Nick/George Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #14

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Morning all. Congrats Blackflag and nice theme. Unfortunately I have no time to play. :( Just have a moment to look at nice Nicky pics and to say "Happy Thanksgiving" to all the Americans. :)
Softcake fine that´s on your part not raining here don´t stop :mad: it´s too much for me and i´m shrinking :lol:
I bet Nicky could make a great living out of giving massages to the girls in the Ward! We should all give some money and buy him a privat jet so he can relax while hopping from Canada to the U.S. to Down Under to Europe and back
:lol: poor Nicky
oh Softcake btw thanks from my mum, she found the party pics very very nice :devil:

Term Lap for Nicky

Oh and i wish too for all Americans Happy Thanksgiving :)

OnlyTruh it´s pity tha you have short time i hope you´ll
almost back here ;)

Yum, thanks softcake . Notice how big his hands are.... And thanks everyone for the lovely pics today, I will be back to post some later on. :)

*heads back to work also*.
Good morning everyone. Yes it's still morning here but barely. softcake Nick is on his way over to your place so you can enjoy his lovely massages tonight :D. I would like to wish all my American friends here in the ward and on the discusion thread a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving.

Here are the rest of my theme pics.

checking to see if he has all our phone numbers right
sitting in part of the evidence :lol:
getting tanked here :lol:
I wonder if he's listening to O Mandy
furry evidence
how many phones does a guy need
Stoky we're not malicious. We just like to see that our boy is clean and if that involves a lokcer room scene of shirtless Nick then so be it :) :devil: :p
Jaquie :devil: ahhhh i´ve not thinking about this possibility. That´s right and not malicious. :D My brainwave most not so quick :lol: :lol:

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