Nick/Sofia - Cruising the SoNic

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Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Cool, thanks for answering my question. I took a look at each story, none are above the PG-13 rating. I hope to find more to add to the archive. Enjoy!

Nick/Sofia Community
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Yay! SoNic comunitie! *does happy-dance*
I'm alittle surpried at ya'll. Was I the only one who saw the SoNic moments in Redrum? Come on ya'll can't keep me hangin'.:)
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

There's a new Nick/Sofia fic at Check it out, it's pretty good.

I haven't been able to watch the show lately. Have they gotten any more scenes together?
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

What's the name of this fic? I'm searching for it. Don't know if I see it and I keep passing over it or what.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

In the settings panel, choose all ratings, and then pull down the Nick Stokes and Sofia Curtis names from the pull down menus. It should come up. It's the first fic up.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Ooo new ff. will go check it out in a moment. During [the episode after Redrum, can't think of it right now] they worked together. there weren't any real words exchanged but alot of looks. Nick had this 'Can we go now? he is flirting with you way to much right now' look on his face in several scenes. I was waiting for both him and sofia to tackle the guy they were interviewing. That guy was a real jerk.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

A Bullet Runs Through It was on tonight. I really wish we'd gotten comforting Nick. Grissom was so cold to her. You know Nick would've pulled her into his arms and let her cry on his shoulder.

That mustache, though. God, Nicky, what were you thinking. I still maintain it was Sofia who shaved him. Thanks, Sofia!
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Finally! Someone shows up!:p

I didn't get to watch it last night. Well, I could have, but that episode really got to me the first time I watched it. I have to sit down and watch it all the way through. I can't just watch bits and pieces of it. Was the promo for next Thursday out?

Oh yeah! Thankyou Sofia!!! If she didn't shave it off of him, she at least convinced him. Maybe that was where Sara and Grissom got the idea! LOL
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Sofia first let him have the mustache cause she wanted to humor him, but then it just got too out of control and she had to whip out the razor.

Nick: But I love my mustache. No. No way!
Sofia: If you let me shave it, I'll wear that slutty red nightie you love.
Nick: Off with the thing!
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha :lol: I can see it now. :p

If you go to csi-caps, you can click on 'Meet Market' and you will find plenty of SoNic pics. ;)
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Nick is an ass man.


Sofia: Nick, not here.
Nick: Just a quick pinch for the road.

I heard they're working together in the Lady Heather episode. I can't wait.

Season 7 needs to come out on DVD now so I can watch all the Sonic moments. I've missed pretty much every episode.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Hahaha, great caption!

I really, really like the scenario you came up with for the 'stache. Although, I might be in the minority when I say I actually liked it! :lol:
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

So much for staying spoiler free. Everyone keeps mentioning you know who. Erg. Oh well. I desperately need more SoNic interaction. At least a HI! or something. Remember how he said her name in 'Toe Tags' "SoFIa!!" They are always with a baby. Either Nick is with one or sofia is with one and Nick is next to her while she is holding one. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm....... Maybe the writer are inplying something....*evil grin* AAAAhh me and my dirty mind. *tries to clean brain*
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

They do seem to be around babies a lot. Mean baby is my favorite:


That baby haunts my dreams.

Does anyone here write? I really wanna read a Nick/Sofia fic, but nobody is writing. Come on, guys.
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