Nick/George Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #14

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You all are so good to me. I could sit here and stare at all these pics for hours, and probably will. I have to put Chris to bed tonight, so I will be sitting here for hours. Why not stare at pics of Nicky? :rolleyes:

Jacquie said:
oh alright if you insist :D

Goodnight or good morning :)

Hmm, thanks for thinking of us Jacquie ! Good morning to you too, although hopefully right now you are all having lovely Nicky dreams. :D I hadn't noticed this pic before...It is now one of my new favourites. :devil:

Softcake , it keeps making me laugh... *shares the Nicky love throughout the ward*. :lol:
There are so many nicely wrapped packages, it feels like Christmas. :lol:

Speaking of Christmas, I'm off to the store to buy Season 6 as a Christmas present to myself. I'm actually, truly going to wait until Christmas to watch the DVDs -- I gonna wrap the box, just to make sure I'm not too tempted. :devil:
Ok...I just spit coffee everywhere and started laughing so hard! All the guys here are demanding an explanation for my outburst and all I could sputter out was "just had a nice package delivery!" :lol:

I can't get the huge smile off my face (which happens everytime I come here). Thanks so much for making my day, ladies! :D
Softcake love the avatar and Elsie lovely job.

What lovely pics to wake up to this morning. Softcake very appropriate names for the pics :devil: Yes very nick :D When I did my muscle theme I was surprised that I didn't get some of these pics knowing this crowd :lol:
OnlyTruth, I'm sneaking out of work today to <ahem> "run an errand" so I can pick up the DVD's too! Only prob, I have to change out of uniform, change cars, "run the errand" make it back in time to change, switch cars...hmm...this could be interesting!
My mind is well and truly in the gutter now. Softcake , I love that the pics are named in your photobucket as 'nickspackage' etc... I have to say I normally wouldn't even notice such things without being prompted. Too busy staring at his pretty face! :D *feels virtuous for once*

Season 6 isn't released here until April! Once again I am jealous... :(
Hy guys,

what many nice pics from Nicky here :D

km444 i agree with you, my fave hair from Nicky are
double yummy
I have the same cut :lol:

Oh, I so need to get my mind out of the gutter...
:lol: i must laughing over these.
your Avatar from Elsie ist cute.

Elsie you have good hands to make Avatars :) i must wait for Avatar :rolleyes: i need 72 Posts.

Have a nice Day and at the night many dreams of Nicky

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