Nick/Sofia - Cruising the SoNic

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Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

I can't wait to post it too. -grins- I am working the kinks out right now and hopefully I get to post it this evening before I hit the sack. I just don't want it to be plain ol' smut with no plot or whatnot. It leaves me feeling so incomplete when I do that. :lol:

BTW name's Leen. And I take it your name's Carol based on the previous messages posted? :D I can't guarantee you if it's good smut, but it will have smut with a plot! :lol:
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Cool, I can't wait to read it! I like that this ship is growing. Makes me hopeful ^_^.

Now if only TPTB would throw us a bone.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

A lot of people are starting to realize that Nick & Sofia look good together. They have this unspoken attraction towards each other that can be played out for a bit. Let's hope that the PTBs realize this too. -grins-

Oh yeah, check out my futile attempt at a "smutty" Sonic fic -- my first that is FINISHED! -LoL-link removed due to Adult material- forensicsgirl :D
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Aw, man, is down, I can't believe this! Ugh. FIEND!

I'll keep reloading, though.

By the way, we're not allowed to link to "smutty" material around here. Since you can't send PMs yet, just remove the link and give us the name of the fic, we'll find it ;).
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

By the way, we're not allowed to link to "smutty" material around here. Since you can't send PMs yet, just remove the link and give us the name of the fic, we'll find it

Yep, what midnight said ;)

Reading over the earlier comments about Sofia and her mom got me thinking (and please forgive me if someone has already said this) - I always got the impression that Nick was also under pressure to succeed from his parents as well. Isn't his Father a judge and his mother a DA (or was it a public defender? I can't remember where I read that...) From his early interactions with Grissom, I got the impression of someone trying to get out of his family's shadow, trying to make a name for himself and impress his boss and be validated.

Sofia, perhaps, feels the same way about her own mother. Her mother's successful in a field Sofia wants to succeed in. Sofia may feel like she'll always be in her shadow. It's something she and Nick might bond over - their parents, their sense of self, their struggle to succeed and to be their own person. I like the idea of them sitting in a bar after work, sipping a beer and swapping their stories. And once they've established that they're kindred spirits, one thing leads to another...
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Thanks. I didn't know that. It's duelly noted now. :D
I always got the impression that Nick was also under pressure to succeed from his parents as well. Isn't his Father a judge and his mother a DA (or was it a public defender? I can't remember where I read that...) From his early interactions with Grissom, I got the impression of someone trying to get out of his family's shadow, trying to make a name for himself and impress his boss and be validated.
Sofia, perhaps, feels the same way about her own mother. Her mother's successful in a field Sofia wants to succeed in. Sofia may feel like she'll always be in her shadow.
There's always that struggle to want to come out the best or on top when kids share the same line of work as their parents'. In Nick's case, both his parents are dealing with the law (a judge & a lawyer). Although he's not really in the same line of work as his parents, he left his home state and started out on in his own a field so different yet somewhat similar since he too is a law enforcer, only he uses science to put criminals behind bars. Same with Sofia whose mother is now a captain. She had to go a long way before she ended up becoming a police officer, but there's this competition between mother and daughter.

This similarity in background is good basis for Nick & Sofia to have an understanding of where each other stood. They always have to prove something; they always have to be their best. I think they can emphatize with the other without being vocal about it. And like what forensicsgirl said:
And once they've established that they're kindred spirits, one thing leads to another...
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Nick was also under pressure to succeed from his parents as well. Isn't his Father a judge and his mother a DA (or was it a public defender? I can't remember where I read that...) From his early interactions with Grissom, I got the impression of someone trying to get out of his family's shadow, trying to make a name for himself and impress his boss and be validated.

I was thinking about that too. Nick left texas to make a name for himself. probably because his family is so well respected and known in texas. it must be hard for him to have to have delt with that.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

That's why Nick's so passionate about his work! -grins- He needs to prove himself. Just like Sofia is with her job.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Aw, poor Nicky and Sofie. Yeah, that's another reason why they're kindred spirits. Dammit, you two, BOND!

Leen, I read your story, loved it, and left you a review! You totally have to continue, or I'll go nuts. You should post it at CSI Forensics, too, it's a kick ass site:
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Thanks Carol! I read your review and right now while I'm here at work I am feeling so darn antsy to get started on the second part! And I think I posted my first ever CSI fic on that site (it's a Gil/Catherine and a WIP for now), but maybe not. I'll check it out later when I get home.

Aw, poor Nicky and Sofie. Yeah, that's another reason why they're kindred spirits. Dammit, you two, BOND!
Yeah! I agree! Those two better start bondin' or something! :lol:
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

:D :D i think they would try and keep it secret for a long time, and surprise everyone when they get engaged. Sofia would have a ring on her left hand and people would eventually figure it out. The wedding wouldn't be a quick one either. It would big and romantic. :D no Mcwedding for these 2. :D
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

I love the idea of these two being in a secret romance. So cool.
Given that they're both career-minded people and they want to prove something to their parents, I figured indulging in an office romance/affair is high on their TABOO list, and yet neither could escape the lure of the other...hehehehe :D ;)
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