Nick/George Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #14

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Congrats Jaquie :D

i must laughing too i´ve seen two little red spots like devils horn non Nickys forehad :lol: and the face is funny too

Congrats Jacquie! Love that pic...I have this overwhelming need to lean into my computer screen each time I see it and give him a big 'ol smooch!
Thanks for posting that link, Jacquie

And congratz on winning, too. I wonder what the next theme will be. Nick eating? :D
allmaple thanks for the pics. Very yummy indeed.

Wow I won again. Does the ward happy dance with Nick :p It's a slow dance so it could take awhile :devil: Now on to the next theme. Lets see what you can come up with on Nick thinking. The limit is 12 and I will announce the winner Thursday morning. Happy Hunting. Nick and I are going back to our dance now :D
maple want me to tell you how Savannah ended? It was evil! :D

Wow, Jacquie don't step on Nicky's toes all the time! :D And don't grab his - um.... yes... Looks like you're having fun over there :D

Nick thinks he doesn't know how to tell Jacquie he doesn't feel like dancing anymore
Nick thinks he has a bad hair day
Nick thinks "I know I'm cute"
Nick thinks "I will drive the girls in the Ward crazy with my cuteness, see"

Nick thinks "Wow, that looks interesting"
Nick thinks it's over there

Okay, it's 9.15 a.m. over here. I should start to work ;)
Have a nice day with tons of Nicky-moments!
Good morning ward. Hope you all slept well. Lovely pics allmaple you lucky girl!

Congrats on the theme Jacquie , hope you enjoyed your happy dance! It's too early for me to think this morning but let's see what Nicky is thinking:

I can't tell you what he's thinking...
Thinking always brings out the little stoker....
hmm, interesting....
I messed up...
Elsie, where is your shirt? :devil:
Why do I have to listen to this?

Wow, so early and yet my mind is in the gutter a little bit already. It must have been waking up to those Savannah pics! :devil:

mmmh, not sure why but I have been staring at this pic for the last 10 minutes.... it is perfect, the buzz, shirt, vest and such a cute look on his face.... I really need to do some work today, Nicky! Stop distracting me with your perfect face! :devil: :lol:
Yay! Lunch break! And good morning to all of you on the other side of the pond :)
I'll already post my second set... No time tonight, have to watch soccer. German national team vs Cyprus. It's a qualification match for the upcoming European Championship, very important ;)

Nick thinks that blondes have more fun
Nick thinks, and I'm obsessed with his eye lashes
Nick thinks he doesn't like his new ride
Nick thinks about something very sad
Nick thinks "You gotta be kidding me"
Nick thinks of Softcake Okay, you just KNEW I had to do that! :lol:
ooh softcake! do tell me how it ended. i only got half way into the second season, last episode was when reese was at nicks hotel but peyton was inside! :eek: :lol:
and there are lots of lovely other topless nick pictures from that episode :devil: unfortuneatly he has topless company so they cant go on here. :p
ill have to see if i can get a computer at the library at lunch for theme pics, im already running out of time because i wasnt feeling well when the alarm went off so stayed in bed for an extra 20 minutes until it stopped feeling like i was going to toss my cookies :( anyone got claims on nicky for today? cuz i could sure use a cuddle :)
You have him petal. Feel better soon. Although, my husband is away all week so if I could have Nick tomorrow night I would be most appreciative? :devil:

I'm going to come back and post more theme pics soon, as my night will consist of golf lesson, dinner at my sister's house and then the England v Holland game. softcake , is Lahm playing for Germany tonight, he is my favourite player, so tiny and cute looking... :p

eta: savannah used to be shown here, but it was years ago. I'm sure I watched it a few times, now I really wish they would show the repeats....even if it's late at night, then I could record it!! :devil:

Nick thinks 'I hate that boy'
'sometimes Grissom is just crazy!'
Nick thinks 'you know I'll come over when I leave maple's'
Nick thinks 'elsie's bedroom is very tidy'
If I think really hard the little stoker pops out....and the girls love it...
maple second season? :eek: I thought there's only one? I need to check my videotapes.... What else happened in that episode you saw? Maybe my memory will come back then...

elsie of course Phillip Lahm will play tonight. He's cute, but my favorite is Christoph Metzelder Tall, dark, handsome, rich and smart! :D Plus, he lives only 60 kilometers (about 25 miles, I guess) away... ;)
So tonight it's Holland vs. England, elsie? As a German soccer fan I'd have to say I don't know what's worse :D There's a history between German, Dutch and English teams ;) And Babs is Dutch, so I really don't want to choose. Good luck to both of you :)

Edited because I obviously can't spell.
Is Savannah available to rent on DVD? I would love to see our boy in that based on all the fab pictures y'all have posted!

(I guess he saved them lots of money on clothing budgets for that show, much like he's trying to save on the haircut budget for this show!)
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