Nick/Sofia - Cruising the SoNic

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Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

-giggles- Man, you are just making me all tingly here. Brainstorming for a possible scenario between Nick and Sofia's indeed giggle-worthy.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Hmm...I have a feeling they'll have LOTSA fun making beautiful babies together... -wink, wink, nudge, nudge-
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Yeah, Nick's Texan. He probably wants a big family.

I wanna know more about Sofia. Isn't her mom a detective, too? Or something like that?
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

I think her mom's been promoted as of the this season. When Sofia got promoted as detective her mom became someone higher up (can't remember, gotta watch that episode when she first made her comeback appearance this season). I really wanna know more about Sofia too.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Yeah, I'm really interested in her relationship with her mother. I don't know why, but I thought it sounded kinda tense.

I need next week's episode to air now!
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Yeah. Sounds to me like Sofia's got a competition going on between herself & her mother.

She's in this week's episode, right? I wonder if there's gonna be any interesting scenes between Nick and Sofia...
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

That's cool, I'd like to see that explored.

Yeah, she's in this week's episode. Yay! I don't know if she'll get scenes with Nick, her screen time seems so insignificant lately, but at least we get to see her.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

-sighs- Unfortunately Sofia's screen times lately aren't even worth watching. Well, she's still cool, but we need a bit of nudge/hint for some Sonic moments.

Hmm...Valentines Day is coming up, do you think the PTBs will do something to "spice up" this obviously significant day for couples??? I wonder...
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Well, I think the episode with Lady Heather will air close to VD. Considering that's The Big Ship, I don't think they'll leave room for a little N/So. But, never say never.

There's always fanfic ;).
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Hmm...that's true too. I kinda wanna see what kinda interaction Grissom and Lady H will have in this meeting of theirs considering their last meeting didn't end so well (can't even remember whenwas the last time Lady H was on CSI).

But you're right. Never say never should be our mantra here. :D
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Last time she was on the show was in Lady Heather's Box. That was, oh, what, season 3? 4? Don't know, but it was a great episode. Grissom and Lady H are OTP.

As are Nick and Sofia.

I hope Nick realizes soon life's too short and he needs to make his move, too. Not quite a big move as Warrick's, but a move nonetheless.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Wow why do i always miss the intense convos?? :lol:

I think i'm going to re-write the fic i wa working on. The last N/So fic that was just posted is kinda similar. I'll work on it........
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