicks all kinds of ass.
I have no idea on whether LL is on board for the next season. I would agree. She def 'kicks all kinds of ass'. :lol: Would be a real shame if she left. I know Nick would be sad. ;)
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