Nick/George Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #14

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Hy Guys ohhhh it´s sooo hard and heavy for me,
you have many many hotti Nickys :devil: i must looking 2 times to choice pics *gosh* i´m sitting here and sweating.
what a hot cowboy
Babs that´s very hot :devil:
another from Babs yeah it´s really hot :devil: i wish i were the surfboard :D
Yurek the jacket :devil: must be opend
Jaqcuie eta: sorry my text was loosy ;) i love these look ;)
Nikki the arm of the man in front of Evel *grrrrr* but is really hot :devil:

it´s really hard almost softcake you´ve won, oh guys :D but the winner is .... *dromrool*..tada
he looks so hot with this white shirt :devil:

thanks for your working here :devil: congratz Elsie i give now Nicky in your hands be carfully with our fluffy head

Congrats Elsie!

And it doesn't surprise me that we had 40 posts in 24 hours -- when the theme is HOT, how can you not post lots of pics!

Oh, and stoky - actually I have returned to an old, but one of my favorite avatars. I feel like myself again....
:D OnlyTruth you feel like yourself again? you mean your look is also? Or he looks so happy?
Oh, bevor i forget :)
these are very hot ;) :devil: the choice of 6 pics and one winner is really bare, i´ve wishing me more for the theme hot. :D

I hope he'd be a little more enthusiastic finding mine :lol:

Congratz on winning, Elsie Give us a nice theme so we can flood the forum again ;)

Only Truth good to see your old avatar again. I always got slightly confused because your new one and Elsie's are quite similar ;)

Now some random hottness to keep us entertained

A little distracted here I bet he's been visiting the Ward :lol:
Drinks, anyone?
Or a sponge bath? :devil:
See, little Stoker is here!
The cutest thing ever

I'm off now - no, not to bed :lol: It's a little too early. I'm trying to make screencaps. Should be an entertaining evening :D
Have fun!
Mmmm...Softcake...thanks for those! Somehow I'm not quite as tense as I was a few minutes ago!

I tell ya...I think I need me a Nicky in the bath to come home to after shift. Just when I think I've met all the stupid people in the world, someone has to come out of the woodwork and just surprise the heck outta me. Woman left her car running with her kid in it, who promptly got in the driver's seat and drove it thru the front of the store! Who leaves a 4 year old alone these days??? :mad:
Oh Softcake
I hope he'd be a little more enthusiastic finding mine look
:lol: :lol: you are so funny.

Your Pics very good :) but look the armpit hairs :eek:


:lol: :lol: they are sooo long

McStokes stupid humans gives to much here in germany you find them also enough. Little Child sitting in cars when the summer was hot :mad: or let them alone i´m very angry to see it in the news.

Cool, I won thanks Stoky !! Yay, and that is my all time favourite Nick pic as well! In fact it is the one I now have on my phone.... :lol:

Hmmm, new theme. I want to see Nick in the vest. Vest porn is great! I promise to choose a pic other than my favourite as the winner too! 12 pics, I'll choose a winner in about 24 hours.

Thanks for letting me take Nick tonight, I won't keep him too long. How would you feel about me taking him to France next week? I think he'd love it! Joking, you would all miss him too much, and now he's on my phone I can see him whenever I want...*sighs* :D

softcake I was getting a little confused by the avatars as well, but then, it confuses me when I see yours! There is someone using a banner I made (which is nice) and that keeps confusing me too. I keep thinking it's me... :lol:
Elsie, you took my advice! Isn't it nice to look at your phone now?! :D I wish I was able to upload a photo so you could see the one that's on my phone. It's one from an award show I think, right after he filmed Evel. I just cut his old girlfriend Monica out of it! :lol:
Don't tell me about stupid people! Maybe you heard it in the news, but yesterday there was a disturbed young guy running into his old middle school, shooting around like mad. He injured 5 people, he even carried several home made pipe bombs. Then he shot himself. The freaky thing is, that happened just about 20 km from here, and I even know a couple of people involved there. The son of one of my co-workers goes to that school, he got injured as well as a female teacher, who's a friend of another co-worker. That's creepy and sad, somehow.
Phew. Needed to get that off my chest, sorry...

Vest pics! Elsie have you been staring at my computer while I tried to figure out how to make caps? :lol:
Huh, what's that?
I like the way his ears stick out a little here
Plant a big smooch there
A flirty look
And because I don't want to bore you with the scene I capped:
A new vest
Vest + white dress shirt = love

Damn, I need to organize my photobucket. Couldn't find Elsie's favorite pic :lol:
We haven't had any incidents like that around here...yet. However, as I'm typing this another car accident has just taken place outside the department! Meh...I'll let the State Police take this one...I'm busy!
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