Nick/George Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #14

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Damn!! I haven't been here for about 24 hours and so many new pics and posts! Oo theme, huh?

Let's see what I've got! Vest porn is soo great! Thanks Elsie!!

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More to come. I'm not sure if I should go to university today. I'm feeling sick. I've been waiting 2 1/2 hours last night for my train. It's been sooo cold there. I came home at 12.30 in the night. So... I wa so pissed off yesterday! :mad:

Yep..I'll post my last 6 theme pics..I'm just not sure when. :)
Hy Guys,

so still here? :eek:

Yurek poor girl so late :eek: but i´ve working also
late last night, the computer of my costumer crashed down and i sit and sit and sit, oh what damnd :rolleyes:

out of the theme George and Nicky Pic :)
tomorrow a party my mother have today birthday and i quest George to come to us :) my mother like him too - George says yes :lol:

the day after the party George changed to Nicky and make Anlaysis from our glasses
oh what a day :lol:

Hy Softcake yea our Team plays vs Chelsea we must win :D but damned i can see it live, i´ve no premiere :mad:
And yes i forgott the time :lol:

Yurek it´s not on regular TV. But i look at liveticker.

McStokes oh, i forget every the time ;) sorry, but good start at your work. I hope you have not so many stress

Yurek said:
Stokey: Not on regular TV? On Premiere, eh? Damn! I hate it!
:lol: Yurek and I have only Premiere, no arena, and I can't watch Bundesliga-soccer anymore, which I hate as well! At least I'm in for Champions League. Werder Bremen leads 1:0 vs. Chelsea London in a pretty good match ;)

I made a couple of caps from "Play with fire" tonight. Enjoy :)

Protection is very important
It's gonna rain tonight, I'm sure
How would you describe his expression here?
A most lickable neck
Softcake, is that you hiding in there?
Yes, that figures
2:2? Hmm..shall I be happy now? But I heard they couldn't practice on the field. Moscow uses artificial turf. Oo Dortmund's nly 30 minutes away. I always shop there! :D

Stoky those are really great pics! I didn't know the first one yet! *saves it on her pc* :D

I really need to see this movie!!
Thanks Yurek :D the first oh yes i love these face :)
Werder always 1:0 *hmmm* i think we are winning :D

Ok...I know you all will understand this and think I am not insane, which, apparently my co-workers now know I am! I am in no way afraid of bugs, but I just flipped out because a RED ANT crawled close to my hand! :eek:

Edited because I freaked and had a type-o!
My first thought "keep it away from Nick!" It's official...I have the Stoke Syndrome! :lol:
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