New RP- open

(ok I'm the new Nick)(and I hope I start in a good place)

Nick walked in after over hearing her say that Greg and Wendy were going out, "well that explains a lot" Nick said wile entering the room and standing next to Sara.

(hope that was good, my first time)

read your pm to late, now i'll start after you :lol:
(Okay NSFan is coming soon ...we'll more then likely just post at night whenever we can....since we both work and stuff for a living, and since she really wanted to do the whole Confession scene we'll go ahead and do that part over again...It shouldnt affect the other peoples scenes though)

Previously on CSI
Sara tells Nick she broke up with Grissom because she's in love with someone else
Nick is upset and talks to Warrick about it basically saying no matter what he does he cant win because Sara is in love with someone else
Warrick slaps him on the head and says "that someone is you You idiot" leaving Nick to ponder things
Meanwhile Sara is staring at Nick
(so starting that scene now)

Sara watches as Nick walks over to her she cant help but smile at him,she wonders if she should listen to Catherine and Gregs advice and just tell Nick how she feels ,she's still smiling when he reaches her
Nick walks over, still rubbing the back of his head from being slapped by 'Rick, he notices Sara's smile and smiles back, "so Sara, your single again hu?" Nick asks wile giving her a look, " lucky guy who's stolen your heart" Nick says very relaxed.
Sara smiles back as she Looks into his big brown eyes "yeah annd quite possibly i've been in love with him since the day I saw him" she somehow sensed that Nick already knew now she was just Playing along
greg heard what nick asked and hangs up the phone "oh we are more than just going out" he puts his arm around wendy "wendy would you like to tell him"
nick smiled and went to he coffee machine(are they in the breakroom?) Nick leaned against the counter, "really? you've loved him since you saw him... could be any of the men here... Super Dave?" Nick asked, he wanted to mess with her.
then he turned to Greg and Wendy, "and you two, how can you be more then going out?" Nick askes wile looking at the cute couple.
(I think they were at a scene but since the other characters have moved away from the scene the break room works for me)
Sara smiles "Oh yeah, we're actually really good friends and He's quite possibly the only guy that gets me" she smirks "all Grissom ever cared about was his bugs and himself" she shudders "honestly I dont know what I was thinking,Maybe Hiding my Real feelings to the "mystery man" she smirks "and no its not Dave but you do know him in fact you know him well"
(it's ok if you play wendy but if you are really busy and yoy need me to play her just ask)

"lets see we live together, we have been hiding it for a year now so after oving in together whats the next step"
Nick smiled, almost relieved, "oh well he's married now any way, and I don't know about your new guy but I hate bugs with a passion, except butterflies and lady bugs" Nick said thinking of the only cute ones, he wanted to see how long Sara would pull off the charade till she told him it was him.
"and I know him, really, well i know almost every one, i guess it ain't Greg..." nick paused and thought some more, just to mess with her.
Sara Looked at him "nope and its not Warrick either I hear he has a thing for Catherine Now that well Tina might not be in the picture anymore" she gazes into his eyes "You do the math" the afformentioned Warrick sees the two and smirks "Hmm you two need a Moment to be alone"
Nick ignores Warrick and staires back at her, he just stares at her he winks at her, "good so that only leaves a couple guys, and I think I've narrowed it down" Nick says wile stepping closer to her he still has his little coy smile on his face.
Sara's heart starts to race as she steps closer to him going in for the Kill "oh yeah Mind letting me in on it" it is Now basically a race to see who will kiss who first
The others watch as Nick and Sara just stair, who will go first?

then nick realized if someone doesn't then the''l get interrupted and it will never happen.

Nick leans in and gives Sara a simple but sweet kiss on her lips.
though he doesnt look it his heart is racing a mile a minute.
Sara puts her Hand on the back of his neck,holding on to him as if she thought if she let go she'd lose him,she kissed him back with all the Passion she had in her,then she finally said the words she'd been wanting to say since she Met him "I love you Nick Stokes,I love you more then life itself and I cant imagine my life without you" she doesnt notice the others are still staring at them
greg looks at wendy and whispers "they stole are thunder" and wendy nudges him with a smile and with a kiss on the cheek, "but i dont think nick knows we're engaged yet wendy simms so they stole are thunder"