Nick/Sofia - Cruising the SoNic

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Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

They're stroking each other's thighs. It's how they get themselves worked up to deal with the suspects.

I love this ship more and more every day. Of course, that means TPTB is going to kill it.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

About the Sofia/Sara catfight...
I think Nick would ask Sofia why she is so mean to Sara without any reason. (Cause let's face it, Sara didn't do anything wrong)
Then she'd just tell him that she's sorry and they'll have make-up sex. Which really is the best sex! (so I've heard.. :D)
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

They're stroking each other's thighs. It's how they get themselves worked up to deal with the suspects.

I love this ship more and more every day. Of course, that means TPTB is going to kill it.
Yeah, TPTBs will do something to kill this little fantasy of ours going for this ship. :( But all this talk about where Nick's hand is in the interrogation picture gave me an idea to write a fic not necessarily based on that, but somewhere along the lines of...well, it's all in the works still! :lol:

But one thing is for sure -- it won't be posted on coz of the content! ;) :p It will borderline the NC-17 rating... :devil:
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Don't worry. Once I get home I'll finish up where I left off last night (had to coz I had to hit the sack coz I had to be at work early today) and once it's up and running, I'll let ya'll know the link. :D
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

N/So fic! :D

Well, that's what I would pick between sleep and writing the fic. Speaking of which...I think that's what I should be doing right now, finishing the fic I started last nite! :D hehehe
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Looking at pictures of Grissom and Lady Heather. Not the same ship, but it makes the itchy go away.

For a while, at least.

But now I'm looking at your banner and I may lose it again.
Re: New*** Nick/Sophia

Grissom and Lady Heather...those two have this awesome chemistry going on for them... -grins-

I am itching to finish the fic I started last night. I just stopped coz people kept on calling me and I kinda lost my momentum writing it. But maybe in a while (before I hit the sack) my muse will flutter back to me and give me awesome ideas on how to finish it! -LoL-

Well just hang tight, honey. Don't lose it just by looking at my banner! :lol: I wouldn't know how to help ya if you did... :D
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