Nick/George Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #14

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OnlyTruth said:
Yeah, I was getting alittle confused with the two avies myself, so I decided the best thing to do was go back to an old favorite!

Sorry, I can't help myself. I keep changing mine, it is a compulsion...I need professional help ;)

*wonders when softcake noticed me lurking in her computer?* Keep up the good work. Tomorrow I am thinking of capping some Evel! Just as soon as I actually get the time to watch it! :rolleyes:

Thanks McStokes , here is a pic of a pic on a phone :lol:. He will keep me company next week.

A little Christmas shopping in Lille with my sister, we go away together every November which is very nice, just the two of us. We are going on the Eurostar, stupid thing is that it is much quicker getting from London to Lille than it is to get from York to London! My sister refuses to fly so we have to go somewhere that is accessible by train.
Allmaple fine to see you :) it´s good, that you´ve posted now, than i can quickly my last pics posting :lol:

Blackflag poor :( this is damned Computer you have
i hope your wish are real and Santa bring your a new Computer

Elsie :lol: nice phone pic

now my last

strong vest
with porn arm :D
cute vest
wild vest
thinking vest

That´s all. Have fun and good Night guys :D
sleep very well und have a lot of sweet Nicky dreams
you now this, when the between the the 26.12 to the 06.01 it gaves santa nights (all dreams wich dreamed comes true)

Those are some yummy vest pics maple. Thank you Elsie for picking that theme; there are not many things I love more than Nick in that vest :D
Have a nice, and safe night everyone. I'm working graveyard, so I'll be thinking of all of you and our favorite man!
mollyMKS said:
Those are some yummy vest pics maple. Thank you Elsie for picking that theme; there are not many things I love more than Nick in that vest :D

Yep, the vest is one of my most favourite looks too! Along with the buzz, the dress shirts, tight tshirts, arm porn..... the list is endless!! *drools uncontrollably*. :devil:
some yummyness for you all this morning.... :)
softcake_70 said:Elsie you're early today! :D Thanks for the yummyness,that's what I need before I start to work :)

Yep, stupid breakfast seminar. Luckily it only happens 3 times a year, as I think there is something distinctly wrong about leaving the house before 7am! As I had five minutes to spare before I had to leave I thought I would bring some morning yummyness to the ward (and to wake me up!), glad you liked it! :D

All this vest love is making me a little crazy. *still drooling*.
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