Nick/Sofia - Cruising the SoNic

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Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Aw, man, people are so inappropriate. I always unplug my phone when I'm writing. I hate it when people interrupt me.

Here's two promo pictures from Room Service. Her eyes are so unbelievably gorgeous:


I love the way Nick looks in that second one. He's all, "yeah, that's right, she's mine. All mine."

They look gorge together.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Oh-Em-Gee...these are awesome pix! Thanks for sharing!

And I can't really turn off my phone coz sometimes there are important calls that I'm waiting for. And I usually work well writing fics late at night when I know that everyone's asleep and I can concentrate on what I'm writing about without any interruptions. :D
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Look, she's all pressed up against him. Yum.

We need a scene.

I haven't written anything in a while. I'm all written out. Bleh.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

A scene? A scene for what?

So you're all written out...that is soooo not good. But that happened to me a lot. I have quite a few unfinished Sonic fics that I started because I had the GENERAL idea for it, then abandoned it coz I can't seem to go on with it... -sighs-
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

A Nick/Sofia scene, where they flirt. A lot.

Yeah, that happens to me all the time. I have hundreds of fics in my hard drive, but have only finished a small ammount. I get all these vague ideas and write them down, but they never materialize.

It would be nice to have a scene, and get some inspiration.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

I know what you mean. After Shooting Stars there's hardly any flirty Nick/Sofia scenes! Their scenes together after that episode's kinda...well, not worth giggling over with much. But the look they shared at the end of DLG was something worth keeping in mind and can give you an idea on something angsty perhaps? -LoL-

So far I have like 2 unfinished Sonic fics and this one I'm currently working on. So hopefully this one I can finish.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Maybe they're hiding something up their sleeves. The scene in SS has to lead somewhere, right? And they even got promo pictures together. Let's keep the faith.

I can't wait to read your fic. That is all.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Yeah, that scene from SS looked so darn promising! So much unspoken attraction between the two.

I have to admit Sofia and Grissom are aight, but when I look at 'em it's more like friendship is what it is, and admiration/respect for each other's work.

Nick and that's a different game all together. For starters they look so much closer in age, it's perfect. Secondly, a down-to-earth Texan softie and a tough-as-nails city gal -- perfect match! There's chemistry there between them, an unspoken attraction. :D
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Meh, Grissom and Sofia, never really did anything for me. I never understood her attraction to Grissom. But if she's attracted to Nick, I can see how that makes sense.

I think it'd be cute if Nick totally fell for Sofia, but would be hesitant about making a move because he'd think Sofia likes Grissom or Grissom likes Sofia. Then he'd talk to Grissom and Grissom would be all, "dude, if you love her, go get her. Now don't call me again, Heather's coming over."
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

:lol: Oh heck yeah! I kinda like that scenario you just painted for me. And Nick being Nick, he's a southern gentleman through and through so if he senses that the girl he likes is interested in somebody else, he'll back off and let nature takes its course...:D
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

That's true. If he thought Grissom was into Sofia, he'd totally back off.

Aww, Nick. But then Sofia would get all pissed, "when exactly are you going to make a move? I'm getting sick of waiting here."
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia


If Sofia's this independent woman that she is and oozing with the so-called "girl power", she probably will go ahead and ASK Nick out herself since he's busy being a gentleman.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Imagine the look on Nick's face. First he'd look at her as if she'd grown a second head, then he'd smile faintly, then he'd grin, then he'd kiss her again.
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