New RP- open

She walked out to her Mercedes and opened the door. Her breathing had calmed by then. "Get a grip, Cath," she thought to herself. She drove over near the Tangiers and found Brass waiting on the curb. "Where to?" she asked with a smile.
Wendy was still over joyed to listen to anyone but Greg, he is sipping down his coffee and a thought enters his head and he couldn't swallow so he starts coughing like anything, Wendy starts patting his back "whats wrong", "i just remembered something" he says still coughing, "how are we going to tell are parents" he says to all of them

Nick smiled slightly, "well I don't know about your parents, but my parents are going to flip, my mom has been trying to get me to have more grand children for her for ages, now she'll be happy" Nick said with a smile, he kissed Sara on the cheek, "and then they'll want to bring the whole Stokes Clan, and they'll all be here, and going crazy" Nick said with a smirk.
greg smiled "my parents are going to freak, they just found out that there greggy i mean greg is getting married, i answer the door when they came this morning in my boxers and now im having twins, this is going to be quite the adventure" he said putting his arm around wendy, she smiled "and thats why your doing it", he looked back at nick "and thats why i have to, what huh" he looked over at wendy "we both have to tell them it's are babies", wendy smirked "they haven't even met me yet i cant tell them", greg looked at nick "who do you think should tell them" he asked followed with a sip of coffee
Nick smiled slightly, "well I don't know about your parents, but my parents are going to flip, my mom has been trying to get me to have more grand children for her for ages, now she'll be happy" Nick said with a smile, he kissed Sara on the cheek, "and then they'll want to bring the whole Stokes Clan, and they'll all be here, and going crazy" Nick said with a smirk.
Sara smiled at him "Not to mention us getting Married,you're Parents have been trying to marry us off since they met me when......" she couldnt get herself to finish the sentence but they both knew what she meant ,She Kissed him back lightly "honestly though Your family shouldnt be that suprised and it will be nice for me to have a real family for a change"
greg put his head back and thought "what are we going to do" he asked to himself, "greg we're going to be fine, right" he turned to the other two
Nick sighed softly, "yeah, it will be good, they'll be so happy, I should call them, lets get out of here and I'll call them" Nick said over excited, he pulled his cell phone out.
Sara smiled "do they even know we're together cause if they dont this could come as a huge shock to them and knowing them they'll be on the next flight out here" Sara couldnt help but smile she Knew his parents it would be nice to see them in better circumstances she also wondered what his siblings were like and His nieces and Nephews as well
Nick chuckled, "yeah you think, we got together only like two weeks ago, now were about to get married and were having a baby, yeah they'll be shocked" Nick said with smile, "and oh don't even get me started on how she'll want us to get married on the ranch... it will be overwhelming... but i love it" Nick said with a wink to the group.