Nick/George Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #14

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Wow, so many new posts! Sorry I'm late, I'll be back with the theme winner in about 10 minutes.... it's difficult to decide between vest porn pics! ;)
Take your time Elsie! :D

Stoke Snydrome!...that sounds cool! :lol: But I'm afraid I haven't got this snydrome yet! I used to irk ants when I was a kid. :D
Stokes Syndrome. I'm pretty sure we all have it! :lol:

Anyway, on to the theme: so many to choose from, so difficult to narrow it down. 3 runners up:
Jacquie my favourite episode, and Nick's hands look really big.... :p
Nikki I'm starting to really love Nick's look in this scene. Even the hair, and really I am a buzz girl!
allmaple I promised not to pick this as the winner, although *sighs* he is so fine.

And the winner is: Blackflag Now, normally I definately don't like my men wearing caps like this. (just ask my husband, who has never been allowed to leave the house like this). But something about this pic just makes me want to hold Nick in a warm embrace (or something like that). :devil: Congrats and enjoy your theme Blackflag

And congrats to Werder Bremen Stoky , although I can't work out if they qualified or not?
Congratz Blackflag :D

Elsie thanks :D i´m very happy winning, Werder plays last vs. Softcakes Team and loose. The next time Your Team wins :D

Hey I won! Wasn't expecting that one.

After giving some thought to it I want Nicky handling some evidence. I don't care what he's doing as long as at least one hand is touching some evidence. It can be small like hair held in tweezers, or as big as a car - doesn't matter. Limit is 12, don't want to get myself into trouble.

You don't have to rush as I won't be able to pick a winner until Friday afternoon. I do this while eating my dinner and Thanksgiving is one meal that we are required to eat at the table, :) so I probably won't be on tomarrow.

Howdy Blackflag :D nice Theme thanks well i´ll do
my best :D

let your time with the meal is sure tasty :lol:

Now Lady´s i´m going in my bed will have a nice Dream
you know from who? :devil:

Wish you all good night - good start in the day
and nice Dreams of our Sunnyboy

Hi Girls!!! :D

oh just got through all the hottness... and boy are my arms tired :lol:

ok so I didn't come in yesterday, way to busy, but here I am, and ah feels nice :)

Thursday is turkey day, my Mom and Dad bought a nice 15 pound bird, and it's fresh, not even frozen, so all will go well tomarow :D

ah and then will watch new CSI, and I will be happy... I hope he's actully in the show though, saw a preview last night, didn't see his face, any who, on with the theme :D

congrats Blackflag :D let's see, Nicky holding evedence:

and since I have fun getting 'creative' with my theme pics, I'll do that :D

Dog is evedence ...and so is that stash, I thought we told him to bag it :lol:

there it is.... his shirt :D
Holding it

you know I tell you what it is hard to find these pics...

I'm sorry, has nothing to do with the theme, but oh, I'm melting :eek:

ok last theme pic:
touching it (that sounds wierd :lol: )

and real quick I have all the shots from 'Rashomama' when his shirt is off, but I don't have one of him from the front!!! I need it :lol:

ok night :D
Stoky ín my part of Germany it doesn't rain :p But it's just a matter of time, I guess. It's dark and cloudy, too.

I bet Nicky could make a great living out of giving massages to the girls in the Ward! :lol: We should all give some money and buy him a privat jet so he can relax while hopping from Canada to the U.S. to Down Under to Europe and back :lol:
Evidence in the bucket
About to process evidence
Looking at evidence
Searching for evidence :devil:
More evidence here
Invisible but obviously smelly evidence

Waaah....back to work. Shouldn't be here right now, as the files on my desk are piling like mad, but - a girl just needs a little sunshine in her life ;)
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