Nick/George Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #14

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Congratz Jacquie.

No theme pics from me yet. But if you ladies like to see sreencaps from Nicky in Happen Stance, than watch HERE
Babs i seriously love you :D but i think im getting a toothache from all the sweetness in this one :eek: could he be anymore perfect! excuse me while i collect all the melted bits of myself off the floor :lol:
allmaple said:
Babs i seriously love you :D but i think im getting a toothache from all the sweetness in this one :eek: could he be anymore perfect! excuse me while i collect all the melted bits of myself off the floor :lol:
:lol: well how do you think I felt when I was making those caps haha. If Destiny has been around one waterhose was not enough :D I am glad you like them
Jacquie :D congrats it´s really nice pic i love them too. And thanks for new theme eyelashes :devil:

Softcake thanks :D i´m happy to like my two pics

Yurek now we find you :D and we overlooked you not more. Fine pics from you :D

Allmaple yeah :devil: he is really the cutest

Elsie do you feel better today? i hope so.

ouhhhh i kill my computer he shut down for a moment, now it´s ok :)

now my eyelashes

sad eylashes
thinking eylashes
eylashes in love :devil: sofcake do not look at the lady :D
long lashes :devil:
puppy lashes
lashes in danger :( poor Nicky

that´s my first im looking for more :)

Babs said:
Congratz Jacquie.

No theme pics from me yet. But if you ladies like to see sreencaps from Nicky in Happen Stance, than watch HERE

Babs, you are my hero!! I am soooo happy. I have to leave later this afternoon for a weekend retreat with a group of middle school kids and I was sure that I would have to wait until I got back to see caps from last night. Now I can leave a happy, happy person. :)
Since I'll be away I going to sit out yet another theme (first my computer breaks, now I have to go away) -- some day I'll play again :p

ETA: Babs, loved the caps so much that I've already snagged one for my new avie -- cropped and lightened up some. Isn't he adorable!
OnlyTruth computer crashed down :( and lost Nicky pics
oh that is a nightmare. But good to hear, that you have many pics saved :) I have a extern Server who i saved my Nicky pics.

Hodges_alias_47 welcome here, nice pics :D thanks
i love the last Nicky as an angel

Stokydream said:
OnlyTruth computer crashed down :( and lost Nicky pics
oh that is a nightmare. But good to hear, that you have many pics saved :) I have a extern Server who i saved my Nicky pics.
Thanks for the sympathies. I was very very worried that I had lost them all. :eek: Fortunately, even though I had to "restore" my system" all the picture files were still there. I had alot of them uploaded to my photobucket but lots were only on the hard drive. After I got the computer working again, I burned a CD with all my Nicky pics. Of course, that CD is already out-of-date because I added pictures to my file since then :lol:
OT im going to stare at you post all day just to look at that smile! honestly, when was the last time he smiled like that?? am so glad he was happy this episode, didnt like broody nick. other male characters are hot like that, but it didnt work for cheery nicky.
thanks for more pics hodges_alias! i adore hodges so i should come visit you guys more often :D
well i have to clean, a friend is coming to visit this weekend! wee! ill be entertaining her so ill 'see' you all on sunday. try not to miss me too much ;)
A crashed pc?? :eek:

We had to formate our pc three times in the last year! I had to save all of my pics and music and other important stuff three times. And it was always two times more than before. As for this I regularly save my pics and files. By now I have about 10 cds with pics. :lol:

Sweet eyelashes
Hidden eyelashes :lol: Sorry...just had to post this.
OnlyTruth OK :lol: you clever. My Computer have today
a crash, but not so hard as yours. He is go an go an go and my
nervs are zipping :mad: i must be cool it´s not good for the nerves :lol:

oh my nervs :lol:

Stokydream said:
OnlyTruth OK :lol: you clever. My Computer have today
a crash, but not so hard as yours. He is go an go an go and my
nervs are zipping :mad: i must be cool it´s not good for the nerves :lol:

oh my nervs :lol:

Oooh, I love that picture. I am just going to hang out in here waiting for new pictures all afternoon until I have to leave for the beach (yes, the beach in November....)
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