Nick/Sofia - Cruising the SoNic

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Re: New*** Nick/Sofia

That's okay, at least we have someone posting! :D And I'm re-doing my fic so I'll post the good copy here.

Question to get the thread moving!
How would Nick and Sofia say 'I love you'?
Re: New*** Nick/Sofia

Nick over a romantic, candle lit dinner, with a violinist playing in the background.

Sofia while she's yelling at him for almost getting shot at a crime scene.
Re: New*** Nick/Sofia

I laughed when I read the violinist part midnight_tiptoes! :lol: That's so Nick.

I think Sofia would say it after Nick almost dies or gets severly injured. Which means she should have said it already considering the fact he already almost died...but that's okay, however long it takes, just as long as they say it right? :D
Re: New*** Nick/Sofia

I could so see that. She'd be standing there in the living room, yelling at him, hitting him, all of a sudden, "I love you, you stupid idiot!"

Nick would get this huge grin on his face and she'd get even more pissed. Aw.
Re: New*** Nick/Sofia

Yeah she'd be like, "This is a serious convorsation and you're grinning??"

But then of course Nick would just shut her up by kissing her. :D
Well Built to Kill Pt 1 was on last night, that had some good SoNic moments no?
(hey where is everyone?)
Re: New*** Nick/Sofia

midnight_tiptoes said:
It was? Crap, I missed it again! I keep missing this episode.

Where's your story? I wanna read it.
You missed it again? -shakes head- Honey, where have you been hiding yourself lately? :lol:

I am craving for some more SoNic moments or fics. I hit a road block with the SoNic fic I was working on. :(
Re: New*** Nick/Sofia

Yay! You're back! Someone else in the thread!

Sorry, I'll collect myself. :D

Well if you're looking for fics you can read mine, but I don't honestly think it's amazing...but oh well. The link is above your post. :D

Let's fantasize...what would happen if Nick was dating someone (other than Sofia....yes, I know-hard to believe) and Sofia found out? What would she do?
Re: New*** Nick/Sofia

I have fic!!!
Oh Ho Skates and Mistletoe

Hmm...I think that if Nick was dating someone other than Sofia, she'd be hurt and angry and she'd probably take it out on someone other than Nick because she wouldn't want him to know that she was jealous but in the end, she'd end up talking to him and he'd leave whoever he was with because any woman other than Sofia, to Nick, is just the flavor of the week. Sofia is Nick's true love.
Re: New*** Nick/Sofia

Welcome to the thread Aaralyn_J! I loved yuor fic.

Yes I totally agree with you on the Nick dating someone else theory. :D We all know she'll end up with him in the end right?
Re: New*** Nick/Sofia

Umm...Hi! I'm VaveAma but you can just Vave. I'm a huge fan of Nick and sofia and I'm glad someone put this up. I opened a SoNic thread over at but I haven't had many bites. If ya'll want to you can come join me over there every now and then. I've read a few Fanfics. I loved the "Crush on You" one. I wish she'd update it. It's great!
Re: New*** Nick/Sofia

Welcome Vave! I'll go join you over there, no a lot of people come to this thread. Well, hopefully once a new episode airs people will come back. :D

The 'Crush on You' series is fantastic. In fact PheonixRae was just over in this thread, but I don't know where she lurked off to...

Anyway, call me Kate. Tootles!
Re: New*** Nick/Sofia

This is sooo sweet!

I'm GSR, Yo!Bling....and now sonic awww the shippy goodness! *faints from shippy overload*

Sofia is really good for nick, I get a feeling *and a visual* whenever they're in a scene together of them laughing and having a really good time :D

I absolutely love the ficcie about them at the ice-skating rink :D
Re: New*** Nick/Sofia

Yeah! I feel loved. Over at the thing, the shippers make lists, I'm just too lazy to make one. Well really just thinking through\ the moments. I had a few responses tp my thread, but not many. For some strange reason no many poeple like Sofia over there. I love her! She's gorgeous! I'm going to go and figure out how I put up an icon. For those who have do put words on the pictures? Oh yes... it's nice to meet you Kate.<i>*shakes hand*</i>Grissoms_Angel, I love your icon!:)
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