Nick/George Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #14

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Good morning!
Hope y'all had a good night's sleep and sweet Nicky dreams. Again, I hadn't :( At least I didn't dream I was chased around by a nasty reptile thingy.

blackflag said:
Softcake I already used you focused eyelashes and ultimate eyelashes pics. Sorry. :p
Alright, blackflag credits go to you then :p. I'm too lazy to change them :lol:

Is it just me, or is Nicky's hair finally growing out a little? Yay for that!
The guy looks mighty fine in a suit
What is Sofia doing there!?
You can't resist the Power of the Pout
You can't resist this either!

Alright, I have to do some serious cleaning now... And the piggies need some attention, too ;)
Good evening (or day) Guys :D

many fine lashes pics i see :D

Elsie fine to hear, that you feel better today big hug from me and thanks to say with my english :D

Yurek oh.. now i must laughing :lol: sorry, i thinking, that you mean the titles from the picture in the Posts. The german title in photobuckt :lol: i have never attend these. Your Pic is good :D and the link too. I hope you are here at evening? Or must work so long?

Nikki ohhh lashes thats very cute :devil:

Softcake are you ready with cleaning, and give your piggis kidding :D

Well I certainly can't be accused of posting early on this fine Satruday. It's the first Saturday we've had off in about 2 months and I've taken my time going over all the pics for the theme. As always you people have risen to the challenge and given me alot to select from :). Here are the runners up in no particular order.

Yurek a very fine set of lashes from the first season. Welcome to the ward by the way. Pull up a nick chair and make yourself comfortable :)
stokydream I think we were all glad when the story line with Kristy was finish and I don't mean by her being killed. Mind you there was some very good shirtless Nick there. :D
softcake The range of emotions that George has is one of the reasons I like him.
stokydream again. He looks so peacful here. The quiet before the storm.
Nikki If we could have had the labcoat and no shirt underneath. Perfect :D

Drum roll please. The winner of the eyelashes theme is blackflag . I didn't like the hair in this episode but the shrug and the eyelashes are just perfect together. So congrats on winning blackflag and Nick is now in your capable hands :)
Congrats Blackflag :D

Jaqcuie thanks :) yes you´ve right we all glad when our Nicky is single, i would annoy softcake a littlebit :D and the shirtless theme in there oh ya :devil: many goodies from Nicky :D

What a nice thing to find out after spending my morning in Toys R Us. :p This was our last weekend before Christophers birthday so we had to go. Among other things we got him a CSI Fingerprint Examination Kit, and a CSI Handwritting Analysis Kit. The price was right - 2 for the price of 1, who could resist.

Isn't the shrug the cutest thing in that pic? On to the new theme. Forget who started I Spy, :eek: but it's kinda fun so I want George/Nick/any of his other characters with something paper. It can be in his hands, on a desk or floor, or even in someone elses hands just as long as there is something paper in the pic. Limits 12.

Good hunting. Off I go to take something for my loverly headache from the toy store.

Even though I work in retail I try to avoid all malls and stores in November and December. I know not everyone can do it but I try to do all my shopping on the weekdays. Less stress and less people.

blackflag I looked through my record collection and I too have a Barry Manilow record with Mandy on it. Maybe for old times sake I'll give it a spin tomorrow :D. I think it was allmaple that started the I spy idea and here are my first set

it's that time of year and Nick is checking his list
you need this to make paper :lol:
catching up on the lastest office newsletter
Wendy's thinking about it :)
I can't help it Hodges, blackflag wants paper
We talked at cross purposed I guess, Stoky :lol: I'm always here in the eveings. Well...I try. Got some fun at work.

Thanks Jacquie. I'll make myself comfortable. *searches her drool rug* :D

I came here from a hard day of work (creating a buffet for 160 people can be disappointeing and frustrating) but then I see the pics...and everything's fine! Thanks for that!!

Here's my "I'm back and thanks for the encouragement pics" - pic :D
Congratz on winning, blackflag! And nice new theme. I like a challenge :D

Stoky you could never annoy me with posting pics. At least not as long there's Nicky in ;)

Last year I injured my big toe (long story) on Dec. 6th and wasn't allowed to walk around for 3 weeks. I got all my Christmas presents online :lol:

Okay, theme pics. Not as easy as I thought.
That's your letter to Santa, G?
I can't believe you want me to go to Toys R Us on a Saturday
No, I won't show you my shopping list
Let's see what Cassie wants for Christmas
Well, Grissom's list is weird
I'll better get pressies for all the girls in the Ward

I'm totally fangirling right now. One of my favorite bands ever, Take That (a grown up boy band actually :lol:) reunited after ten years. They've just been live on telly *squeee* ;)
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